
need some help or advice
Posts: 1241
kim2007w Posted Tue 03 Jul, 2007 10:44 PM Quote
after being hit and kicked at the sherwood gig i have decided to go for some form of self defence, (cos i was a wimp) and my daughter had to help me,

can anyone suggest which type would be best for me.
Re: need some help or advice
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 03 Jul, 2007 10:47 PM Quote

Some sort of self defence for women and I would also recommend an assertiveness class. The more assertive you are the less likely you will be to become a victim.
Re: need some help or advice
Posts: 1241
kim2007w Posted Tue 03 Jul, 2007 10:55 PM Quote
good advice, thanks
Re: need some help or advice
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Tue 03 Jul, 2007 11:15 PM Quote
my friend took up ai ki do afetr being attacked and it has helped her hugely.
it really built up her confidence.

Aikido is a non-violent art of self-defense and, unlike other martial arts, has no offensive techniques. Aikido teaches people how to calmly accept and control an attack rather than to react violently to a violent situation. An attack can be looked at as an extension of energy toward a person; an outpouring of a force with violent intent. In Aikido, force is never met with force, but with a gentle blending of our energy with the energy of the attacker. The meaning of the word "Aikido" is a good example of this approach to self- defense. The word Aikido is made up of three characters: the first character is "AI", which means to blend or to harmonize; the second character is "KI", which is dynamic energy or the energy of nature; and the last character is "DO", which means a way of doing things or a path through life. Thus, the word Aikido means "a way of life through harmony with nature". Aikido was founded by Morehei Ueshiba, a renowned martial artist of his time. Master Ueshiba redefined the martial code of budo, which was based on strength and brutality, into a martial way, which is based on the principle of harmony with the Ki of the universe, oneself and the principle of loving protection for all things. While Aikido is an art of self-defense, we must keep in mind that the main purpose of training Aikido is to carry the principles of harmony and non-violence into our daily life.

most important thing is not to mentally knock yourself down about other people's actions.
Re: need some help or advice
Dolly Mixed Up Girl
Posts: 127
Dolly Mixed Up Girl Posted Wed 04 Jul, 2007 10:56 AM Quote
I learnt Karate from the age of 9 and would recommend it but to be honest any type of self defence would be good. There are special women's self defence classes and I would imagine they might be your best bet.
Re: need some help or advice
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Wed 04 Jul, 2007 12:54 PM Quote
I did Female Self Defence at Uni. It was great. A mix of martial arts and commonsense self defence!
Re: need some help or advice
Baby Fran
Posts: 218
Baby Fran Posted Thu 05 Jul, 2007 7:10 AM Quote
Karate is what ive done for years it does help.
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