
Re: Internet Blackout Protest
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Thu 19 Feb, 2009 11:18 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
Sorry... what? I've was in class. I failed just because I didn't respond right away?

No you failed because you felt the need to repeat your sarcastic comment even though Aida understood you the first time and responded in kind.
Posts: 568
Aída Posted Thu 19 Feb, 2009 11:21 AM Quote
Posts: 568
Aída Posted Thu 19 Feb, 2009 11:22 AM Quote
Re: Internet Blackout Protest
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Thu 19 Feb, 2009 12:28 PM Quote
kiwi wrote:
There's a week long international protest being held online.

Basically they're trying to introduce a law in NZ which has a 'Guilt Upon Accusation' clause, which means copyright holders need only accuse someone of breaching a copyright, and a persons internet can be disconnected without a trial or evidence being bought to court. This can include entire Schools, hospitals, internet cafes... etc...

I think it's really stupid, I thought NZ stood up for their own instead of being pressurised by multi-national corporations! Any way, Stephen Fry's on it, so it must be important haha.

Join the protest

Can they actually cut off someone's internet under assumption ? I would imagine that Innocent until proven Guilty would come into play, I mean if the copyright companies involved wanted to ban you from their own personal sites for "Rights of Use" violation then fair enough but to actually cut off all your internet access is insane.

I think this may just be a deterrent, however, they could actually go ahead and cut of a school or hospital just to make a point.

This is actually quite frightening, I remember the whole "Anarchy" and "Anonimity" that was promised to us when the interweb was becoming a big thing. However i also belive there have to be some restraints where things like kids and terrorism are involved. I mean I can find out online how to make Napalm (for example), I'm not sure I want some huffy teenage "rebel" getting his hands on that info, I really don't want him/her loosing their own hands nevermind putting someone else in danger.

Re: Internet Blackout Protest
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Thu 19 Feb, 2009 2:22 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
kiwi wrote:
There's a week long international protest being held online.

Basically they're trying to introduce a law in NZ which has a 'Guilt Upon Accusation' clause, which means copyright holders need only accuse someone of breaching a copyright, and a persons internet can be disconnected without a trial or evidence being bought to court. This can include entire Schools, hospitals, internet cafes... etc...

I think it's really stupid, I thought NZ stood up for their own instead of being pressurised by multi-national corporations! Any way, Stephen Fry's on it, so it must be important haha.

Join the protest

Can they actually cut off someone's internet under assumption ? I would imagine that Innocent until proven Guilty would come into play, I mean if the copyright companies involved wanted to ban you from their own personal sites for "Rights of Use" violation then fair enough but to actually cut off all your internet access is insane.

I think this may just be a deterrent, however, they could actually go ahead and cut of a school or hospital just to make a point.

This is actually quite frightening, I remember the whole "Anarchy" and "Anonimity" that was promised to us when the interweb was becoming a big thing. However i also belive there have to be some restraints where things like kids and terrorism are involved. I mean I can find out online how to make Napalm (for example), I'm not sure I want some huffy teenage "rebel" getting his hands on that info, I really don't want him/her loosing their own hands nevermind putting someone else in danger.


Yeah they can, one of the (few) companies in NZ is telstraclear, and for a few months already they've been cutting off people from one complaint, supposedly because they think it's better to be safe than sorry. I don't think they'd cut off schools, hospitals etc, but under the law if an ISP (I'm a technophobe.. I think this is the correct term) has a complaint against it, everyone with that connection can be cut off, say in a house share or business. They don't have to check who the connection affects, or whether or not the violation was because of a virus etc...

It is really insane... most people think it is apart from the lobby and business groups who actually bought it in, which is a bit scary... but hopefully since NZ is so small the pressure will stop it from being passed. They already have officially the worst internet in the world there so this is just the icing on the cake.

