I'm kind of angry right now, sorry. Not with you, with the people of the store in which i bought my Ode copy.
So, i went today (a minutes ago actually) decided to change my Ode copy (because it has some annoying clicks at the end of the songs). o, i went into the store, to the CD's and saw a guy, then tell him "hello, i'm want to change tihs album, 'cause it has an annoying sound at the end of each songs" so, he took my CD,put it onto a stereo, and Chinese Blues started sounding in the store. We wait until the end of the song, and then the end came...no click sounded :s
He and two other guys told "no noise at the end..." so i replied "..i'm not crazy, in my car, in my ipod, in my home, the click's always there, dunno why here not..." so, J Smith started. The Same. Then Something Anything, the same... so, the guys called the manager, who came with a very arrogant face, and talked to me very rude, and talked: "What happened young man...?" and then i ecplained what we know. o, it was a long talk, in resume, he was very rude, and told he's stereo was very good, mine must to be kind of broken. and treated me like a crazy man. So i got angry, and replied, i got to raise my voice a little XD. Then he finally said "...i'm gonna change your CD...JUST your CD and you will have your own Box" so i answer "yes, why should i want an exactly new box, if mine is the same? illogical doesn't it?..¬¬" then he open a new Ode, and give it to the employers and said "prove it..." and then he gone.... So, again, Chinese Blues, the end, nothing... J Smith, and then, i decided to get closer, but to another speaker...the the end. And the Click wan on that album too and so i kind of cream "aha! the noise is here! on THIS SPEAKER...AND IT'S VERY VERY CLEAR...." then the guy repeted, and stand below the speaker, at the en, he finally heard the nosie" In a little time some employers were put there to hear the noise. So, they open aother Ode, and put it on another stereo. In which the click noise was higher (like the one in my home) and then i had to say "see man?...i'm no crazy, i'm not inventign things...again...what would be my point in changing a new album for the same new album...?" so, i was like "muahaha!!!" and they open another Ode, the click was on it too. they called the manager again, the man passed me by, but didn't look at me, (ha!) and nevr even apologized ¬¬
In some minutes the employer told me "i'm gonna give a new album, if it has that clicks on it again, wait a little, 'cause we are gonna contact with distributor, 'cause all album or almost all have that problem" so, finally i was not crazy haha, nah, that got me angry actually. But wento outside, prove in my car the album ad it has clicks on it too.
So, looks like in Mexico all albums has that defect, Universal Mexico did something wrong, or something with no so much quality here. So, what should we do? Looks almost all Mexicans Ode's are defectuos, and at the end, didn't got my album with good quality. Should i send a mail to universal, or something?
Thanks in advance, and forgive me if my story was long and i spent a little of your time.
yes... and tha manager! argh!! he really made me feel very angry, i was treated like a crazy man, and in a very rude mode...¬¬
But as you know too, is in all mexican Ode's, i think something needs to be done :s
yes... and tha manager! argh!! he really made me feel very angry, i was treated like a crazy man, and in a very rude mode...¬¬
But as you know too, is in all mexican Ode's, i think something needs to be done :s
hey, but the audio quality all over the songs is bad? or is it only the click at the end of the tracks you described above?
i havent bought my copy yet but i was planning of doing so when i go there to visit my family. But if the whole album sounds bad im not going to buy it there.
yes... and tha manager! argh!! he really made me feel very angry, i was treated like a crazy man, and in a very rude mode...¬¬
But as you know too, is in all mexican Ode's, i think something needs to be done :s
hey, but the audio quality all over the songs is bad? or is it only the click at the end of the tracks you described above?
i havent bought my copy yet but i was planning of doing so when i go there to visit my family. But if the whole album sounds bad im not going to buy it there.
Nope, it's only that click at the end, sometimes cannot be easly heard. But for example on my stereo is very annoying. Though, is really cheap here in Mexico, you can buy it to try, or if you're coming, try to buy it on Mixup, there you can see some stands in which you must find the album to hear. Maybe try to give it a listen and then decide :)
well, if it sounds good and theres nothing wrong with the tracks then i guess im going to buy it despite those clicks, im not that picky, maybe i wont even hear'em =P
well, if it sounds good and theres nothing wrong with the tracks then i guess im going to buy it despite those clicks, im not that picky, maybe i wont even hear'em =P
yeap :) i wasnt think to change it, but in my stereo and computer that clicks are really annoying :s
poor u jesusaramus!i bought my ode and have been listening to it continuously ever since and mine does have that little click sound at the end of every song.But its rather soft and not that distracting so i didn't think of changing it to a new one.
But the guy didn't have any reason whatsoever to make u seem like u were crazy!!Kinda pissed me off too while reading it.. What a shame coz ode is a superb album and it is kinda sad that u didn't have quite a pleasant experience the first time listening to it.Anyways hope all is well now!
Sounds like a difficult situation mate. It is annoying that there are poor copies out there. I'm sure the sound is probably fine (though maybe not) but it just has a click probably. It would annoy me. lol Hopefully they quickly get this sorted out.
I'm kind of angry right now, sorry. Not with you, with the people of the store in which i bought my Ode copy.
