
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Foundation, Newcastle, UK

Support: Magic Numbers
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annemac Posted: 04-10-04 7:34
This is my 4th Travis gig and am still hungry for more. They are so entertaining and real. They come across as one of your mates as if you have known them for ages. Being an old fan as in I am 50, usually have to take the day off after a gig, today though am still buzzing with the excitement and raring to go. Fantastic night had a fairly good spot and could see Fran perfectly the speakers prevented me from seeing Dougy at all though. Am sooo jealous of the people who got to see them busking at Newcastle Central station that would have been amazing.
Thanks Travis for having the privilige of seeing you in such a small venue.
Georgi Posted: 04-10-04 9:46
Absolutlely awesome gig. More intimate than seeing them in a big arena. I was unlucky not to see them busking at the station.

Congrats Travis on a really good show!!
Nix Posted: 04-10-04 11:15
First of all I am the girl handing Fran his Guitar!!!! Had a fantastic day, won the chance to be Travis Roadie for the day, went to the venue saw the guys do their soundcheck, which was amazing, then met them in their dressing room, when they decided they were going busking and asked me and my friend Andrea to go along with them, could not believe how many people were there, (didnt realise the station was that busy on a Sunday). Whilst we were in the dressing room Fran came up with the idea of me handing him his guitar on stage, which of course I agreed to!!!!

Came back to the venue, then Travis took the stage, they were amazing I have seen them twice before and this was definitley the best show I have seen, then of course I had to go on stage and hand Fran his guitar, which was unbelievable, all in all we had a fantastic day and would like to thank everybody for making us feel very welcome and to the band who are so down to earth and made us feel very welcome!!!!

Cant wait to see them again very soon we hope!
weilandsgurl Posted: 04-10-04 12:24
Hi there :)

The Gig last night was probably one of the best I have been to so far, (7 in all) absolutely awesome and amazing! It was so exciting to see the band in such a small and intimate venue. I noticed that the crowd were particularly loud this evening and I think that gave Fran and Andy a bit more of a bounce in their step and a reason to smile more than usual(if that's possible)!! I was so pleased that Tied to the 90's was added to the set list as I have not heard it live before and as it is a very happy bouncy tune, me and my friends could not help having wee dance along to it which made us all fall about laughing at the end!
One of the reasons I love seeing travis live is for Fran's Stories, I could listen to them all night if he'd let me! One of the best has to be the one that he told tonight about Dougie and the sick incident....Nice One!
I feel like I could go on and on about this forever but had better leave it there and let someone else share their thoughts.

Thanks For a fantastic Gig guys and hopefully, I will see your happy smiling faces again real soon!
Much Love, Clare xxx
Jess1978 Posted: 04-10-04 1:20
I was a Travis virgin, despite having been a big fan since The Man Who. Managed to round up some people to accompany me, for my birthday treat.

Absolutely fantastic, even though the view was crappy (damn those pillars!).

My lasting memories of the gig were finding some blu tack on the pesky pillar and taking it as a souvenir, being rather cross to miss out on the busking at central station and realising the crush I had harboured for Fran for the last 4 years was ridiculous and that he is NOT my future husband.

I then proceeded to develop a crush on Doug.

Will I ever learn?

I think I'll need to attend many more gigs to get it all out of my system!
bigbuzzybumblebee Posted: 04-10-04 1:24
oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!! how happy am i!?!

what an amazing night! i have never in my life experienced anything so fantastic as that gig - thank you soooo much travis, you totally rock!

i knew it was going to be a good gig, but i never imagined it would be like that.
i managed to get a fantastic spot just behind TravisStar who was on the front row (she's fab!). i was right in the middle in front of Fran and had a great view of Dougie - who was seriously rocking and clearly loving every minute of the gig, and Andy ......oh, sexy sexy Andy!
The crowd were amazing and constantly cheering Dougie and the other guys on.

as i knew i would, i ended up in tears quite early on. i yelled Andy and he waved and smiled for my camera, then straight after that they went into the one song that has so much meaning to me. that was it, i couldnt help it, i felt my face crumple and i cried my eyes out! i ended up telling Dougie off for laughing at me!!

