
Re: American Accent
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Mon 23 Jul, 2007 11:53 PM Quote

I'm from northern california and i think we have something like that. My little sister grew up in northern and moved to southern california when she was around 12 or so. In northern we say 'hecka' and 'hella'. Like "Did you see that movie? Yeah, it was hella cool". Hecka is like the nicer version of hella. Anyway, my sister was talking like this with her new friends in southern California and they were all thrown off by it. There was also a South Park episode a couple years ago where Cartman all of a sudden starts saying hella in every sentence and the other boys didn't know what it was and thought it was really stupid. And, well, i guess it's a little stupid.. :) [/quote]

Haha. I'm from Northern California too and we say hella all the time. I went to school in Southern California for a while and got made fun of whenever I said hella.
I agree with everyone else...when people imitate american accents it is typically with a southern twang, but we sound nothing like that here in CA.

And I think Scottish accents are fascinating. I can't wait until I can study abroad in Scotland!!
Re: American Accent
Posts: 100
PictureInWhite Posted Sat 28 Jul, 2007 6:37 PM Quote
I just want to know, as a Midwesterner...I've been told that we sound monotone AND that we have a very distinct accent. Which is it?!? LOL
Re: American Accent
Posts: 731
alyrtle Posted Sat 28 Jul, 2007 6:43 PM Quote
ricv64 wrote:
We talk slow and bland in California , maZn

we totally do! (if i were to respond to that in person, i'd probably say "yeahhhhh") hahah, actually i dunno, but we do drag out a lotta words and say them in a super bored/boring way. it's really noticeable when you compare it to say scottish in which they pronounce so many syllables in a rising/lowering way. each word sounds interesting. ours is just blah
Re: American Accent
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Sat 28 Jul, 2007 6:50 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:

When I was 16 I was an exchange student in Germany and everyone went seemingly out of their way to tell me how much they hated American accents, they were so ugly, blah blah blah. I felt like I perhaps should become mute and encourage my entire country to follow suit.

that's really strange, because most Germans I know (my fellow countrymen and -women ;) ) love "the American Accent" - usually people try to imitate your accents rather than the British ones... also, of course, because of the movies and tv shows etc...

Personally, I prefer British accents, but I think that's because the first English-speaking country I went to was the UK. And then the UK again, and again.

However, I love watching American tv-shows (what would I do without my Gilmore Girls episodes? ;) )... (and I like Irish and Australian English, too ;)...)
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