
dissertations= nonsense
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Sun 05 Apr, 2009 8:01 PM Quote
tomorrow i am going to start my dissertation. i have two weeks to bang out 8000 words of a dissertation, hence today i am swanning about, reading magazines, watching combos of youtube and tv.
in the meantime if anybody would like to contribute to an obviously well-researched and written dissertation on science and gender, your comments in my direction are very welcome:)
Re: dissertations= nonsense
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Sun 05 Apr, 2009 10:07 PM Quote
"Ability at science is correlated to gender and is undeniably and staggeringly proportional to maleness". Not sure about the other 7985 words though...

Well, you wanted nonsense :P Good luck!
Re: dissertations= nonsense
Posts: 315
nickynooboo Posted Mon 06 Apr, 2009 5:36 PM Quote
Ahhhh you poor thing. I hope that you manage to get it all done.
Unfortunately I will be absolutely no help to you as it took me nearly 2 months to write my dissertation!! I hope that you have lots of nice things to munch on.....that usually helps!?!?!

Good Luck x
Re: dissertations= nonsense
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Wed 08 Apr, 2009 11:17 PM Quote
nonsense. exactly.

I have to write my dissertation within 7 weeks, May-June (40 pages, in Times New Roman 12), it won't be fun :| (topic will be sth like "Social Realism and the City - Glasgow on the Big Screen" - argh)

about the gender topic, hm, all I know at the moment has to do with 19th century society - but as to "Gender & Science", erm... sounds like a broad topic to me...
Re: dissertations= nonsense
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 09 Apr, 2009 9:55 PM Quote
Eh yep sounds fun :( Good Luck with that Dee! LOL

Btw what's the difference between a Dissertation and a Thesis?
Re: dissertations= nonsense
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Thu 09 Apr, 2009 10:36 PM Quote
dissertation are around 8000 words and are generally a researched discussion of a topic.
a thesis is a larger word count and is an argument i believe
Re: dissertations= nonsense
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Fri 10 Apr, 2009 4:10 PM Quote also depends on where you're studying (well obviously...)
In Germany there's a way-too-complicated final-paper system, some people have to write 150 pages, some 80, some "only" 40, others are lucky and have to write only 20. *sigh* (I think 20 pages in "Times New Roman, Size 12" would equal approx.6000 words...)
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