
Re: How was your weekend?
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 5:15 PM Quote


Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 5:49 PM Quote
Ice, ice, baby! We've got the ice here. The freeze and thaw cycle is a killer. It was so icy this morning I could have skated my daughter to school--whoooooosh! We had no rock salt for the porch and steps, so I improvised with half a box of Kosher salt. It worked very quickly, actually, so I recommend it in pinch. (Pinch of salt, get it? Ahahaha!)
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 7:22 PM Quote
That sounds fun Lauren! My weekend was unusual. I am "babysitting" from Sat to Sat (although it is not really babysitting because she is 16) for my best friends little sister while her parents are in Mexico (and her sister is away at college). Her parents just wanted someone to be with her since it was going to be for a whole week. And I've been studying for finals. Blech. At least this house is a LOT quieter than mine, which is proving helpful. We made some christmas cookies yesterday and watched Live Free or Die Hard (which was laughable). And I got my xmas tree this weekend with my family :D
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 7:39 PM Quote
Linds, your babysitting gig sounds really fun.

Saturday was fun. We spent the evening with friends we hadn't seen in over a year (which is just ridiculous). We went to this town west of Austin that does a live nativity.

It was so impressive. This church has created a little mini-Bethlehem with permanent buildings that look authentic. People are milling around dressed up, there's a jail, a synagogue, you can smell perfumes that would have been sold at that time, taste bread. They had camels, donkeys, geese, sheep, and a rooster around too.

And of course there is huge line to get in. The line wraps through the downtown area so there are tons of vendors selling food, jewelry, and other crap. We took turns standing in line and walking around.

It was way more impressive than I thought it would be and it was so fun to see our friends again. Hopefully it won't be so long until we hang out again.
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 1969
galletitabonita Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 8:08 PM Quote
I have to say it was amazing, saturday with my friends, talking about stupid thing like always but laughing a lot, and sundy with my dear family, in the grandfather house talking about christmas dinner!!! and eating "taquitos dorados" with a delicious Coca-Cola (I'm a coca-cola fan)

Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 8:42 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:

It was so impressive. This church has created a little mini-Bethlehem with permanent buildings that look authentic. People are milling around dressed up, there's a jail, a synagogue, you can smell perfumes that would have been sold at that time, taste bread. They had camels, donkeys, geese, sheep, and a rooster around too.

And of course there is huge line to get in. The line wraps through the downtown area so there are tons of vendors selling food, jewelry, and other crap. We took turns standing in line and walking around.

It was way more impressive than I thought it would be and it was so fun to see our friends again. Hopefully it won't be so long until we hang out again.

a jail ???
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 8:54 PM Quote
Hey everyone! I haven't been on here much lately...

But, I had a good weekend. I went and saw Atonement on Friday. It was pretty good...anyone seen this yet? On the way out, there was a crowd surrounding the door of another theater. Microphones, cameras, and then Jeff Bridges (The Dude!)!

He was premiering his new movie...the name escapes me. But, it's about a guy or actually, a town that gets together and makes a porn...

Anyway, Jeff Bridges comes walking out of the theater, with silvery hair and a beard. He's shorter than I thought he'd be. Well, my friends and I aren't really that starstuck, so we just headed out to this Irish pub next to the theater, and moments later, Mr. Bridges comes in too...
He seemed nice--talked to ppl, shook hands, took pics. and that was that.

Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 9:39 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:

He was premiering his new movie...the name escapes me. But, it's about a guy or actually, a town that gets together and makes a porn...

The Amateurs... I heard it was shite.
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 9:46 PM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
SamuraiSandy wrote:

He was premiering his new movie...the name escapes me. But, it's about a guy or actually, a town that gets together and makes a porn...

The Amateurs... I heard it was shite.

really?'s weird, I didn't hear anything about it. Normally, when people come out of a theater, you hear people talking about the movie they just saw...but nope. Not one word. Maybe they were just being nice!
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 9:53 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
ElspethOllie wrote:
SamuraiSandy wrote:

He was premiering his new movie...the name escapes me. But, it's about a guy or actually, a town that gets together and makes a porn...

The Amateurs... I heard it was shite.

really?'s weird, I didn't hear anything about it. Normally, when people come out of a theater, you hear people talking about the movie they just saw...but nope. Not one word. Maybe they were just being nice!

I saw a review of it last night on Ebert & Roeper. Or Roeper and whoever's-filling-in-for-Ebert-right-now.
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 10 Dec, 2007 9:54 PM Quote
Abs, I guess it does sound a bit weird but it was just a teeny building and did make it more authentic. And this is Texas so that's appealing to most people. ; ) There was also what appeared to be a pub or possibly a brothel. Not sure. The people playing those characters seemed really uncomfortable pretending they were drinking. It was sort of funny.

Sandy, I recently read Atonement. Hated it until about halfway through (almost stopped reading it) then really liked it. The more I think about it the more devastated I am by the story. So I'm very interested in the movie.

That's funny about seeing the Dude. If no one was talking I bet they were being polite!
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Sun 13 Jan, 2008 5:10 PM Quote
Well, it's not over.

Friday night I went to Cold Stone Creamery on Embassy Row. Then we decided to go to the National Mall. It was really cool to see the monuments late at night. We walked to the Washington Monument and sat around it. Kind of wanted to go to Lincoln memorial but that would have been a really long walk, and it was getting chilly.

Woke up Saturday, went to The Fashion Centre at Pentagon City. Really easy, it was just a train ride. It was four stories high! It looked so nice. Saturday night I went to Hooter's. So overrated. There were so many people there because Georgetown was playing up the street at the Verizon Center

Now I just got back from breakfast might take a nap or work out. Gotta do some homework though. Might go to the Smithsonian. One downside to this city is that it's always busy. You can constantly hear helicopters, planes, and police sirens every night and day.
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Sun 13 Jan, 2008 5:13 PM Quote
My weekend? Very boring: studying, studying, studying... :(
Re: How was your weekend?
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Sun 13 Jan, 2008 5:25 PM Quote
Fab ta x
Re: How was your weekend?
Posts: 710
bara Posted Sun 13 Jan, 2008 6:37 PM Quote
relaxing. friday a bit partying, not very interesting though, saturday/sunday sleeping through the whole day, chatting n stuff.
i should have learned more. -.-
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