apart from that slightly tearful moment i dont think i stopped smiling and singing for the whole gig. Happy got the whole crowd bouncing as did a reasonable amount of other songs!

the encore was great, it included 20, and Baby One More Time and Blue Flashing Light, as well as a fantastic rendition of The Weight.

after the gig, i got to meet the guys and got chatting to a load of boardies too! TravisStar was laughing at me constantly as i couldnt help but squeal quietly when i saw Andy and got my picture taken with him! All the guys were so lovely it was the perfect ending to the best night ever!!
thank you so so much travis, love ya heaps!
Diddly-dee Posted: 04-10-04 1:47
First Travis gig but certainly a memorable one! Loved the banter from Fran and he looks even better in the flesh! Disappointed he didnt have his kilt on as was near the front and was hoping for a sneak glance .... of his legs!!!!

Thorougly enjoyed every minute of it - sounded excellent live and cannot wait for further gigs. Small venues are definitely better then arenas but I just wish I was taller! Its a shame as I just had a nose job a few months ago so couldn't jump up and down with the others but will do next time!
secretsmile Posted: 04-10-04 3:35
i have no voice at all left today but i have to say it was so so worth it!!! Was lucky enough to be squeezed in at the front row again and had a brilliant view of the gorgeous Fran.

Cried my eyes out during Re-Offender, reminds me of my ex-boyfriend who 'said he loved me, but he did it again, said he was sorry, but did it again' Ho hum.

Blue Flashing Light was storming, so worth waiting for. I have one lasting memory of this show....

DOUGIE... PUKE!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious. This ticket was well worth 4 hours of hard work!!!!!!
northern ellie Posted: 04-10-04 5:58
fantastic gig! dougies such a dude. right, heres my little story: i had this ballon that Nat got me for my beleted birthday and we wrote "give us a hug doug" on it (which he did). so that was fine, but 2 things happened: firstly, this mad old tramp followed round newcastle centre threatening to burn it with his lighter while we tried to find where travis were busking, then when we actually got in the gig, this evil woman grabbed it off me and disappeared! how nasty is that?! so anyway, thats what happened :)
JamesW Posted: 04-10-04 7:25
WOW!!!! Not much more to say. Brilliant venue, excellent set list, fantastic atmosphere and crowd. Everything you want rolled into one amazing night!!

I was 2 behind the girl with the balloon and couldn't quite believe when that woman pushed past and stole it!!! I tried to stop her getting past in the first place but she went past another way!!!

Oh, and Happy was the most fun I've ever had at a gig =D

cionac Posted: 04-10-04 11:06
my 2nd travis gig,1st one i was a bit drunk and it's all a blur,this one is much clearer,absolutely fantastic. So much better at small venue even though it was a squash,intimate i think it's called! Band were really energetic and inspiring,a real pleasure to watch.
The balloon incident-the girl squashed past us to get the balloon,she was standing further back and couldn't see past it,so loving the sentiment behind the balloon idea but bad news paying 20quid and not being able to see owt but a gold blob in front of fran and the guys!
Had a fab time anyway and thanks to travis for letting us see them up close and sweaty! See you all at the next one xx
Weedief Posted: 05-10-04 1:21
We drove down from Glasgow for this show and was amazed at how intimate the venue was. We were in the front row right in front of Andy (which is where I usually end up). Fran was very chatty tonight and telling a lot of stories - let's not go into the drunked night in france. The image of Neil in his underwear will continue to linger!!!! I've never been to a gig outside Scotland before so was impressed by the noise. Hearing all the singles was great "tied to the nineties" was particularly great to hear live.

