
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 4:29 AM Quote
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 4:38 AM Quote
Awwww! That's amazing!!! Congrats to Sandy!!!!!
What a special night! :o)
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 7:22 AM Quote
Day 2 in Chicago recap.

Nikki, Andy and I didnt sleep. Okay, half an hour or so. Went to Navy Pier, Millenium Park, and came across the BEST restaurant ever: OODLES OF NOODLES! Oh yes, there are pictures.
And then we came back, and were going to grab some lunch, when we decided to go check to see if their were tour buses. There were. We walked around the front of the bus and who should be standing there, but Fran! Pics for all. Told him we were those crazy boardies!
So, then go lunch.
Then realized there were people in line (and Lindsay saw Dougie at Wallgreens) so we cut short our shopping, ran to the hotel and changed and got in line. 4 hours! But...those 4 hours were filled with seeing/meeting the guys several times. Andy got a cramp in his leg, and I wanted some gum so we walked to the store on the corner, and who should appear, but Dougie and Andy (monkey being the first andy, and Dunlop being the 2nd). Had a wee chat and Monkey Andy put in a song request and then back to the line for us. They didnt want my gum though.
Finally, FINALLY we got in and booked it to the front of the stage. And we all made it, more or less, right to the front.
The gig was pretty amazing. Side Wide Open, Blue Flashing Light, More than Us, Before You were Young (with gong) and 20 being some highlights. Fran did 20 completely acoustic. No mic. Since it had been giving him shocks all night. Bummer.
We pogoed out sad little boardie hearts out and sang until we had sore throats. OH ya, and as you read, one of us got engaged.
After the show we had our little meet and greet. Minus Fran who had a rough day and went to bed. The guys were so nice to us, and we scored the first Neil and FT picture! woot.
And then we got 130 am food. So here Andy Nikki and I sit. Very tired. Wish you all could have joined us.

Oh, and a few other things. Andy Monkey got hit on by a drunk 50 something year old man, who told us he had a $1100 jacket. And Anne made him buy the Singles Album on his iphone, He opened itunes on his phone, and asked if that was it, But it was someone or something called Dusty McNugget.
And, Lukey. We met your favourite person in the whole world. One Mr. Claes. He was delightful. Don't be too jealous, my little friend.

G'night for now, and Im sure you will get some more info in the days to come. Hope to give FT a little tour tomorrow and then off we all go.
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 7:26 AM Quote

Did Anne cry?
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 315
nickynooboo Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 8:45 AM Quote
WOW!!! Sounds like you had an amazing day (I knew you would). Please post as many pics as possible asap....I am desperate to see them. You all got to meet the band too. Where they prepared for your visit before you told them who you were???
I want ALL the details :)
Congrats to Sandy too.

Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 9:07 AM Quote
Hope Fran's ok. I just checked his Twitter, and he doesn't seem to be a happy bunny.

"Fucking fuck shit crap ffffffuck!!!!!"

That was 3 hours ago.

12 hours ago things seem a liitle bit brighter, the show was obviously ok from his pint of view, too:

"Edd's last hours on the bus. We'll miss you Edd's. Chicago today. Last night was fun. Andy did the guitar solo for AIWTDIR in the alleyway!!"
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 10:45 AM Quote
Sounds excellent. I'm so jealous you guys are all there while I'm here.

Photos asap please!
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 11:09 AM Quote
I can't read it. Now I'm so jealous I could cry. heehee
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 315
nickynooboo Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 11:14 AM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
I can't read it. Now I'm so jealous I could cry. heehee

Me too, I am so happy for you all but I can't help but feel jealous. WAKE UP GUYS.....I want to see your photos!!!! I know it must only be about 7 in the morning there, but it's no excuse!!!!! ;)
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 12:27 PM Quote
mili wrote:
Hope Fran's ok. I just checked his Twitter, and he doesn't seem to be a happy bunny.

"Fucking fuck shit crap ffffffuck!!!!!"

That was 3 hours ago.

12 hours ago things seem a liitle bit brighter, the show was obviously ok from his pint of view, too:

"Edd's last hours on the bus. We'll miss you Edd's. Chicago today. Last night was fun. Andy did the guitar solo for AIWTDIR in the alleyway!!"

Ya, I saw that last night. Not a happy bunny indeed. So sad that it was an upsetting show for him, but if he hadnt told us the mic was shocking him, you wouldnt have known. He carried on like a trooper and sounded amazing.

Yes, they knew about us weirdos from the board being there. Oh, did we mention that we played kazoos during closer, and blew bubbles during Closer? Andy saw the bubbles and afterwards told us that he liked them.

