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MsFatRat Aug-14-09 6.12pm
Hello Cliodhna! Thank you for accepting ;)
goosey_84 Jun-29-09 8.06pm i'm not sure how much it will be to depends on the weight i suppose...i'm going to try to ship your candy off by wednesday or thursday at the latest! :D
goosey_84 Jun-24-09 9.27pm
hiya! looks like it's me and you for the exchange fen! :D
Rammsfer Jun-24-09 3.19pm
Really? Wow cool! Yeah there are some rumours of a DVD. Would be cool if they make the project. Hehe, and if they make it, maybe you'll be there :P
Rammsfer Jun-23-09 2.33am
Oh and about the picture, l don't know. lt's from a Mexican Oasis fan page (from a friend). But yeah it is cool :P
Rammsfer Jun-23-09 2.31am
Haha nah no problem, you just came to my mind hehe. Haha, it will be kinda difficult to find ya, 80,000 people! You were near the stage? Yes, last year (November 28th). Best day of my whole life so far.
Rammsfer Jun-22-09 2.12am
Hehe, yes! lt was a top gig, l saw many videos and some pictures. 80,000 people! l was thinking about ya when l saw the videos, l said 'Damn she's there! She's so lucky' l really miss them.
Rammsfer Jun-20-09 5.08pm
Hey! Good luck at Oasis gig, are you mad fer it?
TheBoyWithAName Jun-17-09 8.25pm
Thanks a lot, I've had a great day! :) Nice that you like my jacket and yeah Bruce is the BOSS, for sure! ;)
Rammsfer Jun-16-09 6.31pm
l know! Wow cool. Gonna be a great show. The Prodigy is good, but yeah the lead man is a freak lol. You'll have a good time ;)
Rammsfer Jun-16-09 5.59pm
You're gonna see Oasis? :O!
lindsey22295 May-30-09 6.40am
Thank you for your kind comments on my Bruin thread. I greatly appreciate your understanding and it makes me feel a bit better!
Rammsfer Apr-25-09 3.32am
Thanks. Yeah l was kinda sad. And yeah, l'm sure they were class! But now l'm just thinking in Depeche Mode :) Really? That sucks! But yeah me too, l hate exams. Good luck :)
Rammsfer Apr-24-09 8.10pm
Hey there :D l know! He's awesome, and he feels the music. l can't believe l didn't saw them when they came in March. How are you?
Intergalactic91 Apr-18-09 3.30pm
Hiya :) thanks for the message..not alot of people know anything other than Clockwork Orange but another great book by him is Earthly Powers..I'm sure you'd be able to get a copy from somewhere :) Thanks
nickynooboo Apr-14-09 4.30pm
I am not too bad thank you. Enjoying my last day off before going back to work following easter :( How's life with you? Got any exciting plans for the summer?
Rammsfer Mar-22-09 7.08pm
Heeeeeeeey :D Aww thank you very much! l really appreciate this :) Thanks for the best wishes :P Have a nice week! ;)
Rammsfer Feb-8-09 6.23pm
Oh cool! I want to buy it. Maybe next week when I travel to another city. I hope to find it...Yes! Me too. Coxon is a very good musician, I don't have many of his stuff, but he's pretty good.
Rammsfer Feb-7-09 9.32pm
And l'm fine hehe :D
Rammsfer Feb-7-09 9.32pm
Hehe yes! He's funny, and l'm excited because maybe Blur will record a new album :D No, l haven't =/ Have you? Oh cool!
Rammsfer Feb-7-09 5.05pm
Haha lmao I don't know xD I love that picture. How are you? :)
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Jan-29-09 12.02am
VERY JEALOUS!:-/....all we have here is sunshine and the pacific ocean;-) we should trade for a day or two:-p
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Jan-26-09 11.48pm
Aw-dorable, simply adorable....:-)
irenesfor Jan-1-09 12.09am
Happy 2009!!! =D
Rammsfer Dec-28-08 11.50pm
Oh, that's cool :) i'm fine too, thanks =P Hehe yes! How about you?
Rammsfer Dec-27-08 1.24am
Hey :) Merry Christmas to you too :P How are you?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-23-08 7.55pm
i would be the first in line to buy that book, definately!:-) hey, just in case we don't get to chat, I want to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year! thank you soooo much for being my friend, it means a lot to me. please know that you always have a friend in the west coast:-)
TheBoyWithAName Dec-22-08 11.36am
I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year! =)
Peewee Dec-13-08 4.20pm
Yeah that's the one. Yes v cold so you were better off inside! lol Ohhh the Titanic Quarters. Fab! I haven't been yet myself....gosh your school does exciting things! Apparently they are going to build a huge museum at Titanic Quarters and do it all up as it's rather run down over there. I think that's a great idea.
