
The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 12:40 AM Quote
I'm sick. No voice, stuffy nose.

I probably won't get to see Radiohead

I had to miss 2 classes today

I probably failed my sociology test today.

I haven't told my roomates I'm moving yet, nor am I completely moved yet so my stuff is in two separate places. haven't found the right time. I was thinking about bolting in the night. :o) Not really...
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 12:46 AM Quote
I have to write this essay I don't even know the "hand in date" because the professor is a mess, but it's sometime next week, probably wednesday (but who knows!). So far, the bibliography doesn't allow me to write what I want to write.

I have a wedding on saturday and after going to tons of stores between yesterday and today I can't find decent shoes. I hate shopping. HATE shopping. I can't believe I'll have to waste another afternoon of my life looking for some stupid shoes.

I hate uni. This career is endless. Too many years. I want my damn degree already.
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 1:07 AM Quote
Feel better Lauren! I know Anne and Esteban are sick as well. Something must be going around. ;)

Juli, I love shopping. I'd shoe shop for you if I could.

Hmmm...I have nothing to complain about at the moment besides this damn SNOW!!! GO AWAY ALREADY! I just got in from shoveling the driveway in the dark! You can't even breathe in it's so cold!

Off to watch the hockey game. Shall be back later tonight.
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 1:13 AM Quote
I'm sick, too.

I wanted to get the kids into bed early so that I could go to bed early, but my daughter just dumped a bowl of melted ice cream on her head and I had to give her a bath, which of course means my son had to have a bath, too, because it's just SO MUCH FUN! For them. I'm exhausted.

It is so cold here it is ridiculous. Supposed to get up to 6" or more of snow tonight. It is going to be in the low 20sºF all week, teens at night. Too cold for me. I can't stand the cold anymore now that I'm a grownup.

I just want to sleeeeeep. Sleeeeeeep. Sleeeeepzzzzzzzz.
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 1:36 AM Quote
Something's going around the board!
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 1:46 AM Quote
all this valentine's day bullsh*t has finally set off what i like to call 'bitter bear' mode! hahaha let's do this!
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 1:57 AM Quote
I know! My mom was always my valentine. She's always get me a small gift or something. I just got off of the phone with her and she said she was going to send me a Valentine's Day care package. I wanted to cry.
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 1431
heyjude Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 1:59 AM Quote
the worst was those candy or flower grams in high school for valentine's! did you guys have those? like, they would get delivered before the start of the class, and it was a bummer never getting them.
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 2:00 AM Quote
story of my life.

was at the market earlier and there was this big ol flower and balloon section and i just fantasized popping all those balloons with a spork or something!!! hahaha
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 2:03 AM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
story of my life.

was at the market earlier and there was this big ol flower and balloon section and i just fantasized popping all those balloons with a spork or something!!! hahaha

Is Valentine's Day really that big in the US?
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 1431
heyjude Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 2:03 AM Quote
must get a spork...
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 2:26 AM Quote
heyjude wrote:
the worst was those candy or flower grams in high school for valentine's! did you guys have those? like, they would get delivered before the start of the class, and it was a bummer never getting them.

That really was miserable. That tradition made me HATE carnations (that's what they used at my high school).

There IS something going around the board. My sinus infection is so bad that the Dr. said, "Whoah! Wow. You DEFINITELY have an infection" when he looked in my left nostril. He looked grossed out. That's bad when you gross out a dr., esp. during the cold/flu season.

Lauren EliSabeth, I am sorry you are having such a rough week. Sick, moving, class woes. Yuck! I wish I could help you out with some aspect of it. I hope you can talk to your soon to be ex roomies soon and just get it done with. I would try to not get roped into all the specifics. At this point I don't think that will be very helpful for anyone. Just stick to, "this is better for me."
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 2:27 AM Quote
heyjude wrote:
must get a spork...

To poke your eye out so you'll be as miserable as Lauren?
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 1431
heyjude Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 2:34 AM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
heyjude wrote:
must get a spork...

To poke your eye out so you'll be as miserable as Lauren?

oh, i dunno now. i'm distracted by the yummy cake in your avatar. spork and cake kinda go together :-)

get well soon to everyone feeling under the weather!

p.s. we had carnations in my school, too, and smug girls walking up and down the hallways with them. ugh.
Re: The Let's be Miserable Together! Thread
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 2:37 AM Quote
heyjude wrote:
weirdmominaustin wrote:
heyjude wrote:
must get a spork...

To poke your eye out so you'll be as miserable as Lauren?

oh, i dunno now. i'm distracted by the yummy cake in your avatar. spork and cake kinda go together :-)

get well soon to everyone feeling under the weather!

p.s. we had carnations in my school, too, and smug girls walking up and down the hallways with them. ugh.

They were always so smug, weren't they?? Sorry my avatar is causing cake envy. : )

I'm going to go take a shower and go to bed. Night all!
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