Oh, and right at the very very begining of the show, Fran came right over to where we were standing and bend down to Andrew Monkey during Chinese Blues. Really cool moment. They had a nice chat before the show about how much they both "love" their home country. Love might not have been the word.

Okay, so it is 7:24 and we are indeed up. Tis raining in Chi Town. Our last day and the 3 youngin's must clean our room because we took this rockstar weekend thing a little too far.
Pics soon, I promise. The first people will be getting home this afternoon so pictures will arrive soon.
We started a photobucket page so that we could add all our pics in one place. Will post the link soon.

Nikki says "Hi. Im fine. Im alive." (that means, we didnt stab her. yet)

Oh ya, we are up.

P.S- Did we mention that we all (and FT) had our pic taken with the gong? As it was being loaded into the trailor after the gig. Leave it to Anne to yell "Nick, Nick!! Can we have our picture taken with the gong??" I dont think she even had to bribe him. Very convincing that weirdmom from Texas.
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 315
nickynooboo Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 12:43 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
mili wrote:
Hope Fran's ok. I just checked his Twitter, and he doesn't seem to be a happy bunny.

"Fucking fuck shit crap ffffffuck!!!!!"

That was 3 hours ago.

12 hours ago things seem a liitle bit brighter, the show was obviously ok from his pint of view, too:

"Edd's last hours on the bus. We'll miss you Edd's. Chicago today. Last night was fun. Andy did the guitar solo for AIWTDIR in the alleyway!!"

Ya, I saw that last night. Not a happy bunny indeed. So sad that it was an upsetting show for him, but if he hadnt told us the mic was shocking him, you wouldnt have known. He carried on like a trooper and sounded amazing.

Yes, they knew about us weirdos from the board being there. Oh, did we mention that we played kazoos during closer, and blew bubbles during Closer? Andy saw the bubbles and afterwards told us that he liked them.

Oh, and right at the very very begining of the show, Fran came right over to where we were standing and bend down to Andrew Monkey during Chinese Blues. Really cool moment. They had a nice chat before the show about how much they both "love" their home country. Love might not have been the word.

Okay, so it is 7:24 and we are indeed up. Tis raining in Chi Town. Our last day and the 3 youngin's must clean our room because we took this rockstar weekend thing a little too far.
Pics soon, I promise. The first people will be getting home this afternoon so pictures will arrive soon.
We started a photobucket page so that we could add all our pics in one place. Will post the link soon.

Nikki says "Hi. Im fine. Im alive." (that means, we didnt stab her. yet)

Oh ya, we are up.

P.S- Did we mention that we all (and FT) had our pic taken with the gong? As it was being loaded into the trailor after the gig. Leave it to Anne to yell "Nick, Nick!! Can we have our picture taken with the gong??" I dont think she even had to bribe him. Very convincing that weirdmom from Texas.

Poor Franny, I saw that on Twitter this morning too. No wonder he ended up taking himself to bed early.

It all sounds so amazing and that you had a great time together. I am so appreciative that you have kept us all updated too. Thanks so much...I have felt like I have been involved in your adventure too which is really, really nice :)

Can't wait to see all the pics. I bet they are amazing. I hope that you all have safe journeys home and enjoy your last few hours together.

Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 1:54 PM Quote
Congrats Sandy! Sound like you guys had a blast...jealous me ;)
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 2:47 PM Quote
I am loving all the updates, thankyou so much guys! So much has happened over your weekend, it all sounds amazing and I soooooo wish I was there like most of us boardies! Glad you have all gotten plenty of pics, the boys, you guys and FT! :) You all sound like you are getting along very well but that was to be expected. Awwww at Fran and Monkey and their love of their sweet! And the GONG...coolness!!!

The engagement is sooooo sweet, I'm so chuffed for Sandy!

And I'm so chuffed that you guys all had your dreams come true and such a brilliant time!!!

Can't wait till you are ALL on the board so we can read all about your experiences!
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 5:08 PM Quote
carlottarocks wrote:
Congrats Sandy! Sound like you guys had a blast...jealous me ;)

my sentiments exactly! ;D ;D
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sun 19 Apr, 2009 5:13 PM Quote
lindsey22295 wrote:

Did Anne cry?

I cried during Before You Were Young and then Turn but that was more I was just still crying from BYWY. Then during More Than Us. Also Sandys proposal. By the way I taped the whole proposal and Humpty Dumpty because they stayed on stage.

Wendy, the Andrew/Fran convo featured the word "shithole" prominently so Kristy was being sarcastic about the live.

The whole weekend was amazing and I can't wait to share more. I'm on the El going to the airport. : (

The rest are here a few more hours.
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