
FAO: self
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 6:44 AM Quote
Man, you are bored.

I have twenty or so posts till I hit 1K and if I have to post them all here right in a row then I'm totally going to.

What's my deal anyway, I haven't been able to go to sleep at night lately.

Heh, Okay, I'm going to download some songs. I hate that I had to reload my Itunes library. I can't find any of my songs. I have to use my windows search to find some of them and it sucks.
Re: FAO: self
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 6:57 AM Quote
You're too funny :o)
I love this thread.

5 am and I'm going to sleep. I have an oral exam at 10 about the essay I handed in last week. Won't sleep much but it wouldn't be a normal exam if I did xD.

Good luck posting!!!
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 3965
bogusblue Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 7:01 AM Quote
This thread is great, made me laugh alot xD

Come on, you surely can reach the 1000 posts! Keep posting =)
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1431
heyjude Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 7:04 AM Quote
LOL! Go 1,000 Michelle! You can DO it!
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 7:14 AM Quote
Okay, Okay

Help me find a song...the artist begins with an 'A'...GO!!!

kidding, I have no idea. It's like a song I heard on the tip of my mind (that makes no sense) but I don't remember what it was. Anyway, I found some other songs to download that I like.

I couldn't find the song I was searching for even though I know I had it already. I downloaded it again. After much frowning and thinking I remembered it was Insistor by Tapes 'n Tapes. I know I downloaded it already >:( Bah.

Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 7:16 AM Quote
By the way I'm making a mixtape. In case you haven't gathered that already. There's really no rhym or reason to it, but mostly it's songs from the gap between '04 and '06 where I did nothing but listen to Husker Du because all the radio stations in Chicago sucked ass.

Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 7:18 AM Quote
This mixtape is awesome. I love my mix. I want to marry it.
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 7:36 AM Quote
One More!!!! I can't think of anything. Boo! I know I'm going to pick a song, burn it, and then hear a song that fits better tomorrow! :(

Hey, this thread looks like on of the threads on my message board. Oh, well, the more I post the more I can gaze at my own avatar. That's what it's there for anyway. ;)
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1431
heyjude Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 7:39 AM Quote
Heh, I haven't checked your message board in a while. I lurked there once.
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 7:41 AM Quote

Well, right now only one thread is getting serious action, and that's the Torchwood thread. Haha. Occasionally other threads get some love. Mostly from me. I am fond of the music section. :)
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 8:04 AM Quote
Tracklist AHOY!!!

1. The Golden Boy- Shelby

2. Piano Song - Summer Lawns

3. This Harness Can't Ride Anything - Chin Up Chin Up

4. Let Her Go- The Lodger

5. Please Visit Your National Parks - Oxford Collapse

6. Natural Disaster - Headphones

7. We Used to Vacation - Cold War Kids

8. I'll Believe Anything - Wolf Parade

9. Quiet as a Mouse - Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos

10. Western Biographic - Bound Stems

11. Tropical Ice-Land - Fiery Furnaces

12. Swamp Song - Heartless Bastards I did not realize this was a girl.

13. You can Make Him Like You - The Hold Steady

14. King James - Levy

15. God Is Going to Get Sick of me - Aberdeen City

Check it out :D
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 710
bara Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 8:59 AM Quote
haha. great thread.

wel.. shell we all talk about ourselfs then?

.. heya self.
why dont you work? You really should. or is it the stupid slow comp? ah okay. thats it...
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 3:14 PM Quote
Dear Bara,

Because work is boring! Pfffffft!

- Dak

Dear Self,

You made it to work today, ON TIME.

I believe in Miracles!!!!

- Self

PS. You spent all that time figuring out that Tapes 'n Tapes song and you didn't put it on your mix? Stupid head.
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 4:01 PM Quote
lol classsiccc!
Re: FAO: self
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 27 Feb, 2008 4:21 PM Quote
Ten more posts!
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