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alanistradi Sep-16-09 5.30pm
¡Hola Vane! aunque ya estoy sumergida en esto del fb, igual quiero responder a tu último mensaje ¡me hiciste reir con eso de "no me animo a preguntarte"! jajaja xD La verdad es que no fue tan malo como podría pensarse, disfruto mi trabajo así que no fue taaaan estresante... ¿cómo va todo contigo? sigue fuerte el laburo? sabes que te envio mucha buena vibra, no? ¡ya vendrán tiempos mejores! ¡abrazos, muchos abrazos! xxxxxx ... P.D. No te lo dije por fb pero tu avatar me en-can-ta, Lee es lo más ¡cómo no quererla!
alanistradi Aug-29-09 5.23pm
¡Vane! ¿Cómo has estado? Mil disculpas por demorar tanto en responder, la vida ha sido muy dura (en realidad aún lo está siendo) conmigo, tanto así que responder mensajes se puede considerar una especie de 'relax' jaja... mis mes de vacaciones dueron, en realidad, mes para ponerme al día con trabajo :( Ya comencé clases y las perspectivas para este ciclo no son alentadoras ¡será un semestre muy duro! Eeeeen fin, espero saber de ti ¡Un beso enorme! xxx
frandougeil Aug-20-09 5.55pm
MISS ya truckloads amiga!hugggggggggs!
MsFatRat Aug-17-09 6.40pm
Hello =D thanks for accepting me;) yeah, maybe you will hear me playing ukulele one day, who knows :)
frandougeil Jul-31-09 4.47pm
Lo siento Vane!!!I feel terrible:( still haven't replied and it's been too long:((( been so busy past few days..I'm wrkg even on weekends.Also coz i'll be moving away to another neighbourhood soon so i'm busy packing thgs up when i finally have free time..I hope the coming days will give me time to reply soon querida amiga*hugs* Buen finde y abrazotes:) CUIDATE MUCHO!!!
frandougeil Jul-28-09 4.11pm
Dropping by to send u my love*HUGS*I miss ya truckloads amiga!!Will reply to ur mail by the weekends:)CUIDATE MUCHO=)
alanistradi Jul-23-09 9.08pm
¡Hey Vane! ¡Otro abrazo de oso para ti! Pues ya terminé todo, haciendo bilis con el profesor pero terminé, solo queda un último ciclo y listo :) ...Es una pena que en época de vacaciones nos toque alojar una pandemia, imagino que no debes haber salido mucho, aqui las cifras han aumentado pero creeme que ya ni me interesa saber, el gobierno esta manejando muy mal este asunto, la única medida preventiva que se ha tomado es el adelanto de vacaciones para escolares y, como si fuera poco y para felicidad de la chiquillada estudiantil, han alargado el 'descanso' por 10 días más (así que tendré que soportar a mi hermana por más tiempo haha) ... Si nos divertimos muchisimo el viernes pasado, lo del karaoke fue demasiado ¡Ahhh! ¡Cómo no me va a gustar la ide que planteas Vane! ¿Te imaginas una reu con música y karaoke entre los boardies de aqui? ¡Awww sería un sueño! hahaha xD ....¡Beso y abrazo! xxxxx :)
frandougeil Jul-23-09 4.59pm
I miss ya truckloads amiga!I hope to have the time to write to u soon*hugggggggs* Hope u had a great great time spent with your lovely nephew Esteban and your loved ones:) Send my love to all ur family.Wish them and u well siempre:D*grande besos*C U I D A T E!
Rammsfer Jul-21-09 5.59pm
Hola Vane :D! Muchisimas gracias :P Lo mismo para ti (aunque ya pasó hehe)! Gracias por ser mi amiga(:!