I left particularly hoarse and on a complete high to drive home to Glasgow and do it all over again tonight.
paulair Posted: 05-10-04 8:59
I didnt understand why i could get Travis tickets a couple of days before hand and was wondering if it might just be some transvestite cover band. Travis are by far the best band i've seen live and they really gave us an experience rather than just stand sing and fook off. I couldnt go to the toilet incase i missed anything so its a good job they made us dance because it made me feel better. By the end i smelt like toilet which was nice. I am going to get travis tattoo's on my chin and calf, no wait there, i've changed my mind, but they were really fekkin good.
nalod77 Posted: 05-10-04 12:56
all ive got to say is i will never want to go to any other artists concert again after newcastle's foundation gig!
theres no point when youve been that close to a quality performer!
me and my girlfreind were right at the front on the barrer and what a show it was!
whats the piont in going to an arena to be sitting in the clouds and the artist is a spec of dust down below!
thanks for the show fran and the lads it was awsome! A+++++++
toonarmy Posted: 05-10-04 5:00
Oh my god,I've just about calmed down from Sunday night.
Pretty much everything about this gig has been said already but I can't stress enough how good they were. This was my seventh Travis concert and far and away the best.
The set list really worked as there wasn't a weak song on it and for them to play TTT90's was a special treat for us regular gig goers.
Only down point was my mate got thrown out for chinning a lad at the bar for standing in front of him after only 4 songs!
After the show we went down the side of the venue to meet the lads as I'd done back in '99 when they last played here.
They were superb and signed absolutely everything including my T-Shirt which has been worn at every gig I've been to and will now sadly have to be retired!
Andy gave me a plec, Fran signed a bunch of rolled up gaffer tape I nicked off the stage and the whole band signed Neils set list we got off a kind roadie (see the pictures I've uploaded).
My wife had a few kisses off Fran (he even gave me one!) hugs all round and then off home to bed.
An absolutely top night that seems like a dream now. Posted: 05-10-04 6:12
This is the 3rd time i've seen Travis and was definitely the best. They are such a down to earth band. I love to hear Fran's stories and find it really annoying when people shout over him. Have some respect!! Thanks lads me and my husband Ali had the best night ever. Please come again soon!! Happy was my favourite song.
Rachael and Ali x
mme cholet Posted: 05-10-04 8:41
Absolutely fantastic gig. Fran was right when he said there was nothing better than a hot sweaty small gig.
I don't think I've sang so loud in my life. A wonderful atmosphere and a cracking night, definately my favourite concert so far.
What a way to celebrate your greatest hits. As for the busking what a great idea. Only wish I'd been there to see it.
If you haven't seen Travis you don't know what you are missing.
Clare Tucker Posted: 06-10-04 3:41
What a night...they blew the sweaty roof off! Was in fine spirits after winning the tickets on a local radio station! Jammy or what! Really heavy weekend, Sunday came round & me & my mate got in the thick of it...3rd row from the front! I was a Travis concert virgin, converted in a matter of mins to a major Travis fan! The atmosphere was electric, pogoing,singing & I couldnt take my eyes off Dougie, with those hips & that sexy smile!! My god he does it for me! Highlights for me Happy, Turn, Side & Hit Me Baby one more Time!
Tried to blag backstage through the record label who we won through, but it was the roadie winner only!! Now I wish I had hung round the back doors to meet them!
My friend Bambi who I went to the concert with had a phonecall off Fran from Central Station that day when they were busking...she is still in shock now! More importantly what nice down to earth guys with real talent who truly love what they do best...REAL MUSIC!!!
Fran Posted: 06-10-04 10:52
Awoke at 7.45 to the sound of my dorbell buzzing. I had set my alarm for 8am, thinking that I was getting picked up at 9am. Damn! I had to unload my car from our studio trip, pack my bags, have a wash, lock the house up, and play with Amby.
15 minutes later I was with Alberto, driving towards Brewery Road were our bus was parked up.
We set off at 9am for Newcastle, stopping for some breakfast and to pick up Adam (keyboards). Watched an episode of Still Game and then I crashed out in the bunk. Bunks are like mobile coffins. I love the bunk. I fall asleep very quickly in the bunk. The vibrations of the road beneath, set me of to dreamland.
I awoke as we drew into Newcastle. The last show we did in Newcastle was great. The venue was a little strange. Everyone was sitting. And our lighting show seemed to reflect off the light coloured walls, leading to the feeling of playing in someones living room with the lights all turned on. This time though we were to play a proper venue. Dark, all standing. Lovely. We soundchecked and then rehearsed for our busk. We decided it would make the usual tour business more interesting if we did some impromptu street shows along with these club dates. Any money made to go to The Big Issue. We set off in 2 cars. As we drove through newcastle it became apparent that the place was deserted. The shops closed at 4pm and it was 5pm. Very drizzly as well. Not a soul. Oh shit!
