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minnmess Mar-17-10 6.52pm
How do you think our leprechaun is celebrating today?
mili Dec-10-09 10.53am
awww, the squirrel is back!
mili Nov-29-09 8.59am
That Moshammer lion was scary! Poor guy, btw, what a horrible ending he had.
mili Nov-27-09 9.18pm
What's that bizarre thing? Obviously something to do with Münich, I recognise the place.
hennypenny Nov-26-09 6.04am
mili Nov-11-09 9.37pm
About Ozzy:
mili Nov-10-09 9.11pm
My avatar is a tiny female skunk called Ozzy, found at the Telegraph website.
mili Nov-9-09 8.33pm
What a beautiful sign in your avatar!
minnmess Oct-14-09 2.49pm
it's okay. I dont like normal people
minnmess Oct-13-09 2.32pm
you ARE a mad person :)
minnmess Oct-6-09 2.57pm
I know! we wont be bogged down with the same issues and expenses that everyone else has. Hurrah!
minnmess Oct-5-09 3.23pm
minnmess Sep-24-09 5.55pm
Is it about giant roadside attractions? Because those are pretty much my favourite thing on earth! just msg me whenever you want help with the Santa thing. Im away until Oct 4th, but will be around after that :)
minnmess Sep-20-09 11.05pm
he is a mascot for a restaurant. We dont have them here, and Anne doesnt have them in Texas so we got excited
minnmess Aug-26-09 4.11am
hahaha, shoot me a msg when you want to start and I will give you some info
mili Apr-8-09 12.01pm
Hi Lilly Here's something to perk you up (if that's what you need) Have you finished your studies yet?
mili Feb-28-09 2.45pm
Glad to see you around, that must mean you're having a break. Hope it's going well!
mili Feb-13-09 9.01am
Hello Lilly! Sorry for reacting so slowly to your comment, I've been super-busy. Thanks for the hilarious links :^D Did you enjoy the concert? I'm sooo envious. Hope all's good with you!
Ladybug Feb-10-09 5.51pm
hey - um wen gehts hier? haha ;D || haha, nein den kannte ich noch nicht! das könnte mein neuer theme song zur lieblingsbeschäftigung werden ;) ja, zum tree-huggen wars mir am sonntag dann echt zu kalt, muss ich dir ehrlich sagen! *gg* hab gelesen, dass du mit deinen konzert-nachbarn etwas pech hattest? das tut mir leid...hoffe du hattest trotzdem spaß, weil ich fands genial! :]
Nell Feb-10-09 1.23pm
Hi :) Julia hab ich per Zufall auf Facebook entdeckt :) oder sie mich? egal :) vielleicht hätte man sich ja gesehn :) so gross war dieHalle ja nicht. Wegen Englisch das ist klar. Ich denk auch nicht, dass ich Englisch perfekt kann - die wenigstens Muttersprachler können es selbst English - weil bsw. einfach gewisse Regeln nicht klar abgemacht sind (Komma bsw. - dann das Wegfallen des Genitivs im Neuenglischen - oder das Wegfallen der Fugen-"e"s etc. klar. aber ich komm durch :) Als Bas zu uns zog, konnte er gar kein Deutsch - da war ich 15. Dh. wir haben - um ihn einzugliedern zu Haus nur noch Englisch geredet. Und dann halt durch Auslandsschulen und Auslandsjobs v.a. lernt man's schnell. Uni-Nivaeu ist nat. wieder etwas anderes. Ich habe bsw. im Krankenhaus gearbeitet - kann dann eher dort die Fachbegriffe - an der Uni werden die aktiven Skills ja voraus gesetzt - danach studierst du Altenglisch, Literatur, Linguistik etc. :) v.a. wenn man müde ist und betrunken ist :) macht man die übelsten Fehler - aber die Engländer/Amis selber auch. Auch die Deutschen können kein Perfektes Deutsch - durch diverse Anpassungen der Sprache :)
Nell Feb-10-09 11.19am
ps: wegen der Setlist - ich hab nur das abgeschrieben, was auf der Setlist stand - Flowers haben sie wohl noch spontan hinzugefügt oder vergessen auf die Setlist zu schreiben...tscha :) anyway Nicht zu viel TV gucken, sonst kriegste viereckige Augen :P lg Nör
Nell Feb-10-09 12.35am
haha ja die hab ich auch gesucht! Hat sich wohl vor uns beiden versteckt :) Vom Dialekt her, in Liverpool ist der Dialekt ja schon fast wieder wie das Süd-Schottisch....jedenfalls schöner als die Süd-Süd-Engländer. Haha...ich kenn fast nur noch männliche Leuts aus England... Von wegen Englisch-Lernen...wenn man Anfänger ist, ist's sicher besser, wenn du in ner Umgebung bist, wo's nur gut englisch-sprechende Leute sind. Aber wenn du's eh schon kannst spielt's nicht so ne grosse Rolle. Ich musste für die Uni die Advanced odr Prof. Prüfung machen, 3 Mt Auslandsaufenthalt und 3MT Praktikum :) - ist halt einfacher wenn man alles verbindet :) in ZH spricht jeder zweite Enlisch,...ohne das kommst du gar nicht in Starbucks rein :p nene Aber ich hab ja noch Zeit zu überlegen, wohin ich will :) Vielleicht auch nach Amerika? (Hehe..nein nein:D)
Nell Feb-10-09 12.10am
ps. sorry auch für die langen einträge :) und ihr habts echt aweng mit strassen...ganz siebenbürgen ist irgendwie strassenmässig bei euch eingegliedert :) und auch sonst sinds witzige namen :) Also, dann hast du mich also gesehn :) der grosse blonde, war Andi, die kleine Blonde Carina, und die mittlere braunhaarige Agnes ;) kommste voran mit Filme schaun? ich glaub ich geh mal ins Bett...mann ich würd so gern nochmal zurück...
