
Back To Profile 628 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

monkey Feb-5-11 8.16am
That's just what the saying is. Urban Dictionary - a shitty stick is used to ward off attention from females.
monkey Feb-3-11 2.33am
It makes a change from having to beat them of with a Shitty stick.
Nikki Sep-13-10 6.21am
best. pic. ever.
minnmess Sep-10-10 8.17pm
AbsGinger May-5-10 8.26pm
Miss Piggy is back !
malmaison Mar-16-10 4.23pm
hahahahahaha I like your your profile picture XD
Nikki Oct-12-09 1.24am
Good point. lol!
Nikki Sep-27-09 3.39am
Anne does love moobs.
minnmess Sep-23-09 9.00pm
I know how much you adore a good moob
minnmess Sep-21-09 3.13pm
I debated between this and the other, but in this one, you are patting his moob and I am giving him a check, so I figured that is worth an avatar.
Nikki Sep-10-09 5.20pm
Thanks, Lady. Me too!!
megg_inc Aug-12-09 9.48pm
Still no sign of the candy? :(
minnmess Aug-12-09 4.28pm
Can I smell him first?
minnmess Aug-10-09 6.25pm
Since she is the spitting image of her father, I think it's okay. Completely and utterly unbias you are!
minnmess Jul-13-09 10.32pm
I was reading through old comments on my wall, and there was one you wrote about the Inn Inn Eh, and apparently me and my 'ass grabbing boyfriend' can stay for free. It would be awesome if I could remember who my ass grabbing boyfriend was!
minnmess Jul-1-09 4.33pm
Maybe I should start a line of milk themed tshirts. Milkbags, jugs...all that jazz.
minnmess Jul-1-09 12.52pm
Was this an ad for boobs? That seems both odd, and like something you would manage to find.
goosey_84 Jun-18-09 3.44pm
Gah!! Every day this week when i arrive at the gym and go to change in the locker room there is a blasted nickelback song playing!! the SAME nickelback song in fact! it's a conspiracy
lindsey22295 May-30-09 7.32am
Thank you very much for the kind words in the Bruin thread. It is much appreciated and I am going to pass everyones condolences onto Todd.
warrior74 Apr-27-09 3.50am
thanks for the add.
Ana_Smith Apr-23-09 9.49pm
Yay! You were right about the CLAT, haha. Thanks for your words :)
hennypenny Apr-21-09 8.00am
Why are you posing with my boyfriend?
ricv64 Apr-21-09 4.23am
we are equal in travis shows , wtf ?
goosey_84 Apr-21-09 1.00am
!! i freakin' love your haircut in the group pic anne! fab! :D
deebee Apr-20-09 5.31pm
......and good times were had by all :-D I still want to see the kareoke vid, LOL!
Darran Apr-19-09 11.06pm
Hands off indeed!
minnmess Apr-16-09 8.03pm
hands off, Freakymom!
hennypenny Apr-16-09 6.03pm
Yes, we will frolic in the streets of Chicago!
ricv64 Apr-16-09 4.05pm
maybe i should make you my tech support . what day you cut out ?
ricv64 Apr-16-09 3.31pm
weird i tried to use that one for berkeley and it would let me snagg it .
ricv64 Apr-15-09 5.47pm
OK I won't stop beliving
ricv64 Apr-15-09 4.27am
so no retort on that journey quiz ?
megg_inc Apr-12-09 2.50pm
awww, Party of Five!
ricv64 Apr-12-09 2.14pm
uh-oh , i was forced to watch that show
ricv64 Apr-12-09 12.08am
holly wood is in LA , you know where I stand on that , chea !
ricv64 Apr-11-09 8.11pm
hated bradies for sure but never saw that movie
ricv64 Apr-11-09 3.14pm
no idea what that is
Turtleneck Apr-10-09 3.45pm
I think perhaps you and I should switch avatars.
ricv64 Apr-10-09 3.07pm
So for tomorrow it going to be 6 flags ?
heyjude Apr-10-09 6.18am
Travis put on a great shww and oh, I chatted it up with Ric at the show and got updated on the ongoings here on the forum. But he didn't stick around either, left before I did. FAIL.
ricv64 Apr-9-09 8.47pm
no, never , i was a hippie then and didn't watch tv
Turtleneck Apr-9-09 2.57pm
Eight is enough to fill our lives with Loooooooove!
ricv64 Apr-9-09 2.21pm
heyjude Apr-9-09 8.27am
OMG blast from the past avatar! View Master was awesome. I had reels of Super Friends. LOL. Have loads of fun in Chicago! Me at recent show = FAIL :-(
Nikki Apr-9-09 2.25am
Ah, very nice kitty avatar. :)
ricv64 Apr-7-09 3.49am
so for ten it'll be bo derek ?
ricv64 Apr-3-09 3.09am
ha ha the American artifact movie opens on 20 jun in SF
Nikki Apr-3-09 12.28am
Love it!
Turtleneck Apr-2-09 6.30pm
Yes, I saw that on American Idol yesterday. I forgot to mention that! Nice picture, Ms. Warhol.
Turtleneck Apr-2-09 3.17pm
Have you seen the trailer for the new show Glee? They're singing Don't Stop Believing. That song follows me everywhere.
Nikki Apr-2-09 1.05am
Thank you, Lady. Meoowwwwww.
ricv64 Mar-31-09 2.22pm
HA I have a Paris hilton T shirt , it says let them eat cupcakes
hennypenny Mar-28-09 3.08am
Countdown to Chicago! 21 days!
ricv64 Mar-27-09 10.40pm
we're having a drought . i doubt i'll see rain till christmas
Nikki Mar-27-09 7.06pm
Wooooooooot!!! 21 days!!!!!!!!
ricv64 Mar-27-09 1.39pm
Hail storm ? it rain in the summer or what ?
Turtleneck Mar-26-09 8.39pm
I woke up to that song AGAIN this morning. I swear, you must own that station. You need to tell me what verse I'm singing and what we're singing together. I want to practice a little.
Turtleneck Mar-26-09 5.48pm
Ooooh, the countdown is on. That makes me want to sing..."THE FINAL COUNTDOOOOOWN!"
Nikki Mar-26-09 12.23pm
ricv64 Mar-19-09 11.31pm
hennypenny Mar-19-09 4.08am
He is my own personal brand of heroin:P
hennypenny Mar-19-09 4.03am
I'm in the Twilight dvd release zone.
hennypenny Mar-18-09 6.15am
I'm baaack!
Turtleneck Mar-17-09 4.53pm
ricv64 Mar-13-09 10.42pm
ricv64 Mar-4-09 11.23pm
you photograph well . Can you belive even though I was on jury duty I got a card telling me I never showed up ?
hennypenny Mar-2-09 10.37pm
I finished Midnight Sun last night. I loved it! I hope she finishes it too *goes off and dreams of Edward*
hennypenny Mar-1-09 5.28am
Ahh..Leo. I used to have his posters on my wall when I was in junior high. Brings back memories.
Typing to Reach You Feb-28-09 9.54am
I've seen the first two episodes of the new series. Would I have seen the Claire-wig or is it still to come? Sounds pretty terrible. :/ Wasn't sure about how the series started but I enjoyed episode 2 more.
hennypenny Feb-27-09 10.52pm
Who are the other 2 besides Ewan? By the way I just started reading Midnight Sun. Its really good.
hennypenny Feb-26-09 11.03pm
Ewan might be jealous but theres enough of me for both of them:P That sounds kinda skanky, lol!
hennypenny Feb-26-09 8.04am
I'm sorry. I love him:P
cornax Feb-25-09 1.16am
I saw this t-shirt and thought of you.
hennypenny Feb-16-09 10.48pm
I have a pic that shows the 6 faces of Jim Halpert but its to small to really see it well.
xokikixo Feb-16-09 4.25pm
i live about a half an hour away! and u?!
xokikixo Feb-16-09 2.57pm
awesome ur going to the chicago show too!
ricv64 Feb-14-09 1.11am
you here limp bizcuit is back ?
lindsey22295 Feb-12-09 7.39am
Yay way to bring back the convo hearts for vday.
Nikki Feb-12-09 1.07am
Awww! I fotgot about the candy hearts! Yours is the best. lol.
SamuraiSandy Feb-11-09 8.59pm
Lol! I seem to surprise many people with my height. Everyone thinks I'm tall when they see my pictures, and then they see me in person, and it's like, "oh."
hennypenny Feb-11-09 1.27am
sorry my computer is being a bastard today:(
hennypenny Feb-11-09 1.25am
Ok here is a pic of me. I always look like a demonic clown when I try to smile. By the way what airport are you flying into O'Hare or Midway?
hennypenny Feb-11-09 1.25am
Ok here is a pic of me. I always look like a demonic clown when I try to smile. By the way what airport are you flying into O'Hare or Midway?
hennypenny Feb-11-09 1.23am
Ok here is a pic of me. I always look like a demonic clown when I try to smile. By the way what airport are you flying into O'Hare or Midway?
hennypenny Feb-5-09 6.03am
Thanks! Now I just have to worry about getting there, lol.
Nikki Feb-2-09 1.51am
You should own this t-shirt. It's Anne in a nutshell:
lindsey22295 Feb-2-09 1.49am
Oh, the 22295 is just a slightly random number (it was my student ID number in junior high school)that I add to sign in things a lot since lindsey is almost always taken. Obviously it was not taken here, but it was just a habit to add. Haha-not at all interesting.