frandougeil Jul-20-09 11.45am
Hola dear Vane=D YO TAMBIEN EXTRANO;D I'm doin good but a bit busy like always..Hope ur doin very well!And how's your vacations?I'll reply to ur sweet,lovely mails soon amiga. Sorry I haven't:( I can't wait to hear the song u sent me*HUGS* Sos tan dulce querida Vane!I really really love your recent mail;')Made me smile at how thoughtful u were to want to make me feel so much closer to u as a friend*HUGS*I appreciate that a lot!I'm glad u like the photos in ur albim=D Makes my week;) Stay well and be happy always amiga!*Un besos enorme* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
alanistradi Jul-20-09 12.50am
jajajaja Créeme que cuando una calificación importante está en juego, nuestros talentos escondidos afloran sin uno darse cuenta! jaja ;) ¿Cómo has estado Vane? Espero que todo marche muy bien por allá. Yo pensaba que este ciclo lo terminaba el jueves pasado con mi último examen pero el desgraciado que tiene a cargo el curso lo postergó hasta este martes, igual nosotros tuvimos nuestro festejo por fin de semestre el viernes ¡Que bien que me la pasé! Hasta al karaoke le entramos ¡Cómo cantaron/mos las canciones de Soda! xD (Obviamente las destrozamos pero a las 4am y con alcohol en las venas todo es permisible jeje) Aprovecho para apoyar 100% las palabras de Annie, el dibujo está suuuuper lindo, no hay duda que la tecnología es una maravilla ¡Quien diría que Argentina y Corea podrían unirse taaanto con taaanta distancia de por medio! *besillos* xxx
frandougeil Jul-13-09 5.49pm
Hola Vane*hugs*You're very very kind and u know it's mutual!I'm extremely glad to have u as a dear friend too*BIG HUG*I'll try my very best to reply as soon as I can;)Btw,your words aren't poor words they're rich with kindness:DI love my new avatar too;DI hope u and Lee don't md!Gracias querida amiga!!LOVELOADS!Jaga diri baik-baik:)muchos abrazos!!!
Ana_Smith Jul-13-09 4.04am
Vane!! Tanto tiempo... cómo va todo por ahí? Acabo de ver el dibujo que hiciste con Lee y me sirve de excusa perfecta para pasar por acá a saludar... wow, les quedó fantástico! Son increíbles las cosas que se pueden lograr a pesar de la distancia. Te mando un beso grande ;)
frandougeil Jul-12-09 5.27pm
Btw,I loveeeee the drawing u did with Lee over on the drawings thread*-* It's so adorable and you are very talented amiga:D *abrazotes*
frandougeil Jul-12-09 5.17pm
Hola querida amiga=DDDDI loved your reply*besos*It really made me feel so inspired and it certainly made my day*HUGGGGGGS* Your kind and lovely words never fail to make me smile!I promise to write back soon Vane;D I'm gonna write u a very heartfelt,thorough reply to u amiga=DCoz u've been so very sweet and lovely*HUGS* Hope ur vacations is goin great despite the influenza going on.Keep well and take care always Vane!*Te quero mucho*huggggggggs
alanistradi Jul-11-09 6.36pm
No tienes nada que agradecer ;) Pues siempre caen muy bien días de descanso pero en un contexto de pandemia no es muy agradable que digamos ¿No? En fin, felizmente siempre nuestro amigo internet viene al rescate! jajaja (a propósito: ¿Hasta cuándo van tu receso?) Aqui adelantaron vacaciones escolares pero no en institutos y universidades, eso depende de cada institución, en nuestro caso ya casi no tendría sentido ya que esta semana termina todo, en realidad solo tengo un examen y una presentación de trabajo, debo decir que las cosas me fueron bien en los cursos restantes (te confieso que en uno de ellos tuve que hacer uso de mi talento histriónico, ¡uno que no sabía que tenía! y me fue tan bien que me han dicho que merezco un Oscar jajaja) Gracias por preguntar! También es lindo saber de ud así que te me cuidas ¡Un beso Vane!
alanistradi Jul-11-09 12.31am
Hola Vane. Pues si, el asunto de la A1HN1 esta horrible, yo cada vez que escucho cifras me quedo atónita, en Perú hace una semana se hablaban de 400 infectados, ahora son más de mil y hay 4 fallecidos, claro que las cidras no se comparan con lo que sucede en Argentina (peor aún con lo que me cuentas del dengue) asi que reitero mi preocupación Vane ¡cuidate mucho! ¡pero mucho! eh? *abrazo* Supongo que ya estas de vacaciones ¿o saqué mal mi cuenta? en fin, disfrutalas mucho (en la medida que se pueda, un comentario como este puede sonar tonto, no? jaja) ¡beso grande! xxxxx
frandougeil Jul-7-09 10.10am
Mi querida amiga=D reply done and new songs sent;)Hope u like them=)I love everything u send me*hugggggs* and remember take ur time in replying;D miss you truckloads but anyways take care=DDD keep well and have fun!