Nell Feb-9-09 11.56pm
Munich loves you? HAHA :) ok - hint angekommen. Den hardcore-alten englischen Dialekt mag ich gar nichts. Mit meiner Schwester und eben Bas - dieser Fast-Schwager-was-auch immer haben wir immer amerik. Englisch geredet, das hat uns quasi verdorben - aber jetzt mit den Freunden komm ich langsam wieder rein. In BM sind verhältnismässig wenig Deutsche/Össis oder Schweizer - mehr Brazilianer und Koreaner (und die wissen, wie man feiert). Hab dort in ner Männer-WG gelebt - HAHA das warn Spass :) - v.a. war's ne Band - (nur mal so, von wegen Tagesrythmus etc.)) Tatsächlich waren die älteren Engländer dort unten aweng komisch...Inselvok-mässig. Im April fahr ich ne Wohnung angucken, in Manchaster bei nem Freund - (London kann ich mir glaub ich nicht leisten - es seiden Nick würd mich aufnehmen)... Mann ich wünschte du hättest gestern den Mut aufgebracht uns anzuquatschen :)! Mich haben ca. 10 Leute angequatscht, die ich nicht kannte :) Ist doch nix dabei :) PS: meine Oma wohnt in am Hart, Tante in Ottobrunn, Freunde in Allach und feiern gehn wir in dieses Mex-Pub und danach zum Ostbhf. Und du glaubst's kaum: ich mag die Wiesn auch nicht :) Plus das Café am Marienplatz: Übelst unfreundliches Personal! Aber mei, sonst ist's wirklich schön ;)
Nell Feb-9-09 11.35pm
Heee :) Ich habs in BM eigentlich sehr gemocht :) Süsse Innenstadt, wunderschöne Parks, und das Meer gleich in der Nähe. Guuut die Südengländer sind aweng....hehe Wohin ich gehe, hängt vom Schwerpunkt des Studiums ab, und den hab ich noch nicht gewählt - also bsw. Englische/Ami oder was - auch - immer Linguistik/oder Geschichte... Oder wo ich Leute kenn :) und die meiste Zeit hab ich in BM verbracht, dann noch ein paar Leuts in Brighton, niemanden im Norden allerdings. Ausser die Schotten :) Haha ich hab mich gestern fix und fertig gefahrn in Pasing - so was von verirrt - in dieser Agnesstr. oder was auch immer.... (meine Schwester, Agnes, meinte schon, das war Schicksal) PS: ALLLE Münchner, die ich kenn, sind Hard-Core-Münchner...Ist wohl ne Hotel-California-Stadt...einmal rein, nie wieder raus, was? :p
Nell Feb-9-09 11.30pm
Ja genau :) ich wills nicht unbedingt ausprobier'n :D :) Und Österreich ) ist nur cool zum Ski-Fahrn :) hehe Ne, bin glücklich hier, in meiner kleinen Grossstadt - Mein nächster Zielort ist wahrscheinlich Schottland oder London/Bournemouth - wegen des Studiums...hab da nicht sooo ne grosse Wahl - und dort hab ich Freunde. Du wohnst im Norden Münchens, oder? Wir haben in Allach übernachtet ;) naja "übernachtet" :) gefeiert :)
Nell Feb-9-09 11.27pm
Ja genau :) ich wills nicht unbedingt ausprobier'n :D :) Und Österreich ) ist nur cool zum Ski-Fahrn :) hehe Ne, bin glücklich hier, in meiner kleinen Grossstadt - Mein nächster Zielort ist wahrscheinlich Schottland oder London/Bournemouth - wegen des Studiums...hab da nicht sooo ne grosse Wahl - und dort hab ich Freunde. Du wohnst im Norden Münchens, oder? Wir haben in Allach übernachtet ;) naja "übernachtet" :) gefeiert :)
