

lindsey22295's Profile Details:

About Me
TRAVIS I like a lot of music, but these are probably my top ten in no particular order (after Travis of course): Bon Iver, The Frames/The Swell Season,Spoon, Radiohead, The Shins, The Beatles, Damien Rice, Oasis, The Police. .
Tour Archive Photos: 36 Show All
lindsey22295 has attended 4 shows
Swedish American Hall, San Francisco, CA, US
Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, US
Zellerbach Auditorium, Berkeley CA, US
The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA, US

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Member since: June-07-2007
Last Login: October-17-2012
Gender: Female
Country: US
Posts: 1790
Birthday: Jan-19-1988
Occupation: Student
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Friends: 29 (show all)

127 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

ricv64 Jan-19-10 3.20pm
happy birthday
Nikki Oct-10-09 6.08am
Aw! Great picture, Lindz!!
weirdmom Jun-18-09 5.00pm
Hope you are feeling a little less down about Bruin.
SamuraiSandy Jun-3-09 4.06pm
Well, I hope you are doing okay. I think it's such a great thing you do with the dogs. It really is admirable.
fenchurch Jun-1-09 10.56pm
Oh, I'm glad it helped a little, I know you must still be upset. I think it's an amazing thing to be doing, raising guide dogs, I admire you for it.
Nikki Jun-1-09 5.20pm
No problem, Linds. Hope you're doing ok. *hug*
Rammsfer May-30-09 8.24pm
Hi. No problem. He really was. Life must go on. Cheers!
minnmess May-28-09 8.17pm
So sorry to hear about Bruin, Lindsey! Hope talking about it on the board helped, even a little.
Nikki Apr-22-09 3.18pm
Thank you!!! :)
ricv64 Apr-19-09 4.41am
hey you were front page for more then a day NOR CAL !
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