TheBoyWithAName Jan-30-09 11.39am
Oooh soap bubbles!! Can I come over and play? Please please aunt Anne!!! Just kidding, have a lovely weekend with your family =) Cheers!
TheBoyWithAName Jan-28-09 10.16pm
Haha I really like to blow soap bubbles, I think I must have like 10 pictures of me doing that :P Long time no talk to you Anne, how are you doing over there? :)
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Jan-27-09 9.10pm
Lol! Ok!... But deep inside you know I'm right ;o)
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Jan-27-09 2.37pm
I'm not sexy at all, lol! I'm going to change my profile pic when I get home, this one's too deceiving :oP.
Chiito-chan Jan-26-09 6.52pm
Yesterday, I finished Twilight. Now I'm going to read New Moon. So happy.
Chiito-chan Jan-24-09 4.25pm
Oh Anne! I didn't know you like Twilight! I do and I agree with the last post of Lindsay.
hennypenny Jan-20-09 2.05am
The scene when Edward first walks into the cafeteria makes my palms sweaty. In a good way, lol.
ricv64 Jan-19-09 3.59pm
Hey the other night I was riding in my kids car and he played nickleback . I fuckin keyed it , no mercy ! Last day I can say , I blame BUSH !
hennypenny Jan-19-09 4.03am
Twilight dvd out March 21:)
AbsGinger Jan-18-09 3.15pm
Hey you !
hennypenny Jan-15-09 11.09pm
I was teasing Lindsey because I spell my name Lindsay. I did finish Breaking Dawn so i'm interested to know what the problem would be with making the last movie.
Wolfy Jan-13-09 8.50pm
The guy with long hair, purple curtain background, a dog on his shirt??? The Video still of the last video (huh?!).
Darran Jan-13-09 10.52am
I'll stay if you sing Stickleback songs with me at the ABC.
ricv64 Jan-13-09 5.14am
what;s so funny about audrinas car ? notice the beads and bell hanging ?
Darran Jan-12-09 2.43pm
It's both actually. One sooner than the other mind you.
goosey_84 Jan-9-09 5.53am
*gasp*!!! WILLIEEE! I freakin' adore alf!
ricv64 Jan-7-09 3.31pm
alf wants to eat cats , how can you ????????????
Chiito-chan Jan-7-09 3.02pm
Sweet Alf! My mom hates him.
minnmess Jan-7-09 12.01am
ALF! Do not eat your cats!
Darran Jan-6-09 10.50pm
His nuts tasted so nice.
Turtleneck Jan-6-09 3.11pm
I've actually considered buying it!
hennypenny Jan-5-09 11.46pm
I think the power of Ewan can unite us;)
hennypenny Jan-1-09 4.43am
Teen Wolf, sweet!
Rammsfer Dec-31-08 9.33pm
Happy New Year :)! My bests wishes for you =P
Chiito-chan Dec-31-08 6.57pm
Happy New Year Anne! Have a wonderful day and dream with Ewan!
Chiito-chan Dec-30-08 5.16pm
It's a good excuse to go to London. Yeah, I have a lot of boyfriends. It looks like everyone is talking about your hair but all I can say about it is that you need a new haircut.
Aletways Dec-30-08 4.20am
Merry belated christmas! I hope you have an amazing 2009! ^^
Nikki Dec-29-08 7.06pm
Your reply to Swede Boy about your new look just made me LOL really loudly. HAHA!!
Peewee Dec-29-08 6.05pm
Hunka Hunka Lovin!!!!!! :p
Turtleneck Dec-29-08 5.54pm
You're so pretty.
TheBoyWithAName Dec-29-08 12.33pm
Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you need a haircut or something...
ricv64 Dec-29-08 4.04am
how'd you get my high school pic ?
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-29-08 3.51am
^^ I think she's showing her new eyeliner.
minnmess Dec-29-08 1.17am
Looking good, Anne. Did you do something different with your hair?
TheBoyWithAName Dec-28-08 11.41am
No I celebrated christmas at a hotel so the curtains are not mine ;)
Chiito-chan Dec-28-08 11.26am
Oh! You saw him live!! Lucky you. I hope one day he comes to BCN so I can see him. Hey, yesterday I was thinking and I remembered that I have Noel Gallagher too, but I don't know if I have to share him with Kristy.
TheBoyWithAName Dec-27-08 5.08pm
Swede Boy sees everything ;) Well I'm not that angry =) hehe
Chiito-chan Dec-27-08 12.46pm
Never seen that movie. I saw Moulin Rouge in 2006 and I fell in love with him. Yeah, Johnny is cute. I can share him with his girlfriend/wife.
Chiito-chan Dec-26-08 8.36pm
I hope he can. Well, I have Johnny Depp too. Wait noooo!! Please!!
Chiito-chan Dec-26-08 10.50am
Thanks! Hope you had a great day. Now let's talk about Ewan: I don't want to fight for him so, can we share him? I love him since I was 12.
Nikki Dec-26-08 5.43am
Word! Hope we do too!
ricv64 Dec-26-08 3.27am
ps , merry christmas
ricv64 Dec-26-08 3.26am
I'd put money up my handwritting is worse then yours
megg_inc Dec-24-08 11.17pm
Merry Christmas, Anne!
minnmess Dec-24-08 10.24pm
Merry Christmas to the dirtiest bird i know!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-24-08 8.54pm
Feliz Navidad to you and your family, Anne! :o)
Chiito-chan Dec-24-08 7.50pm
Merry merry Christmas Anne!
Turtleneck Dec-24-08 4.49pm
Merry Christmas, Anne! I know you'll be a busy mommmy today, but I hope you have time to relax a minute or two.
Nikki Dec-24-08 4.36pm
Merry Christmas Anniqua Ladypants!!! :) LUV U!
Typing to Reach You Dec-23-08 7.58pm
Heya. The facebook chat thingy goes weird with me sometimes - were you wanting me for anything in particular? Hope ya have a good christmas!
TheBoyWithAName Dec-22-08 11.38am
Have a brilliant and weird christmas friendy =)
ricv64 Dec-18-08 3.19am
One movie per year is my ideal , Don't have the equipment either .
minnmess Dec-17-08 7.24pm
thanks. I made it to the top 10 of a national contest in the spring of 07, but alas, I did not win. *shakes fist at voting public and judges.* too bad I wasnt on the board at the time or I could have made everyone vote for me!
ricv64 Dec-17-08 3.06pm
it snows in TRAVIS county ?
Hanne Dec-16-08 1.17pm
Thanks very much :o) It was a real hat-to-hat meeting.
minnmess Dec-15-08 6.21pm
look at Moray coming to your boob protecting rescue! Such a gentleman he is.
Moray Dec-15-08 1.00pm
Anne, re: Kristy's comments below. If you're worried, I'll protect your boobs.
Nikki Dec-15-08 4.06am
Yes she did!
Nikki Dec-11-08 8.53pm
awwwwwwwwwwwww. love the pop-up! Thanks, Anniqua. I <3 my scarf. I'll let you wear it at the ABC. :O)
minnmess Dec-11-08 8.16pm
nono, not a hockeytard! Just hilarious. And look at all that you are learning: dirty hockey words, how ones boobs are protected during a game...
minnmess Dec-11-08 8.02pm
nice pop up. It is very true, im sure
ricv64 Dec-11-08 3.03pm
ok , time to move on , that pic bothers me
Darran Dec-10-08 8.48pm
What about 2 + 10 for miscounduct?
Darran Dec-10-08 5.35pm
That and if they want me to spend 2 mins in the box.
Darran Dec-10-08 3.04pm
Such filth!
ricv64 Dec-7-08 7.16pm
hey you check todays twang sunday ? i found a special one for you
ricv64 Dec-5-08 9.49pm
we run like 10 fans all at once . WOW , thats cool get a hair cut and a shake at Frans. I'm told the shakes RAWK !
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-5-08 9.38pm
I know, the other one doesn't look pink enough! :oP
I love your avatar, btw! Chad Thingy looks so conviced :oP
ricv64 Dec-5-08 7.23pm
nickleback so totaly rawks or I better buy a ventalater cause these ink fumes are killing my brain
minnmess Dec-5-08 6.19pm
Everytime you have that pic it freaks me out because I think someone has a Nickelcrap avatar!
minnmess Dec-5-08 3.44pm
I expect nothing less than dirty from you, and that is why I heart you. Arent I one hot hippo?
minnmess Dec-5-08 2.38pm
Hippo feels violated! But a good violated. he he
th74 Dec-2-08 4.36pm
Great pic! How are you? I have not been in Travisland for some time, so thought I should say hi!
ricv64 Dec-2-08 4.14am
a friend of mine live's near FRANS
ricv64 Dec-1-08 4.47pm
just sold a poster to austin , Villa Park near you ?
ricv64 Dec-1-08 4.34pm
go to FRANS yet ?
Moray Nov-25-08 12.53pm
Santa run is on Sunday, this coming weekend. I'll definitely take photos. I'll see if i can sneak a video of Paul running, when he isn't looking too.
ricv64 Nov-25-08 1.21am
what about the cookie monster ?