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-12-08 3.25am
i had no idea blur was getting back together, that's great news! i hope they tour the states, it's funny you should mention doctor seuss, all my life i have had to put up with "why no, i do not like green eggs and ham, sam i am" secretly, it was pretty funny to me, but you know, i didn't want to encourage anybody, especially my brother ho was always my bully! this year i would really like to see and touch real snow, that would be great:-)
Peewee Dec-11-08 10.02pm
Awwww that's brilliant hon! Glad you had a great time :D It's lovely at Christmas, I love it too!!! Did you get to the Christmas Market?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-9-08 5.41am
i have friends and family visiting from mexico so i have been pretty busy showing everyonw around. i saw coldplay and oasis seperately last week, that was fun....and i should be done with my christmas shopping soon. what did you ask from santa this year???
Peewee Dec-5-08 2.51pm
Hey Cli, how's it going? I love how are your pics are of you directing your eyes elsewhere! heehee So you been xmas shopping yet? when you heading up this direction?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-4-08 8.20pm
great!i prefer batgirl, much more appealing ;-):-p, so what do you have planned for christmas?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Dec-2-08 7.46pm
hey you, nice batman shirt:-] the travis gig was awsome, as you would imagine, they played a great set with old and new stuff, fran sounded great and was ina great mood, at one point he even jumped in the croud to our surprise, it was really cool! my friend just recently got a job at the bar in the troubadour and was passing me free drinks all night, so, as you could imagine, the next morning and few days that followed i was a bit sick. but it was totally worth it!:-) how have you been, sorry for not coming on more often, it's the holidays, you know.
TheBoyWithAName Nov-28-08 12.57pm
Euuuw math, think the devil invented that one! :S Hehe not my favourite class for sure, thank God I'm not studying anymore :) Hehe always easier to buy stuff for yourself ;)
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 5.54pm
Hehe thank you, it's a Labrador! =) So what subjects are your favourites? Oh yeah christmas shopping! Anything particular in mind?
TheBoyWithAName Nov-26-08 11.50am
Today the temperatur has risen, it rains and the snow is melting :( Guess that was this years winter! How did the exams go?
TheBoyWithAName Nov-24-08 9.54am
Do you live in Ireland? I wish you good luck with the exams! =) I'm fine, snowstorm outside today, brrrrr!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-22-08 3.38pm
Well hello there! :) Everything okey?
Peewee Nov-12-08 10.32pm
Hey, good news good news...Belfast is starting to set up it's Christmas Market and should open on the 19th Nov till the 20th Dec....just in time for your lil shopping trip! So much fun! :)
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Nov-8-08 2.24am
oops my "w" is malfunctioning, that was "what" and "was"
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Nov-8-08 2.23am
thank you, i've never been called pretty,but i am flattered:-] so how was ugly betty? i'm surprised it airs there, i keep thinking that all the "american" stuff that we have here is different from hat you get there, good to know that I as wrong:-p
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Nov-5-08 12.47am
yes that is me:-) i have the cd, it's really good! i've only listened to it twice so far,but i am already impressed
Peewee Nov-1-08 11.16am
Is Cli short for Cliona? Such a pretty name :)
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-26-08 9.57pm
if i do meet them, i will send along greetings from you,how bout that?:-)
Peewee Oct-23-08 2.17pm
Aww cool! Belfast is a great city...I Love it, and not just because I work here and practically live here! lol Hope you have a super time! :D Ohhh and you could go on our big wheel at the City Hall! lol
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-22-08 9.39pm
It's been a loooong day, a lot of stuff going on cuz we're moving our offices to downtown los angeles, but I'm excited cuz Travis decided on one gig in the states and they chose my city;-):-)
Peewee Oct-21-08 8.54pm
To be honest I don't know really anywhere that might take eruos...except the Visit Belfast Centre in the City Centre. I would definitely get some money changed before you come up pet! Just to be on the safe side. Some places could be funny about Euros :) Where you coming too and what's it all for??? :D
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-21-08 8.37pm
Doctor Who?:-p So what's up fenchurch,if that is your real name....just kidding,I know your name is Cli,very cute i must say,sounds like a little bird:-)
Peewee Oct-20-08 9.19pm
NO!!!!! lol You cannot have my top! hehe. Is purple your colour coz it's purple! lol
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-20-08 3.29pm
Living in the past has it's advantages,for example,I can change things if I make mistakes in the future....aha;-)
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-17-08 11.23pm
lucky you! i have been working all day,it is 4:22pm here. i will be off from work in about 20 minutes, at which point,you will not hear from me until monday cuz i never have time to go online during the weekend,normally.:-p
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-17-08 10.40pm
you're still awake?...oh yeah,it's friday night:-p are you partying???you are aren't you!
