
R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 2:42 AM Quote
I'd like to take a moment to mourn the loss of Fran's mustache. I looked at the San Fran pictures and it looked like he shaved it off. Even though mustaches are on my, "hater list," this one actually grew on me (or on Fran, depending which way you look at it).

*sniff* Tickly little cookie duster it was...

RIP FRAN'S MUSTACHE: Nov. 13th 2007 - Nov. 20th, 2007
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 1431
heyjude Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 2:46 AM Quote
stache was gone before we knew it.

*bows head in silence*
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 2:48 AM Quote
Haha this thread makes me laugh. Yup the 'stache was gone in San Fran
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 2:54 AM Quote
Oh, but what a sweet picture you have to remember it by!
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Why Does It Always Payne On Me
Posts: 45
Why Does It Always Payne On Me Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 2:57 AM Quote
I really respect-- hell, adore Fran... but the moustache evoked a primal point-and-scream reaction from me.

Nonetheless, he-- uhhh... the moustache, it...

Hell, I got nothin'.

*in a desperate bid to deflect possible hatred* CAP'N CRUNCH FOR ALL!
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 3:02 AM Quote
Here's Fran explaining how the mustache came to be. He told all of the boardies about it after the Seattle show. Thanks to Mozman68 for the video, he recorded it

The Origin of the 'Stache

EDIT:If you guys want to know what my voice sounds like, I'm the one who asks if Nora has blonde hair.
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Why Does It Always Payne On Me
Posts: 45
Why Does It Always Payne On Me Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 3:07 AM Quote
P.S. that is an unspeakably lovely picture of you and Franny. *flail*
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 3:10 AM Quote
Aww! What a sweet video!!! Thanks for sharing!
I hadn't noticed the moustache! He looks like a character in a movie :oP
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 350
cornax Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 3:47 AM Quote
He looks straight out of Dickens in that last picture! Men do love growing their facial hair. I think it's because everyone oohs and ahs over them and tells them how young they look when they finally shave it off!
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 4:24 AM Quote
Great Video! Do you or Moz have any more from your time with the band after the show?
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 4:51 AM Quote
Nikki wrote:
Great Video! Do you or Moz have any more from your time with the band after the show?

No, sadly. I didn't even know Mark (Moz) was filming. I'm glad he got that moment. It was so lovely when Fran was talking about Clay. And Clay, by the way, is a gorgeous boy.
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 6:23 AM Quote
That reminds me...

After the show, out of all of the things I could have asked Fran, I asked him if he still had the white suit from, "12 Memories." I have no idea why I asked that... But, he said he still does but it's pretty mangy. So if anyone ever wondered what happened to the white suit, it's in Fran's closet.
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 113
Xgirl Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 6:32 AM Quote
he looked so handsome with mustache ♥ and looked like someone from the 1920's or something like that hehe

buuuuuut, in my opinion he looks much better without it,I love his baby face, is so cute ♥ x 92619261919013
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 6:34 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
That reminds me...

After the show, out of all of the things I could have asked Fran, I asked him if he still had the white suit from, "12 Memories." I have no idea why I asked that... But, he said he still does but it's pretty mangy. So if anyone ever wondered what happened to the white suit, it's in Fran's closet.

That's too funny!
Re: R.I.P: Franny's Tache
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 22 Nov, 2007 6:43 AM Quote
Meridith wrote:
ElspethOllie wrote:
That reminds me...

After the show, out of all of the things I could have asked Fran, I asked him if he still had the white suit from, "12 Memories." I have no idea why I asked that... But, he said he still does but it's pretty mangy. So if anyone ever wondered what happened to the white suit, it's in Fran's closet.

That's too funny!

Haha... yeah, funny. He gave me a odd look before he answered me...
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