
Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sun 05 Aug, 2007 6:30 PM Quote
The live session I was so lucky to see is airing tomorrow, Monday, August 6th at 2 p.m. Central Standard time. It's so funny that they're pretending it's live when it'll be so obvious it's not since they mention upcoming concerts they've now completed.

But it's a good interview and the three or four songs (depending on whether they salvaged "Sing") are great.

Travis in Austin
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Sun 05 Aug, 2007 7:55 PM Quote
yay! are awesome! you made that happen girl...good for you!
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 12:55 AM Quote
Yay that's exciting. I have a question for anyone who has contacted radio stations (in the U.S)...I've e-mailed a few local radio stations just to ask them to play Travis, but haven't gotten any responses :( I was just wondering maybe what you said when contacting the stations to get them played. I must be doing something wrong, maybe I need to be more persistent.
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 1:23 AM Quote
lindsey22295 wrote:
Yay that's exciting. I have a question for anyone who has contacted radio stations (in the U.S)...I've e-mailed a few local radio stations just to ask them to play Travis, but haven't gotten any responses :( I was just wondering maybe what you said when contacting the stations to get them played. I must be doing something wrong, maybe I need to be more persistent.

I looked on the radio's websites and emailed the program director, station manager, and maybe the DJs as well. While I was copying and pasting the same general email, I tried to personalize each one (definitely putting their names on top), and just trying to be friendly and casual. One radio station in town has openly talked about how they hate street team stuff so I tried to make it clear that I was a fan and not just mass mailing. Keep trying and also just call the DJ and request a Travis song.

The only person who emailed me back was Jay Trachtenberg, who interviewed them. So I don't think it's totally unusual that you aren't getting a response. I would try another concerted effort whenever they release "My Eyes."

I also think all the U.S. boardies should band together and email/call the radio stations when Travis comes back around and really help shine the spotlight on them that they so deserve.
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 3:08 PM Quote

(just want to make sure people see this today so they can listen!)
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 4:12 PM Quote
Thanks, I would have forgotten otherwise!
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 42
beatlejenn Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 4:39 PM Quote
I am so impressed with your work on getting this to happen, weirdmom! The only local show I listen to is Dudley & Bob on KLBJ, because they have live bands in all the time, and I'd thought about seeing what fans could do to get them on that program, but I didn't get around to doing it in time. Is that one of the stations you contacted?
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 6:00 PM Quote
beatlejenn wrote:
I am so impressed with your work on getting this to happen, weirdmom! The only local show I listen to is Dudley & Bob on KLBJ, because they have live bands in all the time, and I'd thought about seeing what fans could do to get them on that program, but I didn't get around to doing it in time. Is that one of the stations you contacted?

Thanks! That was one of the few stations I didn't email. I thought that Travis was perhaps not hard enough for them. I think KUT was a good fit since they have such an open format and they have an awesome studio (full drum kit and piano) so bands can go out if they want to. Travis chose to minimize some which is fine by me. Actually when we were walking in the hall once of them (I bet Fran) was playing "Some Sad Song" on the piano. They didn't play that but I knew I was heading the right way when I heard that. : )

But I plan to stalk all the stations again when they come back around. : ) It's worth it even if it just helps them get some radio play.
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 42
beatlejenn Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 6:06 PM Quote
well, the morning show on KLBJ is just a talk show, and the hosts listen to a huge variety of music and have all sorts of bands in to play live (there was a Beatle cover band, I think called 1964, last week, and I was just sick that I had to go into work just as they were going to play!)

I thought the Travis humor and affability would appeal to the hosts too...since it's a very laid back show. So, let me know before you start your awesome street-teaming stuff next time, and I will help!
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 7:33 PM Quote
Wow! that guy had such a monotoned voice!

ahh...they managed to salvage sounded great!
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 7:37 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
Wow! that guy had such a monotoned voice!

ahh...they managed to salvage sounded great!

His voice is very distinct. He was so cute, he's a little older (say 50s) and he was just bopping away when they were playing. I am glad (and surprised) that they salvaged Sing since the engineer said it was messed up.
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 7:38 PM Quote
beatlejenn wrote:
well, the morning show on KLBJ is just a talk show, and the hosts listen to a huge variety of music and have all sorts of bands in to play live (there was a Beatle cover band, I think called 1964, last week, and I was just sick that I had to go into work just as they were going to play!)

I thought the Travis humor and affability would appeal to the hosts too...since it's a very laid back show. So, let me know before you start your awesome street-teaming stuff next time, and I will help!

That's good to know that they are more open. I'll keep you posted on my devious plans. Oh, another key to my success was bribery. Of the chocolate variety.
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 7:47 PM Quote
For those of you who have missed it or would like to listen to it again, I recorded the broadcast and uploaded it here :

There is a short dropout during My Eyes because I got disconnected. Hope you enjoy it anyway :)
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 8:08 PM Quote
Lucile wrote:
For those of you who have missed it or would like to listen to it again, I recorded the broadcast and uploaded it here :

There is a short dropout during My Eyes because I got disconnected. Hope you enjoy it anyway :)

Wow! You rock! They will also post it on the site in the next few days. I listened to Spoon's time with him a few days ago. It was great.
Re: Travis interview on the radio
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Mon 06 Aug, 2007 8:12 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
Lucile wrote:
For those of you who have missed it or would like to listen to it again, I recorded the broadcast and uploaded it here :

There is a short dropout during My Eyes because I got disconnected. Hope you enjoy it anyway :)

Wow! You rock! They will also post it on the site in the next few days. I listened to Spoon's time with him a few days ago. It was great.

Ah no, I just missed it - didn't work out the time difference properly - I suck at maths! I tried to download it but it said I had to buy I premium account - am I doing it right?!!
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