Nell Feb-9-09 11.20pm
Ja genau :) ich wills nicht unbedingt ausprobier'n :D :) Und Österreich ) ist nur cool zum Ski-Fahrn :) hehe Ne, bin glücklich hier, in meiner kleinen Grossstadt - Mein nächster Zielort ist wahrscheinlich Schottland oder London/Bournemouth - wegen des Studiums...hab da nicht sooo ne grosse Wahl - und dort hab ich Freunde. Du wohnst im Norden Münchens, oder? Wir haben in Allach übernachtet ;) naja "übernachtet" :) gefeiert :)
Nell Feb-9-09 11.08pm
Haha :) sorry die zwei Schotten, die ich kenne kommen nicht aus Glasgow - ausser eben Fran's Nachbar - und der ;) naja, ich frag ihn mal :) Dougies oder Neils Nichte...hab das nicht ganz mitbekommen, ist ne Kollegin von meinem "Fast-Schwager"- :) die Welt ist klein. Aber hey, sie sind ja auch nur Menschen, - er konnt halt doch nicht nach M. kommen, - daher sollten wir das ausrichten. aber easy - er hats - mitbekommen :) hehe und das Schriftstück kenn ich :) nur das mit den 2£ kann ich fast nicht glauben :p - ich hab also mehr gezahlt :) aber nur ca. 5 oder so
Nell Feb-9-09 10.59pm
btw: naja ich lebe jetzt hier in der Schweiz - wir sehn uns nicht gerade oft. Ab und zu an Familienfesten, und wir fahren manchmal gemeinsam in Urlaub...:) also probiert man alles :)
Nell Feb-9-09 10.36pm
Haha :) Ja meine Schwester und ich sollten ihm was ausrichten - was wir dann auch gemacht haben. Wir kennen nen alten Freund und Nachbarn von Fran, der jetzt bei uns wohnt - und nicht mitkonnte, ihn aber grüssen lässt. Wie gesagt - ebenfalls ein Schotte. Hab recht viele Freunde drüben :) hör also den Dialekt und andere oft genug :) aber ja, ich finds genial - das war einer der Gründe, wieso ich Englisch studiere.
Nell Feb-9-09 10.12pm
well...das nächste Mal :) ...weisst du ja wer ich bin. Ja stimmt schon, das hat mich auch genervt - andererseits wars der BESTE TAG in meinem Leben (hab endlich Andi wieder gesehen- dann das Konzert und dann auch noch Fran/Dougie während des KOnzerrts :) ) Ne, hehe aber das ist wahrsch. nur ein Zufall :) Keine Ahnung wie das Pub hiess, es waren fast nur Schotten drin - mit meiner Schwester auch Amis :p aber es war gut :) und es gab viel Bier...(ihr Bayern....hehe) Beim nächsten Mal kommst du mit uns nach vorn :)
Nell Feb-9-09 9.49pm
Mensch wieso sagst du denn nix? Wir hätten dich nach vorn gezogn! Hatte neben und vor mir auch zwei Voll-Deppen. Haben sich nicht mal nen Millimeter bewegt und dann auch noch gemozt, als wir bei WDAROM (und gew. anderen Songs) Pogo gemacht haben..also hallo? (hab nicht nachm Konz. mit ihnen geredet - während :) ) wir sind länger geblieben - und warn noch im Pub - haben uns noch mit Freunden getroffen.
Nell Feb-9-09 8.45pm
Stimmt! Hab ich! HAHA Standest du links von mir? Ja...mein Andi kam mit :) :) haha das war ne geniale "Kommunikation" mit Dougie... War ein wahnsinns Konzert... Jepp meine Schwester, ne Freundin und eben Andi kam mit - wo warst du denn?