I don't like that at all either... there should be restrictions on that kind of information... but I suppose it's not the info so much as the loons who decide to use it that's the problem.
Re: Internet Blackout Protest
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Thu 19 Feb, 2009 2:33 PM Quote
kiwi wrote:

Yeah they can, one of the (few) companies in NZ is telstraclear, and for a few months already they've been cutting off people from one complaint, supposedly because they think it's better to be safe than sorry. I don't think they'd cut off schools, hospitals etc, but under the law if an ISP (I'm a technophobe.. I think this is the correct term) has a complaint against it, everyone with that connection can be cut off, say in a house share or business. They don't have to check who the connection affects, or whether or not the violation was because of a virus etc...

It is really insane... most people think it is apart from the lobby and business groups who actually bought it in, which is a bit scary... but hopefully since NZ is so small the pressure will stop it from being passed. They already have officially the worst internet in the world there so this is just the icing on the cake.

I don't like that at all either... there should be restrictions on that kind of information... but I suppose it's not the info so much as the loons who decide to use it that's the problem.

Wow !! I'm astounded.

I thought the whole point of the interweb was so that it could be accessed by anyone anywhere on the planet i.e. The World Wide Web but I'm quickly finding out this is not the case. I think I also remember Merih (Champagne Supernova) complaining that she couldn't get YouTube links as the Turkish government had banned it for a while... or something like that.

This really is quite shocking that what was eventually intended, as a platform for everyone to use freely and openly that Governments and Companies are now deciding who, why, what, where and how it should be used, and if you don't agree they'll take it away!!!

Again, obviously there have to be some limits but these should not be decided on financial or business criteria.

Posts: 568
Aída Posted Thu 19 Feb, 2009 9:15 PM Quote
Re: Internet Blackout Protest
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Sat 21 Feb, 2009 6:29 PM Quote
Aída wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
kiwi wrote:

Yeah they can, one of the (few) companies in NZ is telstraclear, and for a few months already they've been cutting off people from one complaint, supposedly because they think it's better to be safe than sorry. I don't think they'd cut off schools, hospitals etc, but under the law if an ISP (I'm a technophobe.. I think this is the correct term) has a complaint against it, everyone with that connection can be cut off, say in a house share or business. They don't have to check who the connection affects, or whether or not the violation was because of a virus etc...

It is really insane... most people think it is apart from the lobby and business groups who actually bought it in, which is a bit scary... but hopefully since NZ is so small the pressure will stop it from being passed. They already have officially the worst internet in the world there so this is just the icing on the cake.

I don't like that at all either... there should be restrictions on that kind of information... but I suppose it's not the info so much as the loons who decide to use it that's the problem.

Wow !! I'm astounded.

I thought the whole point of the interweb was so that it could be accessed by anyone anywhere on the planet i.e. The World Wide Web but I'm quickly finding out this is not the case. I think I also remember Merih (Champagne Supernova) complaining that she couldn't get YouTube links as the Turkish government had banned it for a while... or something like that.

This really is quite shocking that what was eventually intended, as a platform for everyone to use freely and openly that Governments and Companies are now deciding who, why, what, where and how it should be used, and if you don't agree they'll take it away!!!

Again, obviously there have to be some limits but these should not be decided on financial or business criteria.


All this is scary, and I found the conversational line that is being held up by you two trully interesting.

The governmental system we ourselves have created is attempting to prevent countries us from what, standing for their own as Kiwi said?

What I find most amazing they have the power to do so

What would some people do without porn/messenger/the Travis Messageboard?? Just joking in this last part
. Seriously, there's freelancers and other people that use the internet as their job.

Yep yep, pretty much, they're abusing their power basically, and being quite short sighted and simple minded about quite a complex issue. Because of the size of the country, unfortunately larger countries and companies will try and bully NZ.. ie: free trade in exchange for the changing of fundamental laws as well as this specific one.

I know, that's the other problem, small business's could be affected, and larger business's could use this as a way of putting smaller competition out of business.

... + I've been in the UK/Ireland for coming up 6 years now... in answer to your other question.
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