Turtleneck Nov-24-08 2.24pm
AbsGinger Nov-23-08 4.06pm
Very cute photo. Merci. Abs
Peewee Nov-21-08 5.08pm
Awww you are too too too cute for me! Sorry I wanna marry Kermit instead...that ok? lol
Turtleneck Nov-21-08 3.55pm
Anne, I had that EXACT same Kermit! He had Velcro on his feet and hands, right?
lainee Nov-18-08 12.33am
It's a cheese snack! He likes to eat anything from popcorn to mandarins. True!
minnmess Nov-17-08 7.02pm
I was going to yell at him, but resisted the urge. I figured it wasnt worth it.
lainee Nov-17-08 5.06am
Thank you! He is even cuter now that he is an adult cat! Sorry I just read your comment now, I'm still new here :-)
Darran Nov-16-08 5.39pm
If that dude played hockey he would snap like a twig after the first hit he took.
minnmess Nov-16-08 2.25am
BTW, how did the gig go today?
minnmess Nov-15-08 11.44pm
Not a hockey player! Shocker. eh? Sondre Lerche. He is a musician. I went to his show last night. All the pics are on facebook. and yes..HAWT
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Nov-15-08 7.20pm
OMG, Anne!!! I was coming down the stairs, looked at our entrance door and a small brown package was lying there!!! IT'S HERE!!!! I can't believe it, I've been shaking since I found it haha. Thanks for the lovely letter, too!! I'm way too excited, and nervous and about to listen to it for the first time, alone in my room in my stereo, the way I wanted it to be. I can't thank you enough!!!!!!
I haven't even opened it yet haha. I just look at it!! THANK YOUUUUUU, HERO OF MINE!!! :oD
minnmess Nov-14-08 2.44am
you should be pleased. That was beyond words.
minnmess Nov-14-08 1.33am
OH ANNE!!!! You kill me.
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Nov-14-08 12.20am
Don't worry ;o)
ricv64 Nov-13-08 5.05pm
why won't Palin shut up ?
ricv64 Nov-13-08 2.57am
wacky ?
minnmess Nov-13-08 1.07am
Well, I am getting my haircut tomorrow! I will think about it. Ryan is Eww, writing that felt wrong.
minnmess Nov-12-08 6.59pm
Anne, Im not sure ths is the kind of advise you should be giving me! Although I guess it worked for you!
Aletways Nov-12-08 12.42am
Thank you so much for buying Juli Ode To J. Smith!!!! I have to thank you, since I'll be enjoying it myself as well =o) . So THANK YOUUU!!!! (Btw, you English speaking people should have a verb like we have "regalar" in Spanish, haha!)
ricv64 Nov-11-08 11.06pm
two seperate shippments , USPS , overnight em , should cost you like 150
ricv64 Nov-11-08 8.19pm
thanks , where's my Frans burger and shake ? This nation owes me that at least !
minnmess Nov-11-08 8.18pm
Bull firmly ungrabbed.
minnmess Nov-11-08 2.59pm
My hero (other than you)...Pierre Trudeau. Former Canadian PM. Ryan should be jealous. I hugged, kissed, and danced with the statue.
minnmess Nov-11-08 4.39am
Is your yard full of people that want your milkshake? Think of all the checks you could get!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Nov-10-08 7.46pm
Haha, yes! I couldn't leave out the comment about you being my hero! :oP
ricv64 Nov-10-08 1.57am
Hippie !
Nikki Nov-9-08 6.39am
Did you fill Megg in? LOL! "BBB...starts with trust." >.<
minnmess Nov-9-08 3.58am
Exactly! And it will be good practice for you, for when you have to explain it to your kids. When they are 50.
minnmess Nov-9-08 1.35am
I told her that it should come from a mom. You know, sensitive topic, lol.
minnmess Nov-8-08 11.48pm
Hope the shower went well! Megg wants to know the meaning of BBB. Care to share with her?
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Nov-8-08 6.33pm
LMAO!!! You, Kristy and Nikki crack me up!!! xDDD
Great avatar!!!
minnmess Nov-8-08 2.51pm
hahaha, look at everyone asking!
mili Nov-8-08 2.32pm
Now you got me curious, I get the two Bs, but the third?
ricv64 Nov-8-08 2.13pm
you also ? WTF
mili Nov-8-08 8.25am
What's with all these BBBs?
Nikki Nov-7-08 9.07pm
Like Ric says, I'm a hostile hippie, lol!
mili Nov-7-08 6.47am
Beckham's ball survived yet another cleaning day! Thanks for the add, Anne! I somehow though we friends already
minnmess Nov-7-08 3.59am
That muppet can rock! Neil better watch out.
goosey_84 Nov-6-08 10.29pm
hola anne...yeah i've been adjusting to my work routine...6:30am-3:30pm! umm after 5mos of being unemployed yeah that wasn't easy! :P i have access from work so i should be around more.
Turtleneck Nov-6-08 9.25pm
That's so kind of you. You just ooze kindness, Anne. (Passes you a towel.) I've started making my future appointments before I leave the office/salon/dentist whatever.
Nikki Nov-6-08 4.42pm
Yes. lol.
minnmess Nov-6-08 3.26pm
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Nov-6-08 2.47am
Anne, mil gracias! What do you want your statue in my quincho to look like? :oP
ricv64 Nov-5-08 11.03pm
I saw your avatar as a bumper sticker today
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Nov-5-08 3.26pm
Wekk is a new word, btw.
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Nov-5-08 3.26pm
Wekk, it's true! :oP
Thank you, Anne! Nikki told me she sent you my address yesterday haha.
ricv64 Nov-5-08 3.07pm
oh , Travis county went blue , thats calls for a Travis convention in Austin comment
ricv64 Nov-5-08 1.32pm
so Texas went red , must be tough living in a island , oh wait technically Cailf is the same
Turtleneck Nov-4-08 8.44pm
Thanks. It's no vomiting McCain, but it's kinda cute. ;o)
minnmess Nov-4-08 3.25pm
the people of seemed to be under the impression that people would like to PREORDER the new Nickleback album.
ricv64 Nov-4-08 2.07pm
you'll be imortale
ricv64 Nov-3-08 8.21pm
ah , the dress print idea is back on the drawing board . too good a idea to throw away
minnmess Nov-3-08 1.12pm
i was going to make some lewd Ewan/syrup reference but it is too early for that. yes. a la moosehead
minnmess Nov-2-08 6.34pm
im eating maple syrup. It is fake and sugar free, but I thought you should know none the less.
BenFilbert Nov-2-08 2.22pm
Haha. Hope I don't regret sharing such personal information... :)
Typing to Reach You Oct-31-08 11.40pm
Yes Claes is my hero. I cry myself to sleep every night because they don't make Claes posters. :(
Monica Oct-31-08 6.43pm
Love your avatar *lol*
ricv64 Oct-31-08 3.10pm
I don't know i'm dumb as a rock and frazzled from the last 72 hrs of breathing ink fumes , i'm still covered with the stuff .nice pic you posted in the halowwen thread
ricv64 Oct-30-08 9.47pm
of coarse I know who he is , i've read one Harry potter book in my life ,but Republican ?
ricv64 Oct-30-08 3.03pm
What the hella , gotta key your car now
minnmess Oct-28-08 2.10pm
hahaha HAPPY HALLOWEEN: Anne with a jeri curl! haha. Sorry, Travis avatar, on facebook. Not facebook avatar on facebook. the internet causes so many problems!
minnmess Oct-28-08 3.17am
your avatar pic. the puking jack-o-lanterns. sorry about the facebook leaving opening Anne and Jerkface Darran
Darran Oct-27-08 9.35pm
Yes Kristy you really should you numpty. I'll reveal all what a number three is whilst singing my song from Moulin Rouge on video.
minnmess Oct-27-08 9.32pm
sorry, i should stop leaving facebook open at home while i am work. is that your pic?
minnmess Oct-27-08 6.45pm
ive replied to your comment to me about Darran on Darran's page. Hope Leo the blow up doll is doing well.
Nikki Oct-27-08 4.47pm
I know. I suck. :( Sorry! I just couldn't keep up with Facebook.
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-26-08 9.58pm
ok,will do,soon,i think that it's been up long enough:-)
ricv64 Oct-26-08 2.57am
tecate and moosehead is a bad mix
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-21-08 8.18pm
Thank you! now i can show off!:-p
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-21-08 4.10pm
i have met them twice,briefly because of long lines of young girls behind me who's screams drowned out my questions:-p i've seen them 8 times,maybe more,every time they've been in los angeles,haven't missed a show here,just don't know how to list them,maybe you can help me out with that? what about you?have you met the boys?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-20-08 10.57pm
hi weirdmom,so that's what it takes to get you to post me a comment huh?:-p lol,i just really like this picture and i wanted evryone to see it without actually creating a thread about it. i love how happy and mischievous fran looks flanked by two very attractive young ladies. it is the most,dare i say,"suggestive" pic of fran that i have ever seen,i just couldn't resist.:-) how are you by the way?
minnmess Oct-20-08 5.05am
Oh, i am definitely in the mix! Don't you worry your pretty little face!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Oct-19-08 9.41am
For some strange reason I missed your (and Ben's) last comment on my profile page! It's so funny about the socks! I'll see if I can find something worthy :o)
minnmess Oct-18-08 3.31am
i was flipping through a magazine whilst waiting for my flight, and what did i see? But our bf Ewan starring back at me. He looks HOT in cologne ads. I ignored his wedding ring
minnmess Oct-17-08 11.15pm
you can have his for the weekend if you like. I think im too busy. but dont wear him out!
minnmess Oct-17-08 9.03pm
are you speaking to me yet?
minnmess Oct-17-08 3.40pm
that may have been the single greatest dream in the history of dreams!