frandougeil Jul-6-09 10.49am
Hola Vane=DDDD Read ur mail and am gonna reply to it soon!Have yet to hear the songs which I'm sure are great;)I'll hear and tell u what I think of them soon amiga.Muchas graciasss for sending them*hugggs* I love the photo muchachaxD I'm gonna research more on the photographer too.Thanks for sharing them with me dear Vane!Nico's got such great taste!Speak soon amiga.Miss ya loads and sorry for the constant late replies:( CUIDATE MUCHO y BESOS!!!
alanistradi Jul-6-09 12.51am
Que pena que la salud no vaya del todo bien, espero que las cosas haya mejorado en estos días :) A propósito, el asunto de la influenza es muy preocupante en Argentina, porfavor cuidate mucho ¿Eh? :) ...Yo también espero ansiosa que las semanas pasen rápido (sin que eso perjudique las presentaciones de mis trabajos finales ¡Claro! jaja) ¡Quiero vacaciones! (¿Quién no las quiere? jaja) ¡Un beso Vane! xxx
frandougeil Jul-4-09 2.29pm
Hola Vane=)Bien gracias;)Y tu?I hope ur good my dear!Te quero mucho;D Just a little bit busy.This weekend is a bit crazy.. Very busy with a lot of things so I apologise if I can't send u more songs and reply on time..Buen finde amiga and i miss ya loads too *huggggs* LOVELOADS=D
Rammsfer Jul-4-09 3.15am
Hola linda Vane :D Estoy en el msn contigo xD Hehe, cuidate :D
frandougeil Jun-30-09 5.25pm
Holaaaaaaaa Vane=) Sent u some more songs in ur gmail=D Hope u received them and enjoy them amiga!Always a pleasure sharing them with u;D *Besote* HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGS!
Rammsfer Jun-30-09 2.21am
Hola querida Vane :D Si, lei el mensaje que me dejaste en el MSN, te lo respondi :) Espero que si Vane hehe, 2 semanas se pasan rapido ;) Besos, cuidate :D
Rammsfer Jun-29-09 5.59pm
Hola Vane :D Muy bien y tu? Cómo va todo? Hehe si asi es, 94 dias ;)
frandougeil Jun-28-09 4.49pm
HOla mi amiga:) Dropping by to check if ur alright;)Lots of love as always=DDDD*huggggggggs*
alanistradi Jun-28-09 12.04am
jajaja ¡si! Nuestra inteligencia justifica nuestras preferencias ;) jaja ...y dime Vane ¿Cómo te está tratando la vida? Espero que bien (si la respuesta es 'muy bien' ¡mejor!) Apoyo 100% lo dicho por Lee ¡El fondo de tu perfil está increíble! Me encanta :) ...y gracias por el comentario ^^ ...cuidate mucho... un beso!
singme0430 Jun-26-09 3.15pm
Gracias, Vane! I'll wait for it! ;) *Super Big Hugsssssss!!!*
frandougeil Jun-26-09 10.03am
Hola querida amiga=DDDD Yeah I miss u too!I'm so happy we're friends as well=) and no rush about the songs,I understand ur bz too:)I hope I'll be able to send u the songs right on time as well.. haha=p Cuidate mucho y buen finde Vane=DDDD *loveloads* Speak soon:)
Rammsfer Jun-26-09 3.24am
Si, yo también te extraño mucho Vane =( Ok, esperemos que si :D Cuidate, te quiero, besos :)
Rammsfer Jun-25-09 5.50pm
Hace mucho que no chateamos :(
singme0430 Jun-25-09 2.47pm
*awesome background!!* Yes, I mean that one! :) Yes, a picture taken with a webcam is fairly small, but I still would love to see it! ;) Oooooh, by the way!! Do you have MSN, Vane?!!