Peewee Oct-17-08 9.43am
Hey missy...every time I see your name I think of my fenchurch top! lol Random but there it is. How's you?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-16-08 8.46pm i said,if it's really important to you....and you're really that curious....:-p....
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-16-08 5.55pm
no,i'm just a private person,don't like to give to much away too quickly,you know. i guess if i was trying to find someone or wanted someone to find me i would have a pic up,but this is just for kicks.:-)
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-15-08 3.07pm
I see,mona lisa, now it all makes sense!:-p....if you really want to see what i look like you'll have to give me your e-mail address,then i'm gonna want your honest opinion,good,bad,whatever it may be,deal?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-14-08 9.12pm
wow,you are almost smiling in this pic,cool,let's see those pearly whites of yours;-)
RaZzZ Oct-10-08 10.37pm
I am from Mexico, but actually i am moving to Germany. The best country to see a lot of times Travis!
RaZzZ Oct-10-08 2.18am
Razzz!!! Where are you from?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-9-08 8.32pm
don't laugh,it's true;-)....i have heard none of the album yet,not even a snippet,nothing,nil,nada,by choice! i want to buy it,drive it home,put it in the stereo and listen to it without knowing anything about it,ofcourse i will have to wait until 11/4,but oh well,that's what i get for living here and not....there
RaZzZ Oct-8-08 10.22pm
Hello there who are you?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-7-08 10.50pm
CHEER UP! you'll get through:-) by the way, you are really cute
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-6-08 4.03pm
i don't want to cry, but i do appreciate a good movie, do you recommend the boy in striped pijamas? how was your weekend?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-3-08 10.40pm
You are the second person to mention that!:-p I really do like that movie as cheesy and unrealistic as it is. The last movie I saw was pineapple express which will probably only be released in the states, it's a total "american" comedy about weed, i loved it. what about you? what was your last movie?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-2-08 5.27pm
lol,yea i am what they call, a shape shifter, able to take any form that i please to take:-p jk i haven't had time to upload a picture of myself, but i will soon.
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Sep-30-08 9.39pm
wow, that is a great pic, you look really cute :-)
irenesfor Sep-18-08 8.26pm
Hehe :)
irenesfor Sep-17-08 10.40pm
Hi! You're welcome :) Well, I'm enjoying my last days of holidays. And you?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Sep-16-08 10.57pm
wow, the carribean?! that sounds like fun, but when? why? will you have a computer there????....we just met:-(
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Sep-15-08 5.40pm
cool pic, i like it, what were you thinking when you took it? looks like you might have been a little distracted??? how are you by the way?:-)
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Sep-2-08 11.13pm
Yikes! nervous breakdowns, maybe they should try to teach a semester or two in east los angeles, it might "calm" them.:-p i am finishing up school also at the university of california state in los angeles. i have decided to do communications with a minor in liberal arts. i'm also working at the moment as a customer service representative. along with the millions of things there are to do here i keep pretty busy i guess. what do you do for fun there?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Aug-29-08 7.26pm
what school do you go to?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Aug-29-08 4.53pm
Hey,I'm good how bout you?how's life in ireland?:-)
Chiito-chan Aug-12-08 4.55pm
It's very sad, but I like how was written. I think i won't see the movie. I was learning french and I think it's easy. Do you see the Olympics?
Chiito-chan Aug-10-08 9.58am
Thanks! Well, I try to speak english :). My spanish is better, I think :P. I like your taste on music too! Oasis are my second favourite band and I love Mr. Coxon :) How are you?
Chiito-chan Aug-7-08 1.06pm
Hey!Thanks for the add. Happy Thursday!
brenda_94_56 Jul-25-08 1.35am
no yo are not old !! hahahaha
GMS1968 Mar-22-08 11.30am
Hi. Thanks for replying to my "Travis words in your life" post. ;-)
rhysy Mar-16-08 3.30pm
heya thanx for the add im rhysy