BenFilbert Oct-15-08 6.17pm
lol I know. Hehe. I love the picture by the way!!! :)
Turtleneck Oct-15-08 5.12pm
So, spicy ground beef. Ok. I don't really think of that as being a Michigan thing. I still think it's venison in disguise! I wonder if they thought you were a prank caller.
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Oct-15-08 4.17pm
It makes me laugh every time I see it too. I love it haha. You did answer my question, but I'm intrigued about the "silly socks" part! Hahaha.
As for me, it'd be cool if it was something I couldn't get here, but I'm sure I'll like anything you send me :o)
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Oct-15-08 6.34am
Hey Anne, I'm thinking of what I could send you. What sort of present do you prefer? Something you can use, something decorative, a specific thing from my country... Please let me know if you have any requests :o)

Btw, now that I saw your profile pic in a bigger size I realized what it is, and it's hilarious! Lol! I thought those were just pumpkins.
Turtleneck Oct-14-08 6.41pm
Did you find out what Michigan-style beef is?
MariaMak Oct-14-08 5.09pm
laughing my ass off at your picture!! Hilarious :-D
Nikki Oct-14-08 3.36am
Anne! I miss you!!! I saw you replied to a message in T-chat, so I was just wondering if you're back home yet. Hope you had a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear all about it!! :)
Turtleneck Oct-10-08 12.08am
minnmess Oct-9-08 2.53pm
Have fun in Vermont this weekend! If you venture up to my homeland, be sure to snag lots of Canadianish money!
Erial Oct-9-08 2.30pm
Hey Anne! Thanks so much for the add, ehee. Will you be there in the Travis Chat tonight?
Lizzie b Oct-9-08 12.43pm
thanx for the add! P to the S i LOVE ur pucking pumpkin!
SamuraiSandy Oct-8-08 4.57pm
lol! Yes, that is--the bigger one. I still haven't learned my lesson, have I?
Turtleneck Oct-7-08 9.05pm
The Inn Inn Eh IS haunted...look at that double post. I want to wear a tiara with my complimentary breakfast.
Peewee Oct-7-08 1.22pm
LOL the results of crazy conversations in here!!!
Hanne Oct-6-08 9.02pm
Hey, sorry, only saw your comment today. The sign was in a mall in Marmaris, Turkey. It was so funny I just had to take a picture!
Turtleneck Oct-6-08 6.02pm
Hey, you didn't tell me the Inn Inn Eh was haunted! I am going to require complimentary breakfasts in this case.
Turtleneck Oct-6-08 6.02pm
Hey, you didn't tell me the Inn Inn Eh was haunted! I am going to require complimentary breakfasts in this case.
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Oct-6-08 5.32pm
Thanks! The Inn Inn Eh looks great too!
gingy Oct-6-08 3.21pm
Anne? Hey, you found me!!! Cheers!
Peewee Oct-5-08 10.02pm
Ok I am lost! What's this about an Inn Inn Eh?!?1 lol Nice it haunted? Do babysitters get weird phonecalls at night there? Reminds me of that kind of house. lol
minnmess Oct-5-08 3.35pm
I hadnt looked at your profile in a while, and in little avatar form i thought it was like..your dream house or something. Then i came here and got the Inn Inn Eh pop up! Thanks for the free stay offer. Me and my 47 year old bf might take you up on that offer :S
ricv64 Oct-5-08 2.53pm
well the viva viagras are done , the next one is mccains wife , viva vicoden , how many should i put you down for ?
minnmess Oct-5-08 1.04am
OMG! is that the Inn Inn Eh? Do i get a free stay for having come up with the concept?
ricv64 Oct-4-08 3.45pm
i'm not rich yet , W T F ?
Turtleneck Oct-2-08 9.23pm
Thanks a lot, eh? Such hospitality at the Inn Inn Eh?
Turtleneck Oct-2-08 4.03pm
That seems very reasonable, eh? We'll stay two nights, then, eh?
Turtleneck Oct-2-08 12.45am
I'd like to reserve a room for my anniversary, eh?
ricv64 Oct-1-08 8.48pm
uh you leave me no choice , i know where neal schon lives , i'm gonna key his car
ricv64 Oct-1-08 3.54pm
still not rich yet , sell sell sell
th74 Oct-1-08 2.04am
I'm good, thanks. You know, I am a gopher...I went to the University of MN. I'm a Golden Gopher, lol.
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Sep-29-08 4.51pm
Lol! Thanks! I agree. It looks better in a smaller size. The lower part of the eye doesn't look good. I think that's what bothers me haha. I may try to arrange that sometime soon :oP
That chipmunk's a classic. We're all staring at you :oP
MariaMak Sep-29-08 2.17pm
muwhahaha lookintomyeye!! Check out my page :-D
th74 Sep-29-08 1.58am
The eyeball pics are weirding me out, too! How are you? Is that a gopher?
Nikki Sep-28-08 5.58am
Hope you're havin' a good weekend. I love your interpretation of dramatic eye close up week. Sent u a PM. :)
TK23 Sep-28-08 5.08am
Hahaha! I like them!
Turtleneck Sep-26-08 7.53pm
It's been a long time since I've thought about liquid mousse.
TK23 Sep-25-08 10.48pm
Nothing like a good Jheri curl : P
Meridith Sep-25-08 6.31pm
Sweet hair Anne!
ricv64 Sep-25-08 3.18pm
i will key the tour bus , it'll hurt me more then it'll hurt them
ricv64 Sep-24-08 10.51pm
FRAN too , wholy shit ! but it must be justice is justice
megg_inc Sep-24-08 9.37pm
LMAO!!! And I felt bad because I like McFly?! Jaysus! If Dougie likes Fall Out Boy, please kill me.
ricv64 Sep-24-08 4.03am
megg said i'm suppose to key morays car , know why ?
minnmess Sep-23-08 9.37pm
he isnt nice in return, so they will never love him back.
minnmess Sep-23-08 6.52pm
I insulted his 2nd favourite band, and he has been very quiet ever since! I think he is hiding in a hole somewhere.
minnmess Sep-23-08 1.12pm
i think it goes down as my favourite comment ever. Even if it is really creepy.
MariaMak Sep-23-08 1.02pm
Nope didn't find it. Had to take a phone picture of the printed picture lol. At least i have proof!! The one of dougie is terrible, its so small. :-( I lost my best video too - flowers in the window.. such a good zoom and all. *tear*
ashleyb Sep-23-08 3.46am
Harry Potter and cats? Yes please to the former, but I would only have bad stories about cats. In fact, why don't I share? I once had a pet cat, the most tempermental cat of them all, who liked to frequently attack me - unprovoked, I might add.
minnmess Sep-23-08 3.37am
did you call Darran a hippo? mwa ha ha! Justice!
MariaMak Sep-22-08 11.15pm
Nice hair do hehe. I deleted your comment *tear* but thanks for telling me how to do a pop up. Thank you for the kinda words. I know its gna take time for it to sink in. So im just keeping my mind off it for now.
ricv64 Sep-22-08 10.36pm
funny i printed something for a Black Panther the other day
Turtleneck Sep-22-08 10.16pm
Nice 'fro.
SamuraiSandy Sep-22-08 9.47pm
Luckily, they didn't have to re-set it after all! It was broken, but the specialist said it should heal on its own. Hurts only a tiny bit once in a while, but otherwise, I think it's fine! Thanks for asking!
MariaMak Sep-20-08 2.32am
How on earth do you get that hair box to come up? I keep thinking my internet is about to crash lol Your job sounds very professional! I would hate to work in law, the world would be in trouble if i was doing your job lol. My job is fine, will miss it when it ends in oct but hopefully ill go back again in april when it starts up. Check out the Flat Travis thread left you a youtube suggestion to look up. Its about where i work. Just couldn't post a direct link, incase the bosses are snooping. Thats cool you're a singer. Do you do anything professionally? No more from the radio station yet, would be nice to hear from them, but i hate getting my hopes up :-(
Peewee Sep-19-08 12.25pm
Heroes!!! wooohoooo You lucky people :)
Peewee Sep-17-08 10.05pm
That picture always cracks me up but you look slightly deformed :-/ LOL
nickynooboo Sep-17-08 8.34pm
Hey Wierd Mom, Thanks for adding me as your friend. Hope you are over Hurricane Ike and all your family are safe. Whenever I read your posts on the message board they crack me up!!!!!! x
MariaMak Sep-16-08 1.00pm
Hey thanks for the add. :D Well, my title is an entertainer in a medieval castle. I welcome guests to the castle, give them a drink, tell them the history of the castle and sing, then serve them food and some more speeches then a half an hour of singing before they all leave. Its a real tourist job. There are normally 8 other girls doing this at the same time. Its a lovely job. what do you work as?