Ladybug Feb-7-09 10.44pm
alles klar, das mit dem treehuggen ist gebongt ;p (oder vlt. ruf ich auch ganz laut deinen namen - eventuell erscheint das den leuten dann etwas weniger...crazy? :p) hahah, ahja genau! was ist da morgen nochmal, shinedown glaub ich? das wär aber gar nicht nett ;D achso ja, klar, ich kenn die muffathalle eh ;) (& mag sie eigentlich sehr bisher!) siehe da, ein reim zum schluss - jedoch ein schlechter, zu deinem...verdruss? (eindeutig schlafenszeit, würd ich sagen. *g*)
Ladybug Feb-7-09 9.52pm
jaa, MORGEN! wie cool ist das bitte eigentlich für sie, dass es ausverkauft ist? ich freu mich. & hach, deine mama verdient wohl echt einen preis dafür, find ich! :) vielen dank; ich wünsch dir noch eine gute letzte!nacht, heh. (btw, hab gerade gelesen, dass du alleine gehst? solltest du glauben mich irgendwo zu sehen - ich würd mich freuen wenn du hi sagst ;) liebste früße aus salzburg!
Nell Feb-5-09 7.14pm
haiaiai :) bei uns ist Musik eigentlich immer das Wichtigste ;) Egal welche Arbeits-Branche ;) Freu mich aber übelst auf's Konzert. Bin nur leider rel. klein :(
Nell Feb-5-09 2.16pm
:) Hab bis jetzt alle meine Leute noch "bekehren" können :) Sowohl HP als auch für Travis ;) Es funktioniert doch immer wieder :)
TheBoyWithAName Feb-4-09 7.28pm
Oh you really like to remind me about that, I feel so guilty about it =(
Nell Feb-4-09 1.13pm
Haha :) Hab mein Franz-Abbi übern kleinen Prinzen geschrieben... Hehe solang sie ja gröhlen und Spass haben isses ja ok....wenn sie aber anfangen zu labern dann werd ich mitmachen ;), darauf kannste zähln :) Ich nehm nochn paar Freunde mit, die ich noch am "missionieren" bin - bis jetzt erfolrgreich :p
Nell Feb-3-09 9.32pm
Hey Lilly! Hab grad gesehn, dass du jetzt ja doch nach Mènchen kommen kannst ;) Cool! Vielleicht trifft man sich ja :) Ps: Dein avatar erinnert mich stark an "den kleinen Prinzen" ;) lg Nora
minnmess Feb-3-09 8.45pm
Oh I hear ya, I need some magic too. Big time. Problem is, we can't qualify as spinsters yet. Maybe we need a term until then. Not sure what to do about the rich part though. Rob a bank?
minnmess Feb-3-09 7.32pm
to bad I have to wait 29 year for this to happen. I would like a little hockey player romance now. erg.
minnmess Feb-2-09 5.51pm
LILLY! You are the reason I saw the that the dates were posted! THANK YOU!!!!! Okay, I will be honest with my hockey players. they will appreciate that and want to romantically skate because of it.
minnmess Feb-2-09 3.40pm
You are just trying to crush my dreams of romantically skating hand in hand with a hockey player, arent you!? You just want them for yourself. Spinsterhood is all about sharing! :)
TheBoyWithAName Jan-31-09 7.22pm
You know I'm only kidding, right? ;) I will always treat you nice if you decide to be my lady :D
TheBoyWithAName Jan-30-09 12.59pm
What are you saying spinster! Of course you're not gonna marry ANYONE, you're gonna marry MEEEE! How many time must a man propose for you to get it through your thick head ;)
minnmess Jan-30-09 12.49am
i think it was 53 and 1/2. Or something like that. Maybe I will pretend I cant skate too..just for the romance of it. *sigh* indeed.
Nikki Jan-29-09 9.58pm
Lilly! I see you like vintage owlies. :) I have two awesome owl pins from the 1960s! Now that their back in style, I have one on my favorite hoodie. :)
minnmess Jan-29-09 7.11pm
Dont worry if you dont learn. My hockey players will be like "aww, look at the poor girl that cant skate" and teach you. It will be all romantic and involve holding hands, and later, hot chocolate. But you can't marry one of them or else I will be all alone in my spinsterness.
minnmess Jan-26-09 9.56pm
hahaha. I love owlies. Well, I love retro/vintage owlies.
TheBoyWithAName Dec-26-08 5.39pm
Think I must change my hairdo or something..
mili Dec-26-08 3.40pm
I forgot to mention that I got the nicest home made J. Smith eye card from my son :^)
mili Dec-26-08 3.33pm
Yes, it's the Geburtstag. Bummer date, really. Just been to a nice lunch with my hubby and kids at a restaurant in the center. Good fun and excellent food. So happy you got the Travis tickets for Christmas! My secret santa pressie never made it in time.
mili Dec-26-08 10.06am
Hope you're having a good, relaxing Christmas, no thoughts of the dissertation, I hope!
minnmess Dec-25-08 2.34pm
soooon! We are opening presents in about half an hour, and then I will open my secret santa pressie after that. Im excited!
minnmess Dec-25-08 1.52pm
Im so excited for you! Yay your mom for getting you the ticket!
