
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 05 Dec, 2007 9:30 PM Quote
I rented it last night and laughed the entire time! It's HILARIOUS! >.<

Anyone else see it?
Re: Superbad!
Posts: 1431
heyjude Posted Wed 05 Dec, 2007 9:51 PM Quote
super raunchy, super filthy mouth, SUPERBLY superbad!!

oh, and over thanksgiving, my mom asked me what superbad was all about and i told her she wouldn't like it ;-)
Re: Superbad!
Posts: 501
iraida Posted Thu 06 Dec, 2007 4:30 AM Quote

What a film! Superbad it`s just perfect LIMAO ... McLoving the best character ever lol
Re: Superbad!
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 06 Dec, 2007 4:41 AM Quote
I'm tempted to see it because Michael Cera is in it, and I loved Arrested Development. So I dunno. I'll see it when the mood hits me. It's not one of those films I'm dying to see at the moment. But I heard it was good.
Re: Superbad!
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Thu 06 Dec, 2007 8:38 AM Quote
Caught it at the flicks when it was out, ROFLCOPTER LMAO LOLZ!11!!1!!!

Becca: I'm so wet right now.
Evan: Yeah... they said that would happen in Health Class

Re: Superbad!
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Thu 06 Dec, 2007 4:30 PM Quote
MoraySwan wrote:

Becca: I'm so wet right now.
Evan: Yeah... they said that would happen in Health Class

That was the exact quote I was going to cite. I also dug on McLovin' and the gross hilarity of when Seth realized what that stain on his pants was. I thought "Knocked Up" was a little funnier but only a little bit.
Re: Superbad!
Posts: 487
haz Posted Thu 06 Dec, 2007 4:34 PM Quote

it will be viewed on demand in a month or two. video stores are soooo last century, yeah?
Re: Superbad!
Posts: 1969
galletitabonita Posted Thu 06 Dec, 2007 9:07 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:
I rented it last night and laughed the entire time! It's HILARIOUS! >.<

Anyone else see it?

I saw it one month ago I think... It was great!!!
Re: Superbad!
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Fri 07 Dec, 2007 7:05 AM Quote
There are so many hilarious parts, but I lost it when he's talking to his buddy about the problem he had when he was younger drawing dicks, LMAO...and then they show all the various drawings flashing on the screen...and one is of the famous "tank man" picture from Tiananmen square. I was like WTF?!?!!? LMAO!!!
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