Nikki Sep-15-08 6.13pm
Why thank you. :)
ricv64 Sep-13-08 5.10am
They're no US news and report thats for sure but been awhile since i've been able to read newsweek or time . maybe it's me
ricv64 Sep-13-08 3.03am
nah the article was fine but i think newsweek is right leaning
ricv64 Sep-12-08 10.59pm
that link blew and harshed my mellow
minnmess Sep-12-08 6.16pm
hahaha, ya isnt it the creepiest/funniest thing you have read in a while? I was at work when i read it and almost peed my pants. And also, i would much rather be a hippo than a troll!
ricv64 Sep-11-08 8.11pm
it's a historic day after all
ricv64 Sep-10-08 4.42pm
McCrazy and Palin are bugging the heck outta me
not-the-same Sep-9-08 10.07am
Haha, I wouldn't say you're old ;) I'm glad you liked it there, I hope I can move there when I finish university :)
SamuraiSandy Sep-9-08 3.53am
Anne, your picture is SOO distracting!! I can barely read what you post because I can only focus on your pic! Lol...Love it!!
not-the-same Sep-8-08 9.23pm
Great! I love Kรถln, it's one of my favourite German cities :) How long have you been there?
Moray Sep-8-08 4.51pm
did you get it yet?!
Turtleneck Sep-5-08 9.06pm
My daughter received a marriage proposal yesterday, second day of school. She told the boy she was too young to get married, but they could still be friends. First grade was so much simpler. :-P
ricv64 Sep-5-08 3.49pm
nice hat , that normal for austin ?
th74 Sep-5-08 3.09am
Wow. That is hard to compete with.
Nikki Sep-3-08 12.38am
megg_inc Sep-2-08 9.22pm
Works for me!
carlottarocks Sep-2-08 8.17pm
I horrify myself when I hear the songs and find I know all the words ;) Only about 6 weeks until I get to see those guys :)
ricv64 Sep-2-08 8.10pm
see she taunted you , sorry it must be done, no youthful indrscrtions here !
megg_inc Sep-2-08 6.35pm
Be my guest! I don't even have a car :P.
Meridith Sep-2-08 6.20pm
You are rawkin that hair do Anne! I'm a bit jealous.
ricv64 Sep-2-08 2.42pm
megg & nickleback ? WTF someone must key her car , sorry but thats the rules !
megg_inc Aug-30-08 5.00pm
Confession: I found a Nickelback CD (illegal copy tho) in my own room few days ago! Hmmm, I think there is a slight possibility I bought it when I was 13. LOL.
cornax Aug-29-08 4.24pm
Do you know what I just realized? Lifehouse and Nickelback are two separate bands. I think I had them entwined as one awful band in my mind but I just heard a Lifehouse song on the radio and realized that there are two bands that aim to make me run screaming across the kitchen to change the station.
gladsadmad Aug-29-08 3.37pm
Do you like the news in your inbox?
ricv64 Aug-27-08 4.26pm
you shoulda logged in as a guest and said yer all woman
ricv64 Aug-27-08 3.31am
you got trashed by a chicken shit guest , i won't post it on the poster nerd site
ricv64 Aug-26-08 1.47pm
i'll be called a lowlife but i'll do it. I can post it on a poster site, they'll go apeshit on that one
Lemon Grinner Aug-25-08 8.23pm
Yeah it is. I wanna steal that scooter! :D
megg_inc Aug-25-08 7.33pm
Christmas? Already?
ricv64 Aug-25-08 4.35am
hey tfc has a babe of the day thread, you should log in as a guest and post yer pics
minnmess Aug-21-08 10.10pm
that one is the best bc it is World Juniors so they are all 16-20ish and therefore are really excited and sing like fools!
minnmess Aug-21-08 5.22pm
Here is a little example of the bad Canadian singing i was talking about (starts at about the 2:45 mark)
Typing to Reach You Aug-20-08 4.25pm
I think pointing has become my speciality. :P
ricv64 Aug-19-08 4.55pm
You know their names ?
goosey_84 Aug-19-08 5.12am
hey vote...honestly weighing out the pros/cons...should i ask jason if he wants to get coffee before he leaves? or should the cd be enough?
ElspethOllie Aug-18-08 6.39pm
You better tell these people who showed you that LOLcatz avatar!
ricv64 Aug-18-08 3.41pm
I watched 2 mins of the Hills , am I suppose to care about these people ?
cornax Aug-18-08 4.03am
I am LOVIN that avatar....yowza!
hennypenny Aug-17-08 10.03pm
sweet avatar:)
ricv64 Aug-17-08 3.06pm
i told them , this is utter tard music , they said I know.
ricv64 Aug-17-08 5.23am
i was at a friends house and he put on nickelback , i walked out
th74 Aug-17-08 4.34am
I don't know what I'm going to do with swimming done now! How are you?
goosey_84 Aug-16-08 8.46pm
haha i'm with nikkie...lolz indeed! :P
RaZzZ Aug-16-08 8.30am
Fucking Phelps, is extremely amazing xD
Nikki Aug-16-08 7.29am
LOLZ @ UR Avatar! :D
Moray Aug-16-08 6.49am
michael phelps lolcatz. I <3 your sense of humour Anne!
ricv64 Aug-16-08 4.17am
we need to get stickers made , " sorry I keyed your car but you were playin nickelback so we're even "
gaby Aug-16-08 2.39am
thanks to the olympic gods for that profile pic!! ;)
Moray Aug-15-08 11.47pm
haha! i still have to get to the post office Anne! Everything i rady. I was on a date tonight. It went well!
ricv64 Aug-15-08 9.31pm
i don't want to be a officer but if you need windows broken , rocks thrown , count me in
ricv64 Aug-15-08 4.17pm
President of the Society to Educate the World on the Utter Turdness of Nickelback Music ? can I join ?
th74 Aug-11-08 6.01pm
Did you watch the men's swim team last night? I was freaking out!
Nikki Aug-9-08 4.54am
Just to let ya know....he's safe. *phew*
th74 Aug-7-08 5.16pm
I heart swimming, too. I am an Olypmics junkie, so I'll be watching whatever is on. I'm even having a kick off gathering where people bring food from a different county. I have Belarus.
goosey_84 Aug-5-08 9.22pm
ahh...i think this is better! haha
ricv64 Aug-5-08 9.16pm
shouldn't there be a FRANS burgers logo ? Hey I hear their malteds RAWK , like uber rawk
goosey_84 Aug-5-08 8.59pm
ha! i was just wondering the same thing! working on it now...
Nikki Aug-5-08 4.42pm
Oh, by the way, I loooove Olympic swimming!
Nikki Aug-5-08 4.32pm
It's at the park near my house and yes you may borrow it. :)
Nikki Aug-5-08 4.32pm
It's at the park near my house and yes you may borrow it. :)
moominbadger Aug-5-08 1.22pm
funnily enough, no!! I think I should start one. Team Cupcake!!
lindsey22295 Aug-5-08 6.34am
Love the new profile picture. I remember you mentioning in a post that you were a swimmer. Me too. I can't wait for the olympics to start!
deebee Aug-4-08 7.33pm
Hey Anne Happy friendship day!! Thanks for the add. Debbie x
Nikki Aug-2-08 4.51am
LOL! Niiiiice.
Turtleneck Aug-1-08 6.19pm
It's wet and it's dry! My my my my! You crack me up!
ricv64 Jul-30-08 3.28am
moved up from waffles eh ?
moominbadger Jul-29-08 7.04pm
haha, love the profile pic!! And your occupation, is it well-paid?!!
Nikki Jul-28-08 9.58pm
Where are u today, Mommy?!
th74 Jul-24-08 8.04pm
I laugh whenever I see your pic.
Monica Jul-24-08 6.45pm
LOL Love your pic, haha.
ricv64 Jul-24-08 3.00pm
sorry , want a mccain poster to make up for it ?
megg_inc Jul-24-08 12.28pm
Anne, your pic is too funny! I heart you ;D
ricv64 Jul-23-08 11.10pm
that steve perry ?
minnmess Jul-23-08 10.00pm
it was so small on the board that i couldnt see that Nickleback man was mocking himself. I was scared for a minute
Nikki Jul-23-08 6.24pm
LMAO! Nice avatar!
hennypenny Jul-23-08 6.20pm
That avatar is hilarious!
Moray Jul-23-08 5.37pm
lolzer at the avatar! where did you get that?!
ricv64 Jul-21-08 5.21pm
you gotta have a baby buggy though , thats the best part . actually the vote for austin poster is getting better , nice drop shadows were added
ricv64 Jul-20-08 1.37pm
what do ya think , put on your kids dress , borrow your daughters sunglasses' , maybe a goofy wig , get a baby buggy and pose for a picture in front of FRANs burgers ?
Meridith Jul-20-08 6.59am
Thanks for the well wishes for my mom!
Moray Jul-20-08 3.50am
I love your kids birthday shopping. They're so awesome!
SamuraiSandy Jul-18-08 11.56pm
Vavavavooom is right! ;) Hope you're having a wonderful birthday! Lovely flowers from your hubby!
hennypenny Jul-18-08 10.28pm
Happy Birthday, Anne!
Meridith Jul-18-08 3.56pm
A very Happy Birthday to you!
Monica Jul-18-08 11.45am
Happy birthday! :)
ricv64 Jul-17-08 10.39pm
I do get the Texas and Puerto Rico flag mixed up sometimes though
ricv64 Jul-17-08 10.34pm
OK Juli's done with her part , i'm gonnna hand cut some psychedelic radating waves and the Texas flag . sound grroooovy ?
minnmess Jul-15-08 9.19pm
you are the 2nd person to think that. But alas, Minner is just a nickname, and Minn is the short form of that!
lilly Jul-11-08 10.50pm
aaaaw, love the "give me candy" popup thing!
Edel Jul-9-08 1.29pm
Im late with this one but happy belated anniversary:0)
minnmess Jul-8-08 1.20pm
no worries. thanks for the suggestion!
minnmess Jul-8-08 4.13am
if you dont mind me asking, how much was it to have your vinyl shipped to the US?
