

nickynooboo's Profile Details:

About Me
Have been a fan for 10 years but wasn't lucky enough to see a gig until recently. Was blown away!
Tour Archive Photos: 10 Show All
nickynooboo has attended 2 shows
Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton, UK
Indian Summer, Shrewsbury, UK

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Member since: September-06-2008
Last Login: March-24-2013
Gender: Female
Country: UK
Posts: 315
Birthday: Nov-16-1979
Occupation: Civil Servant
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Friends: 26 (show all)

18 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

Nikki Oct-22-09 5.04am
Nicky! Hey! Wow! It has been a long time since I've seen you around. First off, you look so pretty in your profile picture! I can't WAIT for tomorrow!!!! EEEk!! Will give the board a full report afterwards. :) Glad you're enjoying nursing. :) Talk to ya later!
cornflakes May-14-09 9.24pm
hello, i think the board has a problem with the posts at a moment. i end up with apost of you saying good birthday to wendy so i suppose you have my post with a pic of fran & dougie in it :-( don't know what happen on the board but they mixed up our posts haha
hennypenny May-9-09 8.15am
Congrats on the Nursing program!
Nikki Apr-22-09 3.13pm
Thanks so much, Nicky. It was probably the most fun weekend I've ever had. I would LOVE to come to the UK convention. Kristy and I have plans. :)
fenchurch Apr-15-09 4.07am
Aw, back to work, what do you do? I'm gonna see Oasis over the summer, and I'm gonna try to get a day ticket for Oxgyen music festival in july cos I really wanna see Blur (I'm a tad bit in love with the guitarist ;) How about you?
RaZzZ Apr-14-09 7.31pm
Well, i sent a message to TWT and they told me Travis just will play in next 3 festivals. No nice, because i wanted to go to UK in some festival, at least this fests are not so far from here
RaZzZ Apr-14-09 3.28am
Hi!!! Will you attend some summer fest??
fenchurch Apr-14-09 3.16am
Howdy new friend, how's it going?
Nikki Apr-14-09 12.30am
HA! That is hilarious!!! :D
RaZzZ Apr-13-09 6.05pm
Hello =)
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