singme0430 Jun-25-09 6.00am
*Corzon Delator! :D* The Smiths are amazing, aren't they? Oooohhhh, lovely?!! xD Not At All, but thank you very much for saying so!! *blushes* By the way can I see your photo used as your avatar in a full size, Vane? :D
frandougeil Jun-24-09 4.34pm
And me encanta estu avatar=D que lindo foto*-*
frandougeil Jun-24-09 4.08pm
HOla amiga!Hope ur very well Vane:)I haven't been able to post/write here in ages..Miss so much!I'll send u the songs I promised by the weekends;) hope u don't md!Btw I'm glad u appreciate the album over on FB.It's always a pleasure sharing them with u=DI'm so glad we met here.Speak soon!loveloads!*besos*
alanistradi Jun-20-09 8.46pm
¡Hey Vane! Pues ¿en que onda voy? jajaja me agarraste! ¡ni sé que responder! lol ... Mi trabajo en diseño trata cosas muy básicas (técnica, por ejemplo ¡No tengo! jaja) en relación a artículos de escritura (cubiertas de cuadernos, agendas, diarios, etc) esto nació como un hobbie pero se transformó en una especie de miniempresa :) lo que estudio no tiene nada que ver con esto asi que espero dejar lo autodidacta y especializarme pronto :) ... Reitero mi felicitación querida Vane, me encanta lo que haces, en serio.... y gracias por el saludo! (jajaja ¡Tenemos un coeficiente intelectual altísimo! ¿No? xD)¡Un beso!
Rammsfer Jun-18-09 7.31pm
Hola linda Vane (:! Si , lo sé :( Nimodo hehe, te entiendo :) Espero que podamos chatear pronto :) Si! Ya mañana salgo hehe! Por fin ha :P Saludos y besos Vane :D
alanistradi Jun-18-09 5.27pm
Hola Vane, no tienes nada que agradecer, de verdad me gustó mucho tu trabajo :) ...yo? jajaja si hago diseños pero no va exactamente en esa onda, reconozco que soy una amateur en este campo, definitivamente no podría hacer lo que tu haces, por ejemplo ¡Un beso!
frandougeil Jun-17-09 6.44pm
Hola mi querida querida querida amiga=)Sorry this is too late!It's been a crazyyy week.I'd love to hear more of Damien's song,I've heard tt his songs have even moved people to tears..Must be amazing music!Gracias Vane:)I can send u Bright Eyes songs if u want too as well;DGlad u liked Arienette.I love it a lot=D Btw Vane I'm attending a talk(which is free)with Steve McCurry this Sat*-* I was so shock to learn that i got places coz this is only for 50 people too!Estoy feliz amiga=DI'll take some photos for u;D Btw,I hope ur very well and I'll reply to ur pm soon.Sorry i haven't had time:( Cuidate mucho Vane=D Write soon:)loveloads,miss ya! *HUGS*
frandougeil Jun-13-09 6.36am
Hola Vane:) I got ur pm,no worries about tt amiga..Take ur time in replying;)Yeah I love Ray Lamontagne!Never really heard Damien Rice's music thou..But that cover duet to me is just perfect! That's right the lyrics are absolute poetry:D Actually i can't choose which is my fave too;)But I listen to Jolene the most:)And amiga I'll reply to ur pm soon..Keep well dear Vane!I'm having a good week next week coz i'm meeting Steve Mccurry!!!arghhhh..its crazy,I'll tell u more soon;) *loveloads* *buen finde y cuidate mucho* BIG HUG=D
Rammsfer Jun-11-09 7.32pm
Hola linda Vane :) Hehe, que bueno que te gustó :D Suerte! Besos
frandougeil Jun-11-09 8.57am
Hola querida amiga:D Good to know ur fine!Glad u liked my playlist Vane;)It took me so long,now finally i have it;D No rush and no worries about the reply amiga!Take ur time and do take care dear Vane=) The weekends will arrive soon and then u'll get ur rest;D I'm so happy Vane,I've got extremely good news to share with u!Speak soon;)Isn't Ray Lamontagne just great!I love his music and his album artworks=D Ur rite trouble is still the best.Jolene is my fave track in tt album!But I love love till the sun turns black and gossip in the grain too!!Lesson learned is one of my all time fave track of his;D He's amazing!Such a deep lovely soulful musician:) I added more of his songs on my playlist;)Dunno if u've heard To love somebody covered by him and damien rice?I noe u love damien rice too;D It's a great cover duet!I love it!Your playlist is just as great amiga!! *besos y abrazos*TC!!
frandougeil Jun-10-09 4.18pm
Hola amiga:)How are u?Hope everything's fine and good;) Just dropping by to send my greetings and *hugs=)*
Ana_Smith Jun-10-09 4.10pm
Hola Vane!! Qué bueno que te gustó el collage, es muy divertido ver sus videos y esa etapa inicial tiene un no sé qué especial... Tied to the 90s es genial en su simplicidad :D Me encanta la cámara girando 360° en U16 Girls y AIWTDIR cuando dice "today I'll stay", Fran posando y Andy con su guitarra arriba del auto, fá! Son muy buenos... Espero que andes bien. No va a haber problema, de una u otra forma seguimos en contacto :) Beso!
