

Natasa's Profile Details:

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The Notebook,LOTR,Pirates,HPs
Les Miserables,Crime and Punishment,The Name of the Rose,Dan Brown
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Member since: April-20-2007
Last Login: December-29-2013
Gender: Female
Country: GR
Posts: 370
Birthday: Nov-30-1987
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elmfai Jan-2-13 9.53pm
you're avatar is really really really amazing and lovely!!
happy_to_hang_around Nov-8-12 9.46am
haha,I love your profile picture :D
Wolfy Jan-20-09 3.15pm
Ki egw nomiza oti hmoun o monos (tous teleytaious 7 mhnes)... Poooo, foverh aisthisi na gnorizeis kalogoustous ellines.... Na rwtisw an exoun erthei pote oi Travis ellada??? Anyways, thanks, have brilliant day out there!!!
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-23-08 7.52pm
so close and yet so far! just a coupl days now before christmas! i hope you have a great christmas natasa. i'm sure that santa won't forget you, at the very least you've been a friend to me and that means a lot:-) thank you
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-12-08 8.52am
a travis gig would be nice, good choice! i will see what i can do:-p
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-12-08 3.18am
I believe you, I wish I could experience it though, maybe someday....that is my christmas wish this year:-p and "yes" santa does exist! my mom was santa when i was a kid and now i'm santa to my neices and nephews and sometimes to other people, so i guess you could tell me what you want and i will "try" to get it for you:p:-)
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-9-08 5.38am
i know what you mean!it's always hot here this time of year, the only place that i ever see snow is on tv:-p but i still love it. christmas is definately my favorite holiday. have you told santa what you want this year???
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-2-08 7.50pm
hey natasa, sorry i took so long to reply, it's the holiday season, lots of visitors to los angeles cuz it's never winter here, how have you been? i honestly do not know if you celebrate christmas there or most of our other holidays do you? if you do, then maybe we can exchange gifts or something??? just a thought:-) i hope you're doing well
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Nov-17-08 7.39am
i totally agree, great opening song and great closing song!:-) have you been to the movies lately?
Peewee Nov-11-08 9.53pm
Hey lady!!! :) How's it going? So you finally got your prizes possession...the cd. Brill! :) I LOVE Before you were young too.....excellant song.
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