
So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 268
MariaMak Posted Wed 08 Oct, 2008 1:27 AM Quote
And this hot surfer dude Chuck comes on screen

and i thought, wow he's a babe and also very familiar
It was then i realised it was Josh from Clueless and Phoebes fella from friends

In real life; Paul Rudd

He is a hot bitta stuff!!

I SO would!!!
Think i have rekindled my crush on him. mmm
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 08 Oct, 2008 1:44 AM Quote
ya, Paul Rudd is hot, and charming, and funny.
But i really found him unappealing in Forgetting Sarah Marsahll
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 268
MariaMak Posted Wed 08 Oct, 2008 1:52 AM Quote
Ya i guess, he hadn't a great character

although i did like his 'You sound like you're from Londooooooon' line. That cracked me up.

And whats with the full frontal nudity in that made me cringe cause i was watching it with my brothers..yikes!
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 08 Oct, 2008 2:09 AM Quote
oh ya, there was a whole lotta nudity in that movie. 30 seconds in i was not prepared for Marshall's* penis 3 feet tall on the screen with an old man in the seat beside me at the theate.

*Marshall from How I Met Your Mother.
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Wed 08 Oct, 2008 12:41 PM Quote
MariaMak wrote:

although i did like his 'You sound like you're from Londooooooon' line. That cracked me up.

Ohhh, that was so funny!
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 959
fenchurch Posted Wed 08 Oct, 2008 7:51 PM Quote
MariaMak wrote:

Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 08 Oct, 2008 8:04 PM Quote
OMG!! Paul Rudd is a BABE. I've loved him since "Clueless" :)

Nice picture, by the way. Rarr.
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 08 Oct, 2008 8:51 PM Quote
He is a cutie pie. And so funny.
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 08 Oct, 2008 8:54 PM Quote
he's always really funny on talk shows.
I watched Clueless a couple weekends ago for the first time in ages. Adore him.
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 268
MariaMak Posted Thu 09 Oct, 2008 1:53 AM Quote
Glad to see im not alone in my opinion :D

my word....
Type paul rudd into google image search and a few or should i say PHEW!!! daring pictures come up.. the one with the sheet. Good lord *eyes pop out of head*

Won't post it up here as some may think its inappropriate

Anyone else have other celeb crushes?
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Thu 09 Oct, 2008 1:56 AM Quote
Nikki wrote:
OMG!! Paul Rudd is a BABE. I've loved him since "Clueless" :)

Nice picture, by the way. Rarr.

Quoted for Truth! :D
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 315
nickynooboo Posted Thu 09 Oct, 2008 12:02 PM Quote
He's Cute!! x
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Lizzie b
Posts: 176
Lizzie b Posted Thu 09 Oct, 2008 12:29 PM Quote
MariaMak wrote:

Anyone else have other celeb crushes?

oh, yes, LOVE paul rudd!!!

um, other celeb crushes.... HAHA so ppl in the UK prob don't know of Dirty Jobs on the discovery channel, but I am a HUGE fan of Mike Rowe. he's not ur typical heartthrob, but he is just so damn charismatic! i am not sure how to post pix on here so u can prob just google him.
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Thu 09 Oct, 2008 1:21 PM Quote
Lizzie b wrote:
MariaMak wrote:

Anyone else have other celeb crushes?

oh, yes, LOVE paul rudd!!!

um, other celeb crushes.... HAHA so ppl in the UK prob don't know of Dirty Jobs on the discovery channel, but I am a HUGE fan of Mike Rowe. he's not ur typical heartthrob, but he is just so damn charismatic! i am not sure how to post pix on here so u can prob just google him.

oh ya, cleaning up penguin poop is HOT, lol
ive never really thought of him as attractive, but he is funny!
i have too many celeb crushes to list
Re: So i was watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Posts: 959
fenchurch Posted Thu 09 Oct, 2008 8:25 PM Quote
Speaking of clueless, I love Jeremy Sisto:
He's especially lovely in Six Feet Under :)
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