Rammsfer Jun-9-09 2.32am
:D! Si, igual tu. Que tengas una excelente semana! :D Espero leerte pronto Vane :) Besos! :D
Rammsfer Jun-8-09 7.40pm
Hola querida Vane :D! De nada :) Eres mi amiga :) Lo saqué de una página dedicada Oasis ( Conozco al administrador, es amigo. Está en el top 20 de paginas de Oasis :)
alanistradi Jun-8-09 6.09pm
Vane, que talento eh? Me gustó mucho tu trabajo, realmente...¡Felicidades!
frandougeil Jun-6-09 10.20am
Amiga=)Reply done!Hope u don't mine the lateness=S Cuidate mucho Vane!*hugs*
Ana_Smith Jun-5-09 1.27pm
Hola Vane! Me encantó el wallpaper!! Si llegás a hacer otro no dudes en postearlo :) Ay, cómo me gusta Canción para mi muerte..Supuestamente el año que viene Charly y Nito se juntarían a tocar..lo que daría por escuchar sus temas en vivo!! Pero de aquí a que eso suceda..ojalá cumplan con sus planes.. Btw, gracias por los comentarios sobre el collage, jaja, son lo único que me sale más o menos pasable :P Ah, tbn me gustó el background de la playlist, no lo había visto antes..Bueno, creo que me puse al día, algo al menos. Besos y c u soon!!
frandougeil Jun-5-09 8.05am
Hola Vane!Your Travis wallpaper is amazing amiga=)Love it!!Yes I feel better now receiving the love and hugs u sent from far away Vane;)I hope ur doin well dear friend!I'm happy u like the pics i dedicated to u on FB:)And I'll reply to ur pm later tonite;D *lots of love and a big hug back=D*
Rammsfer Jun-5-09 2.34am
Holaa querida Vane :D Si, lo se :( Espero que podamos platicar pronto. Estoy bien, mañana por fin viernes hehe :P Y tu que tal? Besos
alanistradi Jun-5-09 2.25am
jajajajajaja Si!!! Somos unas genias!!!! jajaja xD, me encanto recibir tu rpta, yo también espero seguir en contacto contigo, asi que estaré molestando por aqui jeje ...Un beso!!!
alanistradi Jun-5-09 1.52am
¡Hola Vane! (Formalmente no hemos sido presentadas pero si se de ti, mi increíble inteligencia me llevó a saber tu nombre jaja) Tu avatar es perfecto, Mr. Eastwood es un GENIO, asi que me uno a los comentarios anteriores :)
frandougeil Jun-4-09 12.26pm
Hola querida Vane:)I'll reply to ur lovely pm tmrw amiga;) I'm so sad and happy about some things and I can't wait to tell u all about it amiga;D Hope u are very well.Miss you!Till then *un abrazo inmensa*
singme0430 Jun-3-09 9.21am
Crimen sounds lovely! ;) Hahaha, I'm really glad you like it, Vane! x) THANK YOU! By the way, who is the man in your avatar?
frandougeil Jun-1-09 5.23pm
Vane my dear=)Pm received and loved;)Me encanta estu avatar amiga!!Clint is a genius! Btw,I'm glad u like Wu Guanzhong's paintings.It was inspiring to be able to see his works live at the museum:) And yeah his later works are very much impressionism but i also adore his earlier works which were much more realist. One of my faves,Hometown Morning is an example of his earlier works that lacked his signature impressionism style. But still as good.De nada querida amiga.Glad u like his works too;)I'll reply to ur pm soon*HUGS*Take care my dear!
Monica Jun-1-09 2.40pm
¡Sí! Es verdad que ayer fue su cumpleaños. 79 primaveras muy bien llevadas y sin haber perdido una pizca de su talento (es más, yo creo que va aumentando su leyenda con el paso del tiempo ^^). La foto está genial, y tienes toda la razón, es como una obra de arte ;) Un beso y buena semana ;)
Monica Jun-1-09 1.52pm
Clint Eastwood = Dios ;)
frandougeil May-31-09 5.21pm
Hola querida amiga;)Reply done! Have a great week and take care much my dear=)Hope u enjoy reading my pm;)*muchos besos*
singme0430 May-31-09 3.37am
Really? Anyway it's such a lovely photo!!! :D And you're very welcome, I was just honest. All your artworks are brilliant, Vane! I don't use FB that much (I prefer MySpace and Twitter!) but I'll add you on FB later. ;) Ummm, I had some traditional Korean food. ;) Hope everything's going great there! It's time for lunch again. :P Have a lovely weekend, Vane! *A Bear's Big Hug!* LEE.