So, i went today (a minutes ago actually) decided to change my Ode copy (because it has some annoying clicks at the end of the songs). o, i went into the store, to the CD's and saw a guy, then tell him "hello, i'm want to change tihs album, 'cause it has an annoying sound at the end of each songs" so, he took my CD,put it onto a stereo, and Chinese Blues started sounding in the store. We wait until the end of the song, and then the end came...no click sounded :s
He and two other guys told "no noise at the end..." so i replied "..i'm not crazy, in my car, in my ipod, in my home, the click's always there, dunno why here not..." so, J Smith started. The Same. Then Something Anything, the same... so, the guys called the manager, who came with a very arrogant face, and talked to me very rude, and talked: "What happened young man...?" and then i ecplained what we know. o, it was a long talk, in resume, he was very rude, and told he's stereo was very good, mine must to be kind of broken. and treated me like a crazy man. So i got angry, and replied, i got to raise my voice a little XD. Then he finally said "...i'm gonna change your CD...JUST your CD and you will have your own Box" so i answer "yes, why should i want an exactly new box, if mine is the same? illogical doesn't it?..¬¬" then he open a new Ode, and give it to the employers and said "prove it..." and then he gone.... So, again, Chinese Blues, the end, nothing... J Smith, and then, i decided to get closer, but to another speaker...the the end. And the Click wan on that album too and so i kind of cream "aha! the noise is here! on THIS SPEAKER...AND IT'S VERY VERY CLEAR...." then the guy repeted, and stand below the speaker, at the en, he finally heard the nosie" In a little time some employers were put there to hear the noise. So, they open aother Ode, and put it on another stereo. In which the click noise was higher (like the one in my home) and then i had to say "see man?...i'm no crazy, i'm not inventign things...again...what would be my point in changing a new album for the same new album...?" so, i was like "muahaha!!!" and they open another Ode, the click was on it too. they called the manager again, the man passed me by, but didn't look at me, (ha!) and nevr even apologized ¬¬
In some minutes the employer told me "i'm gonna give a new album, if it has that clicks on it again, wait a little, 'cause we are gonna contact with distributor, 'cause all album or almost all have that problem" so, finally i was not crazy haha, nah, that got me angry actually. But wento outside, prove in my car the album ad it has clicks on it too.
So, looks like in Mexico all albums has that defect, Universal Mexico did something wrong, or something with no so much quality here. So, what should we do? Looks almost all Mexicans Ode's are defectuos, and at the end, didn't got my album with good quality. Should i send a mail to universal, or something?
Thanks in advance, and forgive me if my story was long and i spent a little of your time.
The album is not released in Mexico until Nov 4th. Could you tell us the name and address of the store?
I'm kind of angry right now, sorry. Not with you, with the people of the store in which i bought my Ode copy.
So, i went today (a minutes ago actually) decided to change my Ode copy (because it has some annoying clicks at the end of the songs). o, i went into the store, to the CD's and saw a guy, then tell him "hello, i'm want to change tihs album, 'cause it has an annoying sound at the end of each songs" so, he took my CD,put it onto a stereo, and Chinese Blues started sounding in the store. We wait until the end of the song, and then the end came...no click sounded :s
He and two other guys told "no noise at the end..." so i replied "..i'm not crazy, in my car, in my ipod, in my home, the click's always there, dunno why here not..." so, J Smith started. The Same. Then Something Anything, the same... so, the guys called the manager, who came with a very arrogant face, and talked to me very rude, and talked: "What happened young man...?" and then i ecplained what we know. o, it was a long talk, in resume, he was very rude, and told he's stereo was very good, mine must to be kind of broken. and treated me like a crazy man. So i got angry, and replied, i got to raise my voice a little XD. Then he finally said "...i'm gonna change your CD...JUST your CD and you will have your own Box" so i answer "yes, why should i want an exactly new box, if mine is the same? illogical doesn't it?..¬¬" then he open a new Ode, and give it to the employers and said "prove it..." and then he gone.... So, again, Chinese Blues, the end, nothing... J Smith, and then, i decided to get closer, but to another speaker...the the end. And the Click wan on that album too and so i kind of cream "aha! the noise is here! on THIS SPEAKER...AND IT'S VERY VERY CLEAR...." then the guy repeted, and stand below the speaker, at the en, he finally heard the nosie" In a little time some employers were put there to hear the noise. So, they open aother Ode, and put it on another stereo. In which the click noise was higher (like the one in my home) and then i had to say "see man?...i'm no crazy, i'm not inventign things...again...what would be my point in changing a new album for the same new album...?" so, i was like "muahaha!!!" and they open another Ode, the click was on it too. they called the manager again, the man passed me by, but didn't look at me, (ha!) and nevr even apologized ¬¬
In some minutes the employer told me "i'm gonna give a new album, if it has that clicks on it again, wait a little, 'cause we are gonna contact with distributor, 'cause all album or almost all have that problem" so, finally i was not crazy haha, nah, that got me angry actually. But wento outside, prove in my car the album ad it has clicks on it too.
So, looks like in Mexico all albums has that defect, Universal Mexico did something wrong, or something with no so much quality here. So, what should we do? Looks almost all Mexicans Ode's are defectuos, and at the end, didn't got my album with good quality. Should i send a mail to universal, or something?
Thanks in advance, and forgive me if my story was long and i spent a little of your time.
Sounds like these are all dodgy copies!! Ode doesn't go on sale in Mexico until November does it?
Fran, the album went officially on sale here in Mexico since October 14th, but it was available even 3 days before that date.
The main, or most important, record store here in Mexico is Mix Up, but its available almost at any other store, like Sanborns. Theres no difference there because the owner of both stores is the same guy. Also, i think its useless to tell you a specific adress cus basically the album is at every single establishment of that store.
Actually if you visit www.mixup.com.mx you'll see the album with the next message under its title: "Ya a la Venta!!!", which means "On Sale Now!!!".