In the end it all turned out fine. We set up shop under the arches of the main train station and went for it. After a couple of songs we had about 30 people gathered. After 3 or 4 songs it had swelled to 200. We played Baby One More Time and then the police arrived and told us to stop. I sort of continued and one of them looked pretty pissed off so I stopped. The crowd booed. Poor guys. They asked us to move around the corner as we were blocking an exit. Fair enough. The other cop said he loved the band and had all our records. Cool! We finished the busk and signed everyones stuff and then dashed back to the venue where we hung out with our new friends The Magic Numbers. They are going on first on this tour and are briliant. A tip for the top. Their songs are so catchy. I heard them play at the Monarch last week with Dougie, Neil and Andy and we asked them if they wanted to do the tour with us. i am so happy that they came along.
Their show tonight was great. I love these songs.
Look out for them.
We had a great show tonight. We love these venues. It is so cool to go up to massive venues and then play in a small club again. When you play these big sheds then you have to really project massively to fill the room with the vibe so the atmosphere in the club tonight was fever pitch. The roof nearly blew off. Everyone was so welcoming. The set was 1 hour and 40 minutes and full on from beginning to end. We have so many songs it's crazy. I really enjoyed playing all the singles and the encore as voted by the mighty message board was perfect. What a start. Thanks Newcastle. See you soon
robroxuk Posted: 11-10-04 11:21
What can I say? Stunning! I was at the city hall in march and had a good night and I thought that ?20 to see you in Foundation was quite good so I thought I'd go again. I would pay three times that much to see you there again. It was simply the best gig I have ever been to!
After you'd finished the singles I thought you'd blown your load too early but you carried on and got better.
After the show me and my mate Ian went outside and grabbed 1 of the 'walking in the sun' posters. In years to come it will be worth a fortune!
I don't know who's idea it was to go back to the clubs, but they are a genius!
Make sure you return and don't bother with the city hall or the arena!!
See you next time
chris2304 Posted: 19-10-04 6:43
Ok, Im actually lying when I said I was there because I wasn't but I wouldn't haven been able to write this if I hadn't lied so you know. I was actually working and I was totally gutted that I missed this gig! From what Ive read so far, it was absolutely tremendous, just as I thought it would be! Smaller venues create better much atmospheres but don't let that put you off coming back to the Arena again because any Travis gig is great! :D I only found out about the busking while I was at work (Evening it on the front page! Nice one lads!). Not only had the busking finished, but so had the damn gig!! My arsehole of a boss wouldn't have let me go watch it anyway so I'll just assume it was fantastic! Grrr...I missed it! Come back soon guys! You rawk!! :D
SexyHan Posted: 20-10-04 3:39
Well where do I begin? first off I think I should mention that I am infact not from Newcastle but Nottingham (am quite upset with the lads not doin a lil club gig for us down there! If u want to my rooms just big enough to fit i dunno say 4 guys and their instruments and say... me into ;oD huh I wish!!) but due to having friends (one another big travis fan, who came with me) just moved up their to uni and wanting em to go and stay what else could I do?!? I couldnt believe how much luck we had that night, we thought we were going to miss the whole thing when we were still the wrong side of the city and unable to book at taxi at 1900 (dorrs opened at 1930) but just about to run off and a taxi was droppin someone off outside their flat so we ran over to discover he wasnt bnokked afterwards, RESULT!! So we got there on time and oh wow! we walked in, I've been to see friends in bands on a music course in bigger venues, we knew it was gonna be great. And we certainly weren't disappointed. I had been to one Travis gig before at a big venue and I'm glad it was that way round else Nottm wouldnt have seemed so amazing...
The guys were brilliant, even better than in Nottm, this time we were 3rd row from the front inline with Andy (yum) and Neil (yes please!) what an amazing gig, the guys were great, the fans were great, the magic numbers were great. and best bit, right at the end I managed to catch a big blue towel thrown at me by fran (i must appologise to the guy behind me who also tried to grab it, but id come all the way from Nottingham!)Myself and my friend were in shock, how much good luck can a girl have in one night?!?!
Well done lads!! (and don't forget the offer of that intimate Nottingham gig :oP xx)
Travis STAR Posted: 04-11-04 5:34
Long time coming this lil review of here goes! The best day of my life so far!!! I went to this gig with Steph & Srah Anna from the board, and we met loads of other boardies which was verrrrry cool! We got to the venue at 2pm we all just hung around the backstage doors waiting for the guys to come out.....sadly we'd missed them. But we were told by a roadie that they would be busking in the town nearby, naturally we ran straight for the place. No sign of them. the roadie had told us the wrong time & place...grrr!! So we went back to the venue and queued up to get in for the gig, sat outside in the bloody freezing cold for two hours. In the end we ordered a pizza to be delivered to us.....By the time 7:30 came we were in the club, at the very front (inbetween Franny & Andy, but an amazing view of them all!!). 'Blue Flashing Light' sounded so cool, everyone went mental! Once the gig had finished I walked out with Andy's towel which I was very lucky to catch, and a set list. We went and met the guys afterwards too, they're all so lovely to talk to....I had them sign my set list and photos taken with each of them. I never realised down tall Dougie really is!! I think that I did VERY well for my first Travis gig, and that there are LOTS more to come in the future!!!!