singme0430 May-30-09 4.04am
My dear Vane :D I can't write much as I have to have lunch now. I checked out your last drawings on Flickr and they are really awesome!!! By the way, do you have an account on Twitter? ( Sorry again Vane, I can't write much right now! Have a great week, super brilliant artist! ;) *HUGS!* LEE.
frandougeil May-29-09 7.06am
Hola Vane!I'll reply to ur pm tmrw;)Lo siento amiga:( Anyways I watched another Clint movie yesterday and it was superb!I loved it!Can't wait to share my thoughts about it with you;D Till then besos y cuidate mucho querida amiga=D
frandougeil May-27-09 6.41pm
Hola querida Vane=)I received ur pm:)Gracias amiga!I hope ur well!Btw,I'll reply real soon and also can't wait to check out the new Nico link u gave me=)Ur awesome amiga!Te queiro mucho amiga*-* *HUGGGGGS*
singme0430 May-27-09 12.11pm
'Parado en el medio de la vida' sounds nice! My weekend was great, thanks a lot for asking. :D Hope you had a great one too! I think you are already quite great at drawing with the tablet! Anyway I'll check them out if you upload new drawings. ;) ('Corazon delator' sounds like a movie OST!') Thank you so much for your compliments, Vane. *blushes* I'm really glad you like my poor covers! Anyway... no, not yet. I don't know what to draw at the moment! :P Thanks for asking though! *A Bear's Big Hug!* LEE.
leticia May-27-09 3.50am
Gracias por los comments!!! Qué buena bienveniiiida a tu perfil: amo crimen :)
Ana_Smith May-27-09 12.34am
Hola!! Es un placer escribir estas líneas mientras escucho De Música Ligera... Me alegra mucho que te hayan gustado y obviamente, quedo a las ordenes si estás interesada en más sólo tienes que preguntar y te guío :) Espero que hayas podido aprovechar el feriado al máximo, estamos en contacto, un beso!!
frandougeil May-26-09 7.46am
HOLA VANE=DIt's a great movie isn't it:)I thought it was so amazing and that was what that made me want to watch his other films which are equally amazing.But of coz I have still so much to see and Bridges of Madison County too.I have to see it since u said its good.And lo siento amiga,I'll reply to ur pm soon..I wish I have more time and it seems i'll never get use to the new momentum with this job=pCUIDATE mucho querida=)*HUGS*
Rammsfer May-25-09 8.06pm
Holaa querida Vane :D Si lo se :( Hehe ntp :) Y si, que mal lo de Boca =/ ¡Ánimo! :D Espero chatear pronto contigo :P Besos!
frandougeil May-24-09 5.38pm
Hola querida!!!Received and read ur lovely pm=)I;ll reply by tue amiga;D Till then cuidate mucho!!*A BIG BEAR'S HUG in return*
singme0430 May-24-09 3.29am
Hola, My Dear Super Lovely Sweetest friend Vane! :D Thank you very much for your great translation. Hope I didn't annoy you much!! I know it's really hard to use those programs, you are just amazing, Vane!!! Please keep uploading your artworks even though I know you are busy! :) Thank you and hope you have a wonderful weekend too, Vane! :D
frandougeil May-23-09 12.51pm
Hola Vane!Muchas gracias:) Reply done.Me encanta mucho estu link;D Thanx so much for everything so far querida! *besos grande y buen finde*
singme0430 May-23-09 12.39pm
I've just checked out your new artworks, Vane! Brilliant as always!!! Your artworks always amaze me. They are stunning! What kind of programs do you use to make such beautiful artworks? You are sooooooooo sweet too, Vane. :D Thank you always for being so kind. I'm grateful for your friendship! How is everything there? :)
frandougeil May-22-09 1.21pm
Vane=)I love the works u did over on Flickr based on your lovely nephew Esteban:D They're gorgeous!You are very talented amiga just like our dear friend Lee.U are both very talented:)I'm honoured to have u as a friend;)Btw, I'd love to see the things Nico wrote too regardless of whether its in Spanish or not;)maybe I'll understand some of it;D *abrazotes* I'll write back soon!*besos*
frandougeil May-21-09 7.51am
AMIGA!!!I love ur pm very much=)Muchas gracias Vane*hugs* I'll reply very soon!And I can't wait to see ur new drawings over on Flickr amiga:)The Nico guy u told me about,his work sounds amazing like I've seen for myself!Ur so kind=)Te quero amiga!Till soon-*abrazotes*
singme0430 May-20-09 1.43am
Hola, Vane :) AMAZING. You know what I mean. Your new drawing!! It's brilliant, super lovely!!! :D You should draw that kind of things more! Thank you for sharing it with me. It's super lovely indeed!
