

heyjude's Profile Details:

About Me
If I'm not here, I'm checking out another Scottish band!

Tour Archive Photos: 5 Show All
heyjude has attended 3 shows
Swedish American Hall, San Francisco, CA, US
Zellerbach Auditorium, Berkeley CA, US
The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA, US

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Member since: September-18-2007
Last Login: August-20-2009
Gender: Not Specified
Country: PH
Posts: 1431
Occupation: Duuuuuuuuuuuude!
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Friends: 46 (show all)

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Mie Mar-24-10 2.44pm
hahaha so cool you have pictures from Rukia Kuchiki and Ichigo Kurosaki i really love Bleach *O* <33
Meridith Sep-12-09 3.56am
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but yes, it is a Stanford shirt. Mostly because my husband's grandparents live right by there and we visited the campus one day while visiting them and I got a shirt.
bogusblue Apr-25-09 6.44am
Hey Jude! Sorry for the late reply! You're very welcome, I really like you pic :o). And I really like to say 'duuuuuude', too ;o). As for my avatars, I like to make people crack up :oP.
Meridith Apr-14-09 6.09am
Thank you!!! I can't wait! :)
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Apr-13-09 5.58am
Ohh, don't worry! I'm sure there'll be a next time. At least you got to see a cool gig! And maybe you could organize a SF boardie meeting sometime?
weirdmom Apr-10-09 3.32pm
Ric left before you?? That is an uber FAIL.
ricv64 Apr-10-09 2.17pm
doubt i could get you in , but yeah i'm going . haven't seen him since the jam played henry j kieser . that's going to print this weekend .
weirdmom Apr-9-09 8.32pm
Glad you like it. Ric disapproves but too bad. I'm sad you didn't get to meet the band or connect with Lindsey or Ric. I hope you still had a great time though!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Apr-9-09 2.35am
Thanks for the birthday greetings, Jude! I hope you had fun last night! :o)
ricv64 Apr-6-09 2.57pm
1 day !
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