
White van men.
Posts: 209
cosmic Posted Wed 11 Mar, 2009 12:13 AM Quote
Ok so, was walking to uni minding my own business listening away to The View on my iPod when I heard someone banging their car horn like crazy, assuming someone had been cut up. I looked up only for a shabby trades van to have passed me with the passenger of the van giving me the T sign out the window, as they would if giving 'Time out'. I stood there totally confused as to what he was meaning and then assumed he was calling me a tart! Cheek!

I was wearing a pair of skinnies, uggs, a long floral top and a short black jacket. Now I didn't plan this whole outfit out, it basically got chosen cos I was in a hurry and thrown on. Thought nothing of it and walked on to uni, thinking van man was a knob.

On the way home from uni, I was walking over the bridge when another white van appeared and the passenger again shouted something I couldn't quite make out out the window at me, I'm sure it started with S so was either slut or slapper or skank .................. not sure if it was the same van from the morning or not. Kept walking thinking what the hell is wrong with the outfit I'm wearing like?! Got to the top of the hill walked along my street for another van to go past, bat his horn and wave out the window at me?! WHAT THE FUCK.

Basically after today I've got a new found hatred for men who travel in vans, especially if they're under 30 and travelling together. I mean builder's wolf whistles are something but getting abuse shouted out the window like that ..... grrrrrrrr!!! Where do they get off?!

That's the world just put to rights. Again.
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