Turtleneck Jul-7-08 11.24pm
Another job for which I am unqualified. I keep trying to find some way I can make money from home!
Turtleneck Jul-7-08 6.30pm
Nose picker. Is that a paying job? If so, are you paid by the day or by the amount?
minnmess Jul-4-08 3.46pm
hahaha, why thank you. That took a lot of practice! (and perhaps a few drinks that night). But mostly practice!
Peewee Jun-27-08 2.34pm
Your biccies are on there way hon! Make sure you have the milk or cups of tea ready for dunking! lmao ENJOY!!!!!! :o)
Nikki Jun-25-08 11.30pm
What a lil doll! :)
hennypenny Jun-25-08 7.42pm
cute pic:)
BenFilbert Jun-23-08 2.10am
I don't miss the old board at all. This is so much better. :) It floats to the top now and it didn't before. And it's split in 2 which is great for me obviously. Haha.
heyjude Jun-22-08 3.26am
LOL! Thanks for the advice. So glad my Travis family is supportive. What would I do without y'all? I'll start up the music conversion project again :-D
heyjude Jun-21-08 7.47am
Yep! Jude's dude is the real deal. This photo was taken in our younger years. How do you feel about Hall & Oates? Chicago? He likes Journey and old school hiphop, rap. What's a girl to do? Please advise!
Aletways Jun-21-08 5.33am
Lol! Well that wasn't my intention, hehe. What happened was just that while I was trying to pull my cheek to the right, my nose decided to follow the impulse and twisted too(?). Pfff, I'm sure that that didn't make any sense =o) .
BenFilbert Jun-21-08 3.44am
I sense a large amount of sarcasm. I hope you have fun in there, I really do. I just don't. Sorry.
ricv64 Jun-20-08 4.14am
heyjude Jun-19-08 10.43pm
I was just mum about it ;-) I mean, he's a great guy and all, but not a Travis fan (boo). And I've not been successful at converting him to my music :-( Which is why I was able to go on a virtual date with you! You know we'll always share that wonderful moment. LOL!
heyjude Jun-19-08 9.25pm
I wish! LOL! Hawt guy in my avatar is an actor, another one of my long-time celebrity crushes. My real-life man is also Asian, but not an actor ;-) How are you these days?
weirdmom Jun-19-08 6.25pm
Apparently so!
weirdmom Jun-19-08 6.24pm
Can you post a comment on your own profile?
Typing to Reach You Jun-17-08 12.30pm
It is indeed Claire from Heroes. ^_^ Next to my cool Star Wars poster. I guess I like my sci-fi. :P
Nikki Jun-17-08 6.02am
Hope Aidan is feeling better. How are u?
Typing to Reach You Jun-16-08 11.21pm
tee hee. Nah I'm pointing at the ghost over your shoulder. Sure, it'll disappear when you look around, but its there. You can't prove it's not. ;D
paul_c Jun-15-08 12.58am
Hey mommy. Thanks for buying my EP! I haven't had a chance to post it out yet, but i will be able to next week. Sorry for the delay! :S How are you anyways? : ) x
ricv64 Jun-13-08 3.23pm
you guys going to the saltlick this weekend ?
Moray Jun-12-08 8.14am
Lol, glasses on the eel would be genius!!!! How are you anyway?
hennypenny Jun-11-08 8.21pm
Thanks for the info!
Moray Jun-11-08 7.38pm
The similarity between me and the eel is all in the eyes.....
hennypenny Jun-10-08 10.08pm
You're so lucky. I have the "Long Way Around" dvd, so I'll have to get the new one. I have some really cool Trainspotting posters that I got at a store in seattle. They sell alot of autographed stuff and rare posters.
moo_the_evil_boffin Jun-10-08 7.46am
Lol I know, tiger cubs are just so cute! I've been waiting to see them for ages! They were so playful and they kept pouncing on their mother lol. How are you?
hennypenny Jun-7-08 10.17pm
Probably Moulin Rouge and he's very cute in Little Voice, but its hard to pick. P.S. I have an uncle who lives in Austin.
hennypenny Jun-6-08 10.10pm
I wanted to know what your favorite Ewan movie is?
BenFilbert Jun-6-08 7.36pm
Thanks for the friend request. :) Yeah, don't visit the general chat section much. Have posted in there a bit more recently. Used to think it was the moaners area. Well, there are plenty of miserable people in there but there's some lovely people too. :) I'll join in a bit more shall I? See you around! :)
hennypenny Jun-5-08 10.01pm
Yeah, I guess I'm a little old for Ron. Oh well!
ricv64 Jun-5-08 12.46am
hennypenny Jun-4-08 8.29pm
I'm so jealous you got to see Ewan in Guys and Dolls. You can have Harry Potter because I have a crush on Ron.
hennypenny Jun-3-08 10.16pm
P.S. thanks for accepting!
hennypenny Jun-3-08 10.14pm
thats interesting because I thought Ewan was my boyfriend. Maybe we can share, every other day
ricv64 May-31-08 6.13pm
Turtleneck May-25-08 2.11am
megg_inc May-23-08 10.26pm
Moray May-19-08 8.12pm
Try this one on for size!
Nikki May-18-08 6.11am
Anne rules.
Moray May-18-08 2.56am
Click on my facebook profile. Then click on 'pictures of MOray' tab. Then click the 'photos added by others' tab. It should be th first one on there. If you cant see it, i'll download it and email it to you tomorrow! I've had too much to drink again tonight to work a PC. How are you?
ricv64 May-17-08 2.59pm is nothing sacred ?
Moray May-17-08 3.42am
Anne, I think I broked'd my big toe. Check my facebook for pictors of the bears. I've spent ten minutes trying to work out how to post a link, but I have like no idea how to do it.
monkey May-15-08 5.33pm
i'm sorry to read that about your cat, i agree with heyjude Justice for Buster!!!!!
heyjude May-14-08 11.02pm
Justice for Buster! We support you!
goosey_84 May-14-08 10.29pm
lol i like your pop up ad anne!
pixiedixie May-14-08 3.15pm
Thanks for the comment about my profile pic, Anne:) Again.. so sorry for what happened to Buster... Big hug for you and your family...
nats May-13-08 7.46pm
Big hugs to you and your lovely family.
Nikki May-13-08 3.06pm
I'm sending a big *HUG* to my Annita! Feel better.
ricv64 May-13-08 4.12am
Ewan McGregor when he was little
ricv64 May-12-08 11.49pm
ricv64 May-11-08 4.12am
oops ?
ricv64 May-10-08 3.42pm
what show ? hope it's not tila tequila
ricv64 May-8-08 11.16pm
we so worried
megg_inc May-8-08 9.24pm
Sweet! I believe there are plenty of people who don't have a crush on me though :(
megg_inc May-8-08 3.49pm
LOL! So who has a crush on me? I'm confused, hahaha ;)
Moray May-7-08 3.15pm
I got my hair cut at lunchtime. The hairdresser said my beard really suits me.
th74 May-6-08 7.45pm
I attract crazies, too. We could start a club.
Moray May-6-08 4.40pm
I'm keeping it till the weekend. Will get photos while I'm away and post next week. It's not a very good beard. I just look homeless and like it'll fall off any minute
ricv64 May-5-08 8.12pm
actually I dig the catheads , they're goonna do a reunion with Camper van Behtoven , however it's spelled
Moray May-5-08 1.21pm
Rig experience ends this avo. Just away to check in. Not much to tell, except I have grown a quite outstanding beard in the two weeks I've been here.
megg_inc May-3-08 1.14pm
Your boyfriend acting silly:
Moray May-3-08 12.34pm
So whats going on in my interweb mum's life then? Long time no speaky.
AbsolutPurple May-1-08 6.05pm
Where's my bloody Viagra ?
megg_inc Apr-29-08 10.04pm
I wonder if you have seen 'Cassandra's Dream' with your boyfriend in it? I really liked it, 2 hours with Ewan, Colin and their awesome accents- mmmm-ness!
Nikki Apr-29-08 5.48am
Anne gets my vote for "Post Of The Month" !!
ricv64 Apr-29-08 3.59am
i've never had a non toaster waffle , am I missing out ?
ricv64 Apr-27-08 11.10pm
oh noZ special !, wait how long you been a wafflemaker ?
ricv64 Apr-25-08 11.32pm
I spell baZd ?
th74 Apr-25-08 7.22pm
Try and have fun camping! I'm not a Happy Camper, either. I need lots of beer to make it bearable.
Nikki Apr-25-08 4.25am
Will you make me some Waffles?
ricv64 Apr-23-08 7.39pm
yeah but.................
ricv64 Apr-23-08 4.10pm
word on the streets of san francisco is ewan will make another apperence in juli visits frisco but.......
Turtleneck Apr-20-08 5.49pm
Best Compliment Award goes to Weirdmom for: "Glad you aren't, er, retarded."
pixiedixie Apr-20-08 11.17am
Thanks for the friendly request, Weirdmommy! Lots of kisses from Spain!! :)
pixiedixie Apr-20-08 11.17am
Thanks for the friendly request, Weirdmommy! Lots of kisses from Spain!! :)
megg_inc Apr-19-08 8.14pm
Hey there! How are you? Hope you haven't forgotten about our scrabble game? :)
Moray Apr-19-08 3.32am
It wasn't a deliberate stevie wonder mocking dance. It just turned out that way. I think we end up looking more like those metallic click clacking balls you get on some executives desk in an office?