frandougeil May-19-09 11.10am
Hola Vane!Pm done;)I'm so sorry it took so long..Hope ur well amiga!Btw que lindo avatar!Such a beautiful B&W shot.Me encanta=DDD
singme0430 May-18-09 4.57am
Hola, Vane! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. :) ...Really?! Three times!!! Unbelievable! Haha! xD It does know you, Vane!!! Don't worry, your playlist is really cool. Both of the music and the background. :) You're quite right. If music is really good, lyrics don't matter very much. Though lyrics often help me get into songs even more. Anyway! :) I'm very glad you like my new picture. I've been great! Hope everything's going grea with you and your family too, Vane!!! :D *A Bear's BIG HUG!*
Ana_Smith May-18-09 2.19am
Hola!! Sí, ver a Soda en vivo estuvo increíble...cuando se separaron yo tenía sólo 11 años así que no me podía perder la vuelta por nada del mundo...valió la pena escuchar esos temas ochentosos que jamás creí que iban a tocar. De todos modos el recuerdo es bittersweet (no fui a ver a Travis justamente porque había ido a dos River y gasté todos mis pobres ahorros en ese viaje...) En fin...ya te mando un PM. Que tengas un buen comienzo de semana!! (Ay, los lunes de mañana me siento como Garfield...) Beso :)
Rammsfer May-17-09 7.37pm
Hoola Vane :D! Muy bien y tu? Pues algo rejalado hehe, ya mañana regreso a clases ;( Hehe son Mew :) Besos Vane :D
singme0430 May-17-09 1.41am
Haha, the background of your playlist! That's really cool, Vane! ;)
frandougeil May-16-09 5.00pm
Hola querida amiga..So sorry I haven't sent u the pm i promised:( It's been a crazy week.I promise to write by fri Vane,hope u don't md;) Hope ur doin fine btw:)I wished I had more time to listen to the songs on ur playlist,sounds awesome also judging by Lee's and Ana's words;DBuen finde amiga y cuidate!*abrazos*
Ana_Smith May-15-09 3.18pm
Hola Vane!! Qué bueno que te gustó la música yoruga!! Bah, a esta altura todo es rioplatense...las influencias son indiscutibles y últimamente como que los estamos invadiendo, no? :) Me encantaría recomendarte algo de Buitres (Después de la una es el nombre de uno de los discos) y de La Trampa, así que si querés te mando por PM cuáles son esas canciones más emblemáticas de ambas bandas...I can't believe Lee likes Soda and Fito, she's a really smart girl!! (I'm writing in English so she knows I'm only saying nice things about her...) En River casi muero cuando escuché los primeros acordes de Juegos de seducción (y era de la emoción, no del aplastamiento contra la valla, jeje! Qué lindos recuerdos...) Bueno, enough random thoughts, besos!!
singme0430 May-15-09 1.22pm
Hi, my dear Vane! :D Listening to Los Dinosaurious now. Sounds lovely!! By the way, really? 2 of your favourite musicians! :D Soda Stereo and Fito Paez sound really great. I listen to Signos again. COOL. 8) What does 'Signos' mean? Oh, really? Would you translate the lyric of Cable a Tierra? But if you're busy, you really don't need to do so, don't feel pressured! ;) *Lots of Love!!* *HUGS!!!* LEE.
frandougeil May-15-09 7.58am
Hola querida Vane=D I miss u too amiga;)Wow those songs are from the 70's!My they're awesome really!Your parents have great taste;D Thank them for me..I love those songs;D I'll make mine soon thou mine will not be as diverse as yours of coz..haha=p*HUGGGGS* I hope u've been well amiga=D
singme0430 May-15-09 1.04am
Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Vane! :D I'll write back to you soon. Just have to study now! :P Eek! *Hugs, hugs!* LEE.
