
Travisonline Tour Archive
The Travisonline Tour Archive is a place where registered members can log their attendance at shows and post their own reviews AND photos of Travis live.

Whether Travis were support for another band, at a festival or headlining their own tour, we invite you to check through the archived dates and add your own memories of live shows you have attended.

Get Involved !
With your participation you are also helping to create an extensive and detailed Gigography, listing the band's shows from 1996 up to the present, and future gigs as they occur.

The Tour Archive and Forum share the same member registration details.If you have registered or posted to the messageboards you already have access to post photos and reviews to the archive.

Do I Have To Register?
You do not need to be a member to view or browse the archive. But to post reviews, upload pictures or log which shows you attended you must register.

How To Register
To register for membership of Travisonline click the REGISTER link available at the top right of this page. Enter a username (which will be your member nickname), password and a valid email address in the form provided. A confirmation email will be sent to it after completing the registration process this will contain a link to activate your membership.

Think carefully about your username as you will not be able to change this after registration. You are responsible for keeping your password private and for all messages posted under your account. So, please immediately notify the web team of any unauthorised use of your password or account or other breach of security.

There are two ways to view pictures or reviews in the archive.

1. Select the year of the gig you wish to view.
Upon selection of a year, you will be presented with a chronological list of live dates available in the archive. Icons listed beside the show's date and venue will alert you to whether or not the archive holds photos, reviews, setlists or registered attendance for that show:

This icon indicates a member has posted photos for this show.

This icon indicates members have attended this show.

This icon indicates a review has been posted for this show.

Some shows feature the actual setlist played that night.

Some shows feature audio or video files of the performance.

2. Use the Archive's VIEW All feature.
Under the heading latest uploads to the archive you can select VIEW ALL photos or reviews. Upon selection of one of these links, you will be provided with an index of pages for all photos or reviews which have been posted to the archive.

Clicking on an individual review/photo will take you to that specific show where you can view the full size image or read the review. Image previews with white borders will link through to the actual gig page where the links to full size images are available.

View options in Show All pages

NEW : This option, which is also the default view, presents the most recently added photos/reviews in an index of pages.

HISTORY (DESC) : This view will sort through the photos/reviews and present an index in chronological order from latest to earliest.

HISTORY (ASC) : This option presents all photos/reviews available in the archive in a chronological order from earliest to latest.

Have you seen Travis live? If so, we invite you to register your attendance.

Select the show which you wish to register to and locate the ADD MY NAME link. Clicking on this link will submit your username and will put it alongside other members in attendance at that show. Your gig count will also be updated within your profile page.

Before posting a review, please make sure you have read and understand the following conditions:

Please note you are limited to one review per show and the review you submit is not editable once posted to the archive. So take your time with your review and make sure you're happy with it, before posting.

If a band member has posted a review or tour diary for a show, please do not reply to it as though it was a message on the Forum. The archive is for show reviews only.

Similarly if you wish to get in contact with other members who have registered for the same show, or have any comments on reviews or photos in the archive, please post them direct on either the forum or email if they have provided one.

Please note the text formatting codes available on the Forum are not included in the Gig Archive. Please refrain also from any HTML code in your reviews. This includes the use of images, bold text, italics, underlined text or email links.

To upload photos, find the gig you wish to contribute to and follow the Upload Photos for this show link.

Click the Browse button and locate the photo you wish to upload from your computer. When you have located the photo you want to upload, click Open. The file has now been chosen.

Do not on any account post photos which are not your own unless you have explicit permission from the photographer to do so. Provide credit to the photographer who took the photo by entering their name in the Photo Credit section. Then click Submit.

There are a number of limitations you must abide by when uploading photos:

There is a limit of 10 photos, per member for each individual show.
Think carefully about the photos you wish to upload as you cannot edit your shots after they have been posted to the archive.

You don't need to resize the dimensions of photos for the archive.
This will be done automatically. But please remember that file sizes over 500KB will be rejected.

Please do not upload other peoples photographs without their permission.
If you are concerned someone has uploaded a photo they do not have permission to contribute, please do not hesitate to contact the Web Team.

Photos must be in JPG format.
Other formats will be rejected from being uploaded.

Photos must be under 500KB in size.
Files over 500KB will not be accepted to the Archive.

If you have a lot of photos, please select the 5 best you wish to showcase. If you have exceeded your limit and feel you have additional photos which deserve a home in the archive contact Travis Web Team via the message board.

Whilst every effort has been made in the accuracy of archiving past shows there will be occasional omissions or discrepancies within the database.

If you can help us out with any unarchived dates or setlists? please post the gig details to the Travis Messageboard noting the date, venue and country.

N.B. Guesses or approximate setlists/dates are not helpful in building this archive. Correct and definitive information only, please!

If you have an actual setlist or ticket for a show which doesn't feature any images of these at present, why not scan it and upload it as one of your photos.

Only one setlist and ticket photo will be displayed per show.

Reviews or diaries posted by the members of Travis or the Web Team will be shown with the author name in RED to verify the source of the post.

TERMS & CONDITIONS provides fans with a place to meet, interact, and share ideas with each other. Just like a real community, you may have different opinions than others. We would simply ask you to stick to the following:

Do not post anything that contravenes or violates the laws and legislation of the country you are accessing this site from.

Do not harass, abuse, or threaten other members of the community.

Do not post content that is obscene, defamatory or otherwise objectionable.

Do not advertise or offer for sale any goods or services, or use the site as a means of commercial promotion for any activity.

Don't post copyrighted content without permission from the owner.

By registering you accept that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this archive have the right to remove, edit, move or delete any reviews/photos at any time should they see fit.

As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

This archive uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered to register; they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure.

The e-mail address you have provided is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one). By registering you agree to be bound by these conditions.

Despite our efforts to encourage users of interactive areas to adhere to these terms and conditions, anyone using the Forum, Tour Archive or Member sections should be aware that from time to time, they may contain offensive material.

Thanks, Travis Web Team



08 Party At The Palace, Linlithgow, UK 
18 Zermatt Unplugged, Zermatt, CH 

  Party At The Palace, Linlithgow, UK    paul_c
  Trollrock, Beitostolen, NO    babbelerik
  Teatro Diana, Guadalajara, MX    monichor