SamuraiSandy Apr-18-08 4.10am
Hey Anne!! just wanted to say hello...been lurking a lot lately, yikes!
Nikki Apr-16-08 1.53am
I miss you!
ricv64 Apr-7-08 10.02pm
i can't sleep when camping either , ain't no fun
ricv64 Apr-7-08 1.48pm
you survive camping ?
ricv64 Apr-5-08 3.30pm
see , Ale came up with neatoest !
goosey_84 Apr-4-08 11.10pm
:( i know. i'm trying to shake it off. it's just been a rough week at work. you message twt about fixing your username?? i'd like to remove _84 if they're taking requests!! :D let me know...and have a safe camping trip!
ricv64 Apr-4-08 10.18pm
Neato Misquito totaly RAWKS , i'll say it in conversation . The person who said neato was a East Coast transplant
ricv64 Apr-4-08 12.59am
they were saying something is cool , ie neato !
ricv64 Apr-4-08 12.59am
they were saying something is cool , ie neato !
ricv64 Apr-2-08 2.02am
hey i heard someone say neato today
ricv64 Mar-30-08 11.39pm
dear weird Mommy , you know i never endorse the use of any nickleback in real life. Nah your case was cool , you maintained dignity , glad you won
megg_inc Mar-30-08 10.54pm
Go Anne go!!
th74 Mar-30-08 9.51pm
I just watched the show on YouTube. You look great! Go you!!
AbsolutPurple Mar-30-08 9.10pm
Weirdmom for President !
SamuraiSandy Mar-30-08 7.06pm
man! I didn't realize until now that your screen name is weirdmom...sans "inaustin" when did that happen? where have I been?
jeeny_eire Mar-30-08 3.56pm
hi! thanks for the add! cool page!
AbsolutPurple Mar-29-08 4.38pm
Hawt Woman
lost-angel Mar-29-08 7.37am
Hi, newbie joining in...
Nikki Mar-27-08 11.16pm
I would like to collect my sexy reward now please. Thank you.
ashleyb Mar-27-08 8.17pm
Hello celebrity!
carlottarocks Mar-26-08 7.53pm
Looking forward to your television debut :) It comes on at 11am here and I am home all day that day, so I may be one of the first to catch it. I'll be sure to report back asap afterwards.
FranFlower Mar-26-08 3.41pm
Lol, yeah I'm def still in love! Met up with him for the first time in 2 weeks yesterday (easter holiday and all that).. I've had time to think during alot those weeks, and boy have I spent a fair share of energy deciding what I want, lol! But the moment I saw him again I was lost :-) Only thing I'm kinda worried about is that he's 6 yrs older than me.. I know it's not thaaat much, it's just that I'm not used to dating guys way older ;-) Btw, love your profile pic :-P Who's in it?
th74 Mar-26-08 2.20pm
Oh, but I didn't have to buy it since it's already there! In my Ultimate Workout Motivator Playlist.
th74 Mar-26-08 2.31am
After reading your posts about Journey I now have Don't Stop Believing in my head. I'm going to my iTunes now.
FranFlower Mar-25-08 11.46pm
Hi there! Thanks for adding me to your friends :-) How're things with you?
megg_inc Mar-25-08 4.47pm
Haha, sure thing!
Peewee Mar-24-08 9.21pm
Ha ha ohhhhh tough call, will have to check my diary! lmao What age is your little one???
Peewee Mar-22-08 11.03am
Ok so here it is! I do a weekly rhymetime in my library and for this special event one of us had to dress up as the Bookstart Bear. Bookstart is a way of encouraging young kids to read. So I was the Bookstart Bear! It was on the hottest day of the yr too so I was SWELTERED under it all, and it weighed a ton! LOL I have more pics of me dancing and doing actions!!! LOL
goosey_84 Mar-19-08 8.42pm
lol at your celtic thunder post! haha
ashleyb Mar-19-08 7.28pm
I hope my shoes will be powerful enough
sorry angel Mar-18-08 6.10am
Thanks for your comment Mum, hope life is gentle your side.
ParkAvePirate Mar-17-08 1.45pm
Thanks for the friending request. (Looking at icon picture) My, my, two make a lovely couple :)
ricv64 Mar-15-08 4.18pm
unless the guy is a complete tool , as in your previous pic , neato would be no problem the way I see it .
ricv64 Mar-15-08 2.38am
Neato is cool , what the heck
cornax Mar-14-08 9.35pm
A-ha! My anti-Nickelback radar must be working since I've missed reading those comments. *shudders* I won tickets to a private radio showcase in a small venue in Annapolis. They played about 5 or 6 songs to a crowd of maybe 150 people. We waited around afterwards and Andy gave Sumner a pick. We asked Fran for one but he had thrown his into the crowd at the end so he was checking all his pockets and trying to go backstage to look before I stopped him. Bless him!
cornax Mar-14-08 11.35am
It was new to me. The general theme was about wanting to be a rock star, all song in that faux gravelly voice that makes my skin crawl. And the mention of wanting a big bathroom comes up more than once which surely violates some sort of songwriting credo. Songs should be like the Brady toilets allowed!
Aletways Mar-14-08 2.35am
Oooh, I'll keep that in mind! I'll try not to use it, otherwise my uncoolness will be exposed =oP .
Aletways Mar-13-08 8.16pm
Haha, thank you! So "neato" is a synonymous for cool? Good to know! Btw, your pop-up comment about my sister is very sweet ^^.
cornax Mar-13-08 7.46pm
I just heard the second worst new song (as opposed to 'We Built This City which is an old song) on the radio. I couldn't believe what crap it was. And, would you believe, when it ended the DJ said, "That's Nickelback..." Of course it is.
Turtleneck Mar-13-08 5.14pm
All that wild dancing keeps me trim. Detente! Piensa! Disfruta este momento!
ricv64 Mar-13-08 1.47pm
you look taller these days
Nikki Mar-13-08 2.20am
Oh my God!!!! LOL!!!! I love it! >.<
AbsolutPurple Mar-12-08 8.08pm
No wonder you kept all the Viagra!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Mar-12-08 8.07pm
Lol! Thanks for that compliment in your pop-up!
It was about time you had a pic with your boyfriend :oP
Turtleneck Mar-12-08 8.06pm
megg_inc Mar-12-08 8.01pm
Haha, glad your boyfriend made it to your avatar!
ricv64 Mar-7-08 9.07pm
OK updated the Austin thread with 4 count em 4 top SF bands playing SXSW
Peewee Mar-4-08 5.11pm
Haaaaaaaa @ your pic! God he look like a Peter Andre lookalike!!! I cringe when I see pic like that! lmao How you doin mama???
ricv64 Mar-4-08 4.59pm
RAWKKKKKKKKKK ! da Vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
feri Mar-4-08 6.36am
HAHA that pic is classic! In Canada we call guys like him 'Ginos'
ricv64 Mar-2-08 3.48am
you must be deleting those
ricv64 Mar-1-08 2.38pm
so I'm guessing people are trashing your myspace with Nickleback ? if so thats pretty RUDE !
heyjude Feb-28-08 9.48pm
I believe Chuck Woolery will foot the bill for our next date, but it seems you're not available. Dunno why there's no TX stop on this on this tour :-(
goosey_84 Feb-28-08 9.05pm
lol oh snap! no megg di-int! hahaha
ElspethOllie Feb-28-08 5.15pm
You're old. No no... I know the commerical. I'm posing on the Exorcist Steps in this photo.
megg_inc Feb-28-08 4.36pm
Sorry! Wanted to post a comment and it was on the radio. Couldn't help myself!
Turtleneck Feb-28-08 3.54pm
That's my little Violet. I saw a guy who looks just like the one in your avatar yesterday. He was wearing a winter coat, open, with either no shirt or open shirt. It was 20ยบ out. Chains glistening. Nice look to wear to your kid's school.
megg_inc Feb-28-08 1.00pm
Oh I know what can you bribe me with! I want a new tour bus full of old guitars My own star on Hollywood Boulevard Somewhere between Cher and James Dean is fine for me. 'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstaaaaars. *evil laugh*
goosey_84 Feb-27-08 10.39pm
lmao! did ric really ask that?! hahaha he is such a hater!! hahaha
megg_inc Feb-27-08 10.36pm
Oh, nice try! Lemme think about it then...
megg_inc Feb-27-08 9.54pm
Haha, Anne, there's not enough money in the world! I just thought it's some kind of the 'it' thing- first that Kevo guy wants me to pose with Goosey, now you... LOL
megg_inc Feb-27-08 9.34pm
What exactly in my profile suggests that I want to pose for a pic with anyone? lol
Nikki Feb-27-08 8.37pm
LMAO @ your "FAIL!" pic!
megg_inc Feb-27-08 7.40pm
It's not sad. It's hilarious.
megg_inc Feb-27-08 6.08pm
Oi. A failure indeed! lol
ricv64 Feb-27-08 4.31am
don't worry you guys will make the sequel at least
lindsey22295 Feb-25-08 7.40pm
Love the photo! Just bought tickets to go see them and I cannot wait.
yulen10 Feb-24-08 9.51pm
I love Moulin Rouge. :)
Nikki Feb-24-08 2.28pm
Awwwwwwwwww! Great pic!
heyjude Feb-24-08 8.09am
Ah, that nice photo of you and Glen...
ricv64 Feb-23-08 4.57pm
no San Miguel Buster gets blown up in the movie
monkey Feb-22-08 2.52am
the song was on the radio when i was on the TMB so i figured i'd share some of the pain ;)
ashleyb Feb-20-08 9.32pm
It does seem as though you have monopolized my comment-posting area. dear, dear....
ashleyb Feb-20-08 2.53pm
It's settled then. Oh dear, is monkey causing problems? Trying to instigate something?
monkey Feb-19-08 10.29pm
I'm gonna trade this life For fortune and fame I'd even cut my hair And change my name 'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars ;)
ashleyb Feb-19-08 3.03am
I suppose truth is an inherent part of contradictions, and will thus cede the point that I am interesting by my sheer boringness.
moominbadger Feb-18-08 7.27pm
Ah ok, a kind of baked alaska thing but on toast. Hmmm...appetizing!!
ashleyb Feb-17-08 6.19pm
Well, I don't believe I ever made claims to normalcy- that would be far too strong of a word. Boring, yes, but normal.... I nevertheless appreciate your effort to logically bring me into the world of the wacky :) Oh, and my shoes say hi. The are looking less orange than usual. I believe the dirt is finally getting to them. Poor dears.