RaZzZ Dec-25-08 2.39am
Hey, Merry X mas!!
minnmess Dec-24-08 10.31pm
Merry Christmas fellow Spinster!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-24-08 9.21pm
Feliz Navidad, Lilly! Best wishes! :o)
Nikki Dec-24-08 6.04pm
Merry Christmas! :)
Turtleneck Dec-24-08 4.59pm
Merry Christmas, Lilly!
Nell Dec-22-08 12.12pm
Schöööööne Weihnacht überall..... Komm grad aus München - war schön :) und grad nicht mehr so kalt - wie bei dir aufm Bild :) Wünsch dir schöne Ferien und hoffe du kannst doch irgendwie ans Konzi im Februar kommen! Und feier nicht zu wild - (und wenn doch - lass es shcön dokumentieren.. :p ) lg Nora
TheBoyWithAName Dec-22-08 11.29am
Merry christmas my left sock ;)
RaZzZ Dec-22-08 1.39am
Where were you when you took the pic?
mili Dec-16-08 5.53pm
You like your snow covered bikes ;^) I hope you're surviving your dissitation!
Peewee Dec-6-08 11.30am
Good Luck with the studying lilly, will miss you!!!!! :) *huggles* x
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-5-08 9.32pm
Pff, tu español es perfecto, Lilly! :o) Espero que andes bien!!! Suerte con el estudio!!!
minnmess Dec-4-08 2.26pm
I dont think you have anything to worry about. Based on my track record, i wont be running off and getting married anytime soon! Shall miss you Spinster! Now off to study, you!
TheBoyWithAName Dec-4-08 2.15pm
Hehe ;) You too! Hope you won't be gone for long and remember about Pluto! Good luck studying! *hugs*
TheBoyWithAName Dec-4-08 2.02pm
Se you ARE upset ;) At least about the video-thing! Gah I have to reduce my online-time too, my back is starting to complain. Yeah hmm the video...
TheBoyWithAName Dec-4-08 1.18pm
Haha I have some weird ability to make you a bit upset, but as I said to Kristy, you can call me whatever you like and I'm not forcing you into being an Al-gal either ;) Hmmm hope I don't get misinterpreted now! :P
minnmess Dec-3-08 9.40pm
Maybe we can pay off the tin tin people with cookies and hugs and they will let us use their character
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-3-08 1.09pm
Ohh! Thanks for the recommendation! I'll see if I can find that book around here :o) (don't worry about the size of my profile, I don't mind)
TheBoyWithAName Dec-2-08 7.51pm
Yes, that's why!
TheBoyWithAName Dec-2-08 7.48pm
Hehe no I just wanted to call it a night ;) Think I'm gonna change the avatar again, this picture could be a target for mocking :S
TheBoyWithAName Dec-2-08 7.28pm
Of course I'm not thinking of cancelling our invation of Pluto! =) Haha sounds like we're really planning this for real ;) Are we? :D Did he look like Tin tin? hehe
minnmess Dec-2-08 3.45pm
We are secretly both very old and had our pictures taken before the existance of colour.
TheBoyWithAName Dec-2-08 9.56am
We don't have to drag Kristy into this, do we?
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 9.52pm
Haha I think it's me who need some sleep...and forget about this dance/pluto/re-populating-thingy!
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 9.39pm
I will make you dance then, you're bodyguard can be in between...
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 8.57pm
It takes two to tango!
minnmess Dec-1-08 8.56pm
right! Who needs em? We will too busy with our exciting rich lives, and hot hockey boys for all that nonsense!
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 8.41pm
Actually from what you wrote, you can't really blame me for letting my imagination run away with me!
minnmess Dec-1-08 8.35pm
we do have a lot to get done in our old age, dont we!? Good thing we wont be bogged down with husbands!
minnmess Dec-1-08 8.23pm
you mean you dont want to be the "mad german spinster in a pluto-costume?" But that sounds like so much fun! But you are right. It will be funnier when we are 90.
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 8.14pm
Huh I became really nervous, you little....
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 7.37pm
Haha stop it, you know I wasn't serious :P
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 7.30pm
I assure you that you can, but I want both of you with me! :)
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 7.04pm
Maybe I have and now you don't want to follow me to Pluto ;( :(
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 6.26pm
Oh I'm so sorry, That was not my fantasy speaking, my mind just went bezerk!