Ana_Smith May-14-09 4.20pm
Hola! De nuevo yo. Me hice un tiempito para armar la playlist...creo que me dejé llevar, había canciones que no podía dejar de poner :) Tienen para divertirse! Espero que puedas rescatar algo de tu gusto ;) See u around!
Ana_Smith May-14-09 1.37pm
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda, Vane!! Ahora mismo voy a intentarlo y obviamente, La Vela no puede faltar!! ;) PD: Se me va a hacer costumbre...pasar por acá y escuchar ese maravilloso rock de los '70. Serán de la otra orilla pero los siento propios...aguante el Río de la Plata!! :D Puede ser un pedido caprichoso? Canción para mi muerte...ah, y La memoria. Son de esos temas que a medida que pasa el tiempo pareciera que se vuelven aún más geniales...Bueno, hablamos, beso!
Rammsfer May-14-09 1.46am
Holaa Vanee:D! Si, si me gusta hehe. Y no no te preocupes :) Está buena la playlist de todos modos :P Si! Quiero hacer una :D Haber si la hago :) Besotes Vane :D!
Ana_Smith May-13-09 6.32pm
Hola Vane! Cómo andás? Me tomo el atrevimiento de pasar por acá y copiarte la idea :P Me encantaría saber cómo poner una playlist en mi perfil, así conocen lo que la industria yoruga tiene para ofrecer. Pero ni siquiera tengo idea de cómo modificar la imagen de fondo! Soy medio torpe para estas cosas, así que si me das una mano, te agradecería un montón!! Besos :)
cornflakes May-13-09 7.06am
COOL :-) thanx for the music. i must say i didn't know any of the bands you put. that's why it's a real pleasure & discovery to listen to them. Thank you Vane :-p
singme0430 May-13-09 6.54am
I'm listening to Cable a Tierra. Don't know what it is about but it sounds sweet. :D Your playlist rocks!!! Now I'm listening to Signos. I really like it!! Hehe, whenever I visit your profile, I guess what music I'll hear. :D The songs by Soda Stereo are great! *HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS!*
frandougeil May-13-09 6.22am
I'm checking them out as I'm typing this dear Vane;)My they sound so awesome!I'm gonna make mine when I get my off day later this week;D Argentinian rock sound mighty fine!I'm def liking what I'm hearing:DI like Bajan by Luis Alberto Spinetta and songs by Sui Generies.Very cool!Very fun and laidback.Very cool playlist querida.I love them;D How have u been btw?Always I miss talking to u;)*abrazotes*
Rammsfer May-13-09 2.07am
Edit: *Charly*
Rammsfer May-13-09 2.06am
Holaa Vanee! Vaya que bien! Grande Soda y Bersuit! tambien conozco a Chary y Cerati :D!
cornflakes May-12-09 7.12pm
thanx for the PM..ok i obey you dear... and it works :-) :-) mucha gracias :-)
cornflakes May-12-09 6.48pm
cool your playlist :-) how do you put this on the profile please ? i would put some french bands on it too for you
singme0430 May-12-09 3.49pm
Hola, my dear lovely friend Vane! :D You're very welcome and your artworks do deserve much more compliments! They are brilliant. ;) Umm, OK, I'll upload my (poor) drawings on Flickr soon! :D Really? :O You must be a big fan of Radiohead's!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing your playlist, Vane. ;) You really do seem to know much about music! You are amazing! :D By the way, I've just posted my super awkward draiwng. Please check it out in your sparetime! *A Bear's BIG HUG!!!* LEE.
cornflakes May-12-09 7.45am
hi Vane. well no those bands aren't french in fact, the rakes & the rumble strips are british and the perishers are swedish. You know 3 french singers you're better than me, i'm not sure i evene know a singer from argentina shame on me :-( Yann tiersen, ok maybe with the movie "Amélie Poulain". i'd like to know bands from your country too. well yes they're french bands but it depends what kind of music you're into...currently people know french sounds 'cos of electro (bob sinclar, daft punk,air,david guetta, martin solveig etc...) please tell me more about what kind of music or sound u're teach me bands from argentina, i teach u french ones as you ask me..good deal, nah hahahaa :-) cheers xoxo
frandougeil May-12-09 7.00am worries Vane;) *deleted them*That happens smtms and ur not absent minded at all!My weekend went great!I went out on Sat with my sisters and celebrated mother