Turtleneck Feb-15-08 2.33pm
Hope you feel better soon! I know it's hard to be sick when you're the Mommy.
carlottarocks Feb-14-08 11.18pm
Small world, sorta ;) Yea, that was my fave show EVER! Because of my screaming like a HUUUUGE drunk jackass in the front row, they did Last Laugh... for me. So yea, an awesome show and bbq, hard to beat that ;)
ricv64 Feb-14-08 11.09pm
shhooot , hope you feel better .
Esteban Feb-14-08 2.26pm
Hey! Yeah, the hat was funny as. Glad you enjoyed the ramble, I've got more photo's here but can only show one at a time! =(
Nikki Feb-13-08 3.56am
That's me!
Monica Feb-11-08 4.26pm
Hey Mrs. President, your kid is really cute!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Feb-11-08 1.51am
That pic is just lovely. Your kid is the cutest thing ever! :o)
ricv64 Feb-11-08 12.57am
neon J ? that some honky tonk ?
Nikki Feb-11-08 12.22am
Yummy cake!
Turtleneck Feb-11-08 12.10am
Mmmmm, chocolate! Cute picture!
heyjude Feb-11-08 12.10am
hawtie mom! your little one has "got milk" look in the pic. too cute! :-D
megg_inc Feb-11-08 12.05am
Now THAT'S a cute pic! I love your hair!
megg_inc Feb-10-08 11.33pm
Thank you and yes, he probably is!
heyjude Feb-10-08 10.40am
I am kitty hear me roar! Say hello to your kitties for me :-)
Hanne Feb-8-08 7.20am
Hey Anne, love the avatar! And it's kind of a relief to know that you're not doing anything with Matt Damon. :oP
Sanne (nl) Feb-7-08 2.35pm
Hi Anne, Just wanted to drop you a line. Been really busy lately so not much time left for "surfin'". Hope you are allright!!
Nikki Feb-6-08 12.50am
Yes! We need to talk! I had a horrible headache today and went home early from work or else I would have got a hold of you. Tomorrow! :)
Nikki Feb-5-08 3.42am
Is that a young Anne in that Statue of Liberty pic?
Nikki Feb-5-08 3.34am
How about up against the mini-bar?
ElspethOllie Feb-4-08 8.12pm
what was that for?
megg_inc Feb-3-08 1.12pm
I love your new pop-up! You're not? Even on a bed, on a floor, on a towel by the door, in a tub, in a car? No? LOL
megg_inc Feb-1-08 10.16pm
I think you are all too nice, people!! But I can't say I don't like it, haha :)
ricv64 Jan-28-08 11.42pm
alright i can get behind that statement in yer candy heart
lindsey22295 Jan-28-08 6.05pm
Hah! Love the candy heart.
heysupernova Jan-24-08 11.48pm
hahahaha are you president indeed? congrats, i'll come visit sometime soon :) aye, fran loves us very much, chile is such a beautiful country, you know (yeah, sure xD)
Monica Jan-23-08 7.19pm
Who's the handsome creature of your picture? *LOL*
cornax Jan-18-08 4.29pm
Only one other song in the history of music has affected me the way 'Photograph' does. It's Starship's 'We Built This City'. Who thought it was OK to write the lyrics "knee deep in the hoopla"?
gers333 Jan-17-08 6.14pm
Hi new friend!!thanks 4 the add :]
Nikki Jan-5-08 3.22am
Goosey, Lauren and I have prepared your script for the show. You're all set ;) Go check it out and let us know what you think! Muahahahaa!
megg_inc Jan-1-08 6.44pm
Happy New Year!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Jan-1-08 4.23am
Happy new year Anne! :o)
heyjude Jan-1-08 2.06am
Happy New Year!
ricv64 Dec-31-07 4.52pm
brian johnson is who ? the singer in AC/DC ? Happy New years !
Nikki Dec-29-07 5.53am
I know! That's weird! It's ok...I like to pretend I was in Sydney, lol. Come chat with Lauren and I if you're still around!
nats Dec-28-07 8.19pm
have a great 2008 !!!
goosey_84 Dec-28-07 3.32am
aw thanks anne! you're awesome! how was your christmas?
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-25-07 5.25am
Merry Christmas Anne! Greetings from Argentina! :o)
Meridith Dec-24-07 11.13pm
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that you all stay healthy!
ricv64 Dec-24-07 10.42pm
what Megg said but you know in a West Coast voice
megg_inc Dec-24-07 7.52pm
Merry Christmas!
Turtleneck Dec-24-07 6.59pm
Merry Christmas! Enjoy the kiddie moments.
moominbadger Dec-24-07 5.23pm
Have a very merry Christmas and a fab New Year!
Nikki Dec-24-07 5.40am
Anne, have a wonderful Christmas! :)
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-12-07 3.31am
Thanks for the request :o).
Moray Dec-4-07 1.04pm
And a hello to my other new friend! Weirdo!!
Moray Dec-4-07 1.04pm
And a hello to my other new friend! Weirdo!!
Eledh Dec-3-07 6.12am
Thanks for the request! *_*
AbsolutPurple Nov-30-07 1.52am
Piggy is back !!!!! *happy Absy*
AbsolutPurple Nov-24-07 12.17am
I need my Piggy fix !
monkey Nov-11-07 2.28am
my viagra is yet to arrive
Hanne Nov-6-07 9.16am
I just love your current avatar :o) The Animal is just cool beyond words.
monkey Oct-15-07 2.46am
good luck with the gig!
AbsolutPurple Oct-14-07 7.46pm
I want Peggie la cochonne back ! Merci.
Nikki Oct-12-07 3.57am
Really?!!? I hate toolbags too!!! And Asshats!
nats Oct-12-07 3.57am
cool pop-up!!!!! :D
lindsey22295 Oct-12-07 3.56am
Damn I posted twice. And it is supposed to say Monkey obviously. We need edit buttons on the comments.
lindsey22295 Oct-12-07 3.55am
Mokney strikes again!
lindsey22295 Oct-12-07 3.54am
Mokney strikes again!
SamuraiSandy Oct-9-07 9.07pm
lol! i saw your previous comment (a while ago) and decided to look thru my pictures, and man, do i have a lot of me laughing! haha...thanks!
Nikki Oct-8-07 10.57pm
Love the picture of you and Sandy!!
AbsolutPurple Oct-8-07 6.38pm
Cool picks of cool chicks !
ElspethOllie Oct-3-07 6.09am
That was from my 18th. Me and my two best friends tried to tackle a Vermonster... you really need more then 5 people for that thing.
goosey_84 Oct-2-07 12.02am
absolutely! just trying to liven the board up! haha "in case of boredom drink this!" ;P
Nikki Sep-27-07 2.51am
The board is deeeeeaad right now. :(
Lucile Sep-24-07 9.35am
Nice occupation you have there! ;-)
Nikki Sep-24-07 4.08am
Yesss! ANIMAL!
moominbadger Sep-21-07 9.35pm
Love your pic!!
Yulia Nox Sep-21-07 3.11pm
haha nice pic! ;D
monkey Sep-15-07 7.37pm
1000+ comments, go you! :)
ashleyb Sep-5-07 8.56pm
Thanks very much for the add :)
DAKOTA Aug-30-07 4.08am
Did this thing eat my comment? Pffft! I wonder where it went!
DAKOTA Aug-30-07 4.07am
Did this thing eat my comment? Pffft! I wonder where it went!
Meridith Aug-22-07 8.43pm
Thanks for the add! :)
Nikki Aug-15-07 1.22am
Just wanted to stop in and say hello :O)
monkey Aug-14-07 2.41am
"someone of the same mind" & bad habits ;)
monkey Aug-12-07 3.11am
hey new friend! ;)
Lucile Aug-6-07 9.49pm
Hello new friend :) Thanks for the add :)
Tianyan Jul-31-07 4.54pm
NERDS are the epitome of COOL!
happy_me Jul-18-07 11.44pm
Happy Birthday!!!
Monica Jul-18-07 2.27pm
Happy birthday!
Monica Jul-5-07 5.32pm
Haha, what a coincidence!
Tracey982 Jul-2-07 6.57pm
"Xanadu...Xanaduuuuuuu..." I love that movie. x