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 5.51pm
Eeehm I hope you mean that you two have some kind of magic powers for real? This is a childrens book?? So I hope you're not suggesting that I will participate in some weird copulating thing in order to populate Pluto?? LOL
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 5.42pm
eeeh no, are you saying there could be life on Pluto? :O
minnmess Dec-1-08 5.17pm
twas a challanging role to be a present! I sat in a wrapped box with arm, leg and head holes. Ya, my family isnt religious. We just started going because my neighbours used to take my older brother to church events from time to time. Hockey is like a religion though! Right, we have leprechaun, we are fine! We can have a play where you can play Pluto when we are spinsters.
minnmess Dec-1-08 5.02pm
hahaha, you were a cow? precious! I was pluto in just a little class plays, but we had big school wide musicals every year too! fun! Oh and at church (before i stopped going when i was 5 bc it interfered with joke) i played a present in a christmas play. High quality acting!
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 4.39pm
I guess you and Kristy will be in that movie/book as well, because you'll be the only humans living on Pluto, except from me ;)
Nikki Dec-1-08 4.26pm
Thanks, Lilly! Yeah, it's just my groovy new scarf. :)
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 4.24pm
Haha are you sure Kristy wants to move to Pluto?
minnmess Dec-1-08 4.21pm
YES! done and done. I played the Pluto in a play in grade 4. It is a poor precious PLANET that was just tossed out like garbage.
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 4.09pm
I'm thinking of moving to Pluto, wanna join me?
TheBoyWithAName Dec-1-08 1.06pm
I still think that Pluto is a planet, who decides what defines a planet anyways?(oh lord have mercy cause my english suck :P)
TheBoyWithAName Nov-29-08 9.54pm
Hehe I have no idea what planet that is :S Sorry if you think I'm discriminating Pluto in any way ;)
minnmess Nov-29-08 5.57am
thank you soon to be fellow spinster! Muchly appreciated!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-28-08 4.22pm
Ooops, that didn't work, check this page then:
TheBoyWithAName Nov-28-08 4.21pm
Haha I know, I'm just trying to find something easy and cool to put on my page :P It has to do with HTML-codes, very easy...In this case you just put this code on your presentation: "
minnmess Nov-28-08 12.26am
I think they will be cult classics at first, and then when we become spinsters, they will go mainstream. Movie deals, merchansise, all that stuff
TheBoyWithAName Nov-27-08 6.26pm
über is one of my favourite words and the stupid sock is über-cute!
minnmess Nov-27-08 4.34pm
I want to be a nice stalker, not one they want to hate, so I will stick to your business! Also, we can sell out books. They will bring in a fortune
minnmess Nov-27-08 4.28pm
YES! You can be my Sugar-Spinster, lol. Hmm, I wonder if there is a way that I can make money by stalking.
TheBoyWithAName Nov-27-08 4.11pm
Really that easy? Just copy and paste? :) Some people have pictures as backgrounds, do you know how to do that as well? Oh I want to hug those puppets, think they're über-cute!
minnmess Nov-27-08 4.05pm
good idea! And we still have plently of time to become rich before we are spinsters. This is fantastic.
TheBoyWithAName Nov-27-08 3.45pm
stup = stuff
TheBoyWithAName Nov-27-08 3.43pm
Hehe in my case I don't think a sore throat is perfect for any kind of song :P I have to make the video someday soon though! And the halloween episode is hilarious!! "Oh we are the Scottish falsetto sock puppet theatre and so am I and so is he" "WEEEEE DON'T DRESS!!!!" LOL so funny and cute =) How do you get youtube clips and that kind of stup to your members page? I'm sucha beginner!
minnmess Nov-27-08 3.00pm
yay! Once we turn 51 3/4, we will no longer celebrate our birthdays on the year, but at the 3/4 point.
TheBoyWithAName Nov-27-08 2.12pm
Hehe I see! Yes I'm a bit angry at the weather, it would have been nice if the snow could have stayed a bit longer! I'm actually trying to record some other stuff, but it seems like I have a really sour throat today, so it sounds pretty bad ;( Hate those days when that happens!
minnmess Nov-27-08 1.17pm
That sounds fantastic to me. And perhaps a small indoor concert for the chillier months?
TheBoyWithAName Nov-27-08 12.40pm
Hi there! Nice day in Münich or that suburb you live in?(don't remember the name right now, I could always check my comments, but dah ;)) So photographing s your big hobby? Cheers!
Nikki Nov-26-08 10.44pm
Lilly! That's YOU? I remember that awesome pic, but didn't realize it was you who put it up. lol!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 9.27pm
Why is that? You're not ashamed of yourself, are you? I really need to read more, I get so restless while reading though! Now it's time to sleep *looks at the watch* Goodnight Lilly!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 9.06pm
Oh a lot of tips! I don't do much else then watch movies so I'm very thankful :D Your avatar is cool btw!
minnmess Nov-26-08 9.03pm
Umm, i said something like: Alex can come and sing the song and stay in the leprechauns room and they can be roomies for the night...oh and I love Vampire prof man.