Tied To The 90s
U16 Girls
Writing To Reach You
Walking In The Sun
Love Will Come Through
All I Want To Do Is Rock
The Beautiful Occupation
Coming Around
More Than Us
Flowers In The Window (Fran solo, acoustic)
Why Does It Always Rain On Me?

Baby One More Time
The Weight
Blue Flashing Light


09 Hopetoun House, Edinburgh, UK 
03 YouFM Studio Concert, Frankfurt, DE 
19 Stirling Castle, Stirling, UK 
09 Luz De Gas, Barcelona, ES 
08 Chesterfield Caf, Madrid, ES 
04 Hanbury Arms, Brighton, UK 
29 Virgin Radio, London, UK 
14 Mean Fiddler, London, UK 
13 Academy, Bristol, UK 
11 Leadmill, Sheffield, UK 
10 Academy 2, Manchester, UK 
08 Junction, Cambridge, UK 
07 Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton, UK 
04 The Cavern, Liverpool, UK 
04 Barrowlands, Glasgow, UK 
03 Foundation, Newcastle, UK 
02 Gasometer, Vienna, AT 
01 Alcatraz, Milan, IT 
31 Hallenstadion, Zurich, CH 
29 Hammersmith Apollo, London, UK 
28 Hammersmith Apollo, London, UK 
27 Dome, Doncaster, UK 
25 Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK 
24 Pavillions, Plymouth, UK 
22 Arena, Middlesborough, UK 
21 Internation Centre, Bournemouth, UK 
20 Rivermead, Reading, UK 
18 Spa, Bridlington, UK 
17 National Indoor Arena, Birmingham, UK 
15 AECC, Aberdeen, UK 
14 City Hall, Sheffield, UK 
12 SECC, Glasgow, UK 
11 SECC, Glasgow, UK 
10 Barfly, Glasgow, UK 
08 Apollo, Manchester, UK 
07 Apollo, Manchester, UK 
06 Empress Ballroom, Blackpool, UK 
07 Sports Palace, Mexico City, MX 
05 Granada Theatre, Lawrence, KS, US 
04 Verizon Wireless Theatre, Houston, TX, US 
03 La Zona Rosa, Austin, TX, US 
31 Spreckels, San Diego, CA, US 
30 The Wiltern, Los Angeles, CA, US 
29 The Wiltern, Los Angeles, CA, US 
27 The Joint, Las Vegas, NV, US 
25 The Warfield, San Francisco, CA, US 
25 Metreon, San Francisco, CA, US 
23 Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA, US 
22 Orpheum Theatre, Boston, MA, US 

  Party At The Palace, Linlithgow, UK    paul_c
  Trollrock, Beitostolen, NO    babbelerik
  Teatro Diana, Guadalajara, MX    monichor