
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sun 05 Oct, 2008 11:12 PM Quote
I love when lullabies have gongs. When my kids were babies, the gong lullabies were always the ones that just sent them into practical comas!
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 108
alexandria_z Posted Sun 05 Oct, 2008 11:25 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
I love that it sounds like a sweet lullaby...
or like when you open a music box and the little ballerina spins around.
but with a gong!

Ha exactly what I thought the first time!
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 05 Oct, 2008 11:51 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
I love when lullabies have gongs. When my kids were babies, the gong lullabies were always the ones that just sent them into practical comas!

you can play it every night at the Inn Inn Eh.
It will send your guests off to sleep with happy thoughts and restful minds.
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 96
winatel Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 1:38 AM Quote
I totally agree with you.
When I listened to Before You Were Young first time,
I was blown away too.
Fran's beautiful voice with the beautiful melody, It was enough to make me get a chill. But that drum sounds and gong sounds on the peak.....
Wow. I don't know how to describe it. It was AMAZING.
I played the song all day long that day. Literally.

Thank you SO for BYWY, Travis!
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 2:43 AM Quote
Nikki, I couldn't agree with you more! This song is so incredibly powerful, and I love it as the last song of the album. From Fran's voice to Claes's piano, to Neil's awesome drumming...this song really resonates with me. I love it.
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 229
MoreThanMe Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 9:25 AM Quote
Again, more praise. Love it too.

My only criticism would be that its too short if you ask me. I realise the album was designed to be concise and to the point, but im being selfish with this one!

I say bring out a B-Side of a BYWY Reprise at least 11 mins long.
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 1190
frandougeil Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 10:46 AM Quote
Ur right Nikki!That is an awesome track make me wanna go kill myself for still not getting the album!!(p/s:im waiting two more days to reward myself with the album as a bday gift to myself=D )

And with all these positive feedbacks i couldn't withstand giving the tracks a listen too=) liked ALL the other tracks too but i shall say BYWY blew my socks off!!its a superb track that stands in the leagues of their other awesome classic tracks!

Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 19
winnielok Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 11:06 AM Quote
Nikki wrote:
I've been holding out to hear the songs on Ode because I want to hear the album in its entirety, but I just couldn't resist listening to "Before You Were Young" any longer, especially with all of the positive talk about it on the board. So, I caved in last night and listened to it for the first time.

I was completely blown away. It literally gave me chills! I've gotta say that it has instantly become one of my favorite Travis songs. All I can say is WOW...thank you so much Travis for such a beautiful, powerful song. It's perfect. The bit when Fran sings "I love you, I love you, I love you ooo...*DRUMS*"... :O It's emotional! This is why I freakin' love this band.

Before You Were Young is a fantastic song. I'm so touched my Fran's singing^^
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 12:29 PM Quote
frandougeil wrote:
Ur right Nikki!That is an awesome track make me wanna go kill myself for still not getting the album!!(p/s:im waiting two more days to reward myself with the album as a bday gift to myself=D )

And with all these positive feedbacks i couldn't withstand giving the tracks a listen too=) liked ALL the other tracks too but i shall say BYWY blew my socks off!!its a superb track that stands in the leagues of their other awesome classic tracks!

Oh yes! That's right...we have the same birthday! It'll be the best gift ever. :)
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 356
silvella Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 12:54 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:

I was completely blown away. It literally gave me chills! I've gotta say that it has instantly become one of my favorite Travis songs. All I can say is WOW...thank you so much Travis for such a beautiful, powerful song. It's perfect. The bit when Fran sings "I love you, I love you, I love you ooo...*DRUMS*"... :O It's emotional! This is why I freakin' love this band.

Nikki, that's... what can I say... do you know my minds??? Every single time I've heard and hear it, it feels like the PERFECT song for me!

And I always ask myself: Is this a lovesong for Clay? When you look at the words, for me it sounds like the things you think about what you did BEFORE you've got a child.

- you can sit in the morning sun without the baby screaming
- you can turn the radion on as loud as you want

And the other words:

- if Clay ever needs his father he shall call
- Fran has only got two hands (reminds me of this pic with Nora and Clay where Fran seems to handle thousand things in this second)
- "I hope the fire never dies" - wonderful! A children's fire shall never die, is that what he means?

For me the whole text means: Hello Clay, this is your father speaking (singing), whatever happens, I'm there for you and I love you!

What do you think?

And another question: could someone please explain me the meaning of those two lines:

"We'd see our lies in the aisles of fate
We'd take our cradles to the grave"?

I can translate that literally, but I'm not sure that I understand all that. Thank you!! Would be nice!
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 356
silvella Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 12:54 PM Quote
sorry, bad and cold fingers... double post!
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 1190
frandougeil Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 5:50 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:
frandougeil wrote:
Ur right Nikki!That is an awesome track make me wanna go kill myself for still not getting the album!!(p/s:im waiting two more days to reward myself with the album as a bday gift to myself=D )

And with all these positive feedbacks i couldn't withstand giving the tracks a listen too=) liked ALL the other tracks too but i shall say BYWY blew my socks off!!its a superb track that stands in the leagues of their other awesome classic tracks!

Oh yes! That's right...we have the same birthday! It'll be the best gift ever. :)

yeaH!that's true the best bday gift ever=DDDDD
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 6:27 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
Haha, it's totally understandable that you gave in, Nikki!
I'm 100% determined not to listen to it.
I have the theory that I won't like this song, because everyone says it's so amazing. I feel it will be just like what happened to me with Used To Belong: everyone loves it and I think it's one of Travis' worst songs.
Anyway, it's just a silly theory I have that prevents me from listening to the song before I get the album :oP.

Well done for not listening and good luck for the next few weeks :)

Before You Were Young is different, it's almost impossible to not be amazed. Some songs won't live up to expectations for some people (Chinese Blues I guess, but I like it!), but BYWY isn't a song so much as a wall of love in sound form. I bet you a squillion pounds that you'll like it. :)
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 43
Light Posted Mon 06 Oct, 2008 10:04 PM Quote
True, the song is extremely beautiful.
Re: Thank you for BYWY, Travis
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Tue 07 Oct, 2008 12:11 AM Quote
I've been listening to it alot. Great song!
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