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 8.54pm
Haha actually, your description made me laugh, it seems like that kind of silly/crazy humour that I fency! Think I will get that one, thanks for the tip! Soon time to get some sleep I feel...
minnmess Nov-26-08 8.49pm
They will be super comfy bunkbeds. I just think Leprechaun should have them incase he has a friend sleepover! They will be classy nice ones. Haha, oh Vampire. he makes me laugh.
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 8.45pm
haha I like stupid movies! :) But show me a clip and then I can decide if I think it's worth watching :)
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 8.32pm
I will watch the videos more closely another day, feel a bit off tonight...dunno why! :S Cinderella Story, is that a typical girls movie or something? ;) Maybe I'll get it ,with metods I don't want to speak too loudly about ;)
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 6.49pm
Hehe yeah I've watched many clips, don't know if it's all of them though..It's really funny, but I don't understand everything..
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 6.34pm
It's my whole world at the moment so i prefer to talk about happier stuff! :)
minnmess Nov-26-08 6.30pm
Both "everything old spinsters might need" and the leprachaun cloud thing made me laugh out loud, at work! I think those are all great plans. And the leprechauns room can have a rainbow and pot of gold...and bunk beds.
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 6.26pm
Oh the title of your program sounds very classy, hehe :D Yeah Pernilla Wiberg ;) And also, what's his name, the guy who's been a big star in the paralympics for about 20 years! He sits in a wheel chair and competes in shooting..I'm at the sicklist for the moment, but that's a dull story!
minnmess Nov-26-08 6.17pm
oooh multiple ponds sounds great! And between games, me and my hockey pros will teach you how to skate. Green kitchen sounds devine and I am all for a treehouse! I had one as a kid and they are fun! Can it be fancy with a ladder and slide and...fridge? Yes, i made her a HP scarf. Im a nice friend, lol.
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 2.29pm
Haha yeah, my pic could have been the cover for The Man Who I think :P What was it that you study? I have a good memory, but it's short :( I'm from a town called Norrköping, I'm guessing you've never heard of that one? Everybody thinks we have a horrible dialect :S
minnmess Nov-26-08 2.27pm
hahaha, okay. I made a Harry Potter scarf for a friend once. While I dont like it, I help others be obsessed with it. I will keep all my hockey stuff (and other obsessions) in another room as well. oooh, we need a pond for pond hockey!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 11.56am
I've taken some photos today! Been documenting the last hours of winter 'cause today the temperature has risen, it rains and the snow is melting! :( But maybe there's a new avatar in my camera :D Haha yes converse makes your feet smell funny! :S How's everything in Germany? Which city are you from btw?
minnmess Nov-25-08 6.45pm
yup, HP is all yours. I dont see the appeal. I was forced to read one in a children's lit class in uni and wanted to poke my own eyes out. They are ALLL yours. I will have to have a look for that S&S..thanks!
minnmess Nov-25-08 6.12pm
I dont like Harry Potter, so to me, we could have a blank book and it would outshine HP! I bought the entire works of Jane Austen with the intension of reading them all, but have still only read P&P. erg. I havent seen the new S&S. I should check that out. And I havent seen P7P since i was in Scotland in 06..definatly time to watch it again.
minnmess Nov-25-08 6.03pm
haha, i was a little confused but I just kinda went with it. Im more of a P&P girl than a S&S girl, but i do like it. Spinsters, highland cows, clouds, leprechauns, fairy godmothers and hockey players! Who wouldnt buy these books?
TheBoyWithAName Nov-25-08 5.52pm
I'm thinkiing of changing my avatar, it scares the shit out of me as well :P haha! Hehe Converse will never become unmodern though!
minnmess Nov-25-08 5.17pm
it's like a fairy tale on top of a fairy tale if we cut out things from real fairy tales and then use magic to bring them to life! On a lake sounds good to me! We will forever have entertaining stories for the board about our spinster-hood.
minnmess Nov-25-08 5.02pm
Lilly, I like how you think! Spare rooms for hockey players is an excellent idea! There are also great clouds in Sweden. Maybe we should go there as well. Hmm, i know that you can find Fairy Godmothers in story books. Perhaps we should just cut some out and maybe they will come to life with the leprechauns magic!
minnmess Nov-25-08 4.47pm
I'm totally a fan of leprechauns, so I think this is going to work out well! And the clouds will be happy, you are right. We will let our leprechaun travel will us to all our cottages! Oh and I just saw your "about me," how about we have a leprechaun AND a fairy godmother!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-25-08 3.20pm
This page's slowness kills me sometimes, so I know the feeling! :S Maybe I could give you my old pair of Converse, I'm pretty tired of them :P
minnmess Nov-25-08 1.16pm
That is some awesome baby hair Lilly! Okay, if we are in Ireland, can we have a (friendly) leprechaun friend? And we have all sorts of cloud staring covered, because I dont look for shapes, I just like big white fluffy ones!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-24-08 8.17pm
No, I walk around in a pair of Converse in a half metreof snow all day long :S My feet will fall off soon I think.
minnmess Nov-24-08 7.18pm
thanks for the add Lilly. I didnt realize we werent friends. It's amazing that you want to associate with such a dirty bird!
Peewee Nov-24-08 5.15pm
I think he may be German. It's wonderful ambient,electronic,chillout music!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-24-08 2.33pm
Haha same thing here and I don't have any winter shoes at all :S
Nikki Nov-24-08 12.28pm
Hi not-boring, super-cool new friend Lilly! lol. No, I didn't write my column yet. :/ Planning on doing it today. Did you take the pic in your avatar? It's so pretty!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-21-08 2.40pm
haha and I think "aaaaw to be 18 again" :P
TheBoyWithAName Nov-21-08 1.56pm
Okey that was quite interesting! Always fun to hear the story behind an expression :)
TheBoyWithAName Nov-21-08 12.50pm
Hehe so you Germans look up to us Swedes? :D Or maybe it's just a part of the whole sterotypical view that everyone seems to hold on to ;) Well "your" Alex is 22 years old :)
cornax Nov-21-08 12.53am
I had to come say hello to a fellow lover of Teitur!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-20-08 10.09pm
Haha that sounded like a bad line in my ears :P Now it's time to sail to bed :D Goodnight my german friend!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-20-08 9.31pm
I don't seem to know anything about Germany either ;(
TheBoyWithAName Nov-20-08 9.14pm
There was this scetch with a Swedish comedian who didn't know any German so he said "Ja ja Bayern München" :P
TheBoyWithAName Nov-20-08 6.25pm
Haha ja ja Bayern München(a Swedish joke, don't ask me!) My picture must have been taken somewhere around late 80's/early 90's, you can tell from the horrible color combinations ;) What is it that you're trying to eat? A cryon?
TheBoyWithAName Nov-20-08 5.58pm
Can I sense a bit of irony? ;) I have loads of baby-pictures, it was a difficult choice to make, almost as hard as killing Travis songs! :O No not really that hard! ;) Your picture makes me go "aaaaaaw", very cute baby-lilly! :)
Peewee Nov-20-08 1.11pm
btw yes that pic of you is gorg...:) such a cutey! And such flashy threads!!!
Peewee Nov-20-08 1.10pm
Hahaha you serious, you think I sound funny don't ya..go on admit it! LOL
Peewee Nov-20-08 10.28am
Awww what a cute pic!!! You? :)
minnmess Nov-19-08 1.43am
Good thing we sorted that out, or I would have been looking for Juli at the airport!
minnmess Nov-19-08 12.42am
that was you in the chat? sorry, based on the name I thought it was Juli. Goodnight to you too!
Turtleneck Nov-18-08 2.34pm
Well, we still have a large area to cover. I'm sure there is room for 2 companies. Maybe when we get rolling, we can just buy them out!
Turtleneck Nov-18-08 2.11pm
We are going to be SO RICH.
mili Nov-18-08 11.27am
What a cutie in your avatar!
mili Nov-16-08 2.21pm
Check your inbox ;^) (and please don't hit me)
mili Nov-14-08 9.56pm
My hubby is an English teacher, and he's collected an impressive selection of typical Finnish mistakes (some of them mine). He used to do Typical German mistakes, too.
Monica Nov-1-08 3.35pm
That sounds boring. Haha. If I can help, don't hesitate to ask me ;)
Monica Oct-31-08 6.31pm
¡Hola! Errr, I just thought it would be cool to change it for a new one with just me on it. There's too much Fran on this board :p How are you, by the way?
Monica Aug-26-08 4.28pm
Yessssssssssssssssss! It's me and Fran... Can you believe it? :p And yes, I'm still in Travis world, hahaha.
mili Aug-15-08 5.54pm
HI Lilly! Can't stop listening to your mix, it's really good! Thank you for introducing me to some new music, it eases the pain of waiting for the Travis' latest ;^)
Monica Jul-1-08 12.06pm
Hahaha. It's the first time Spain play well on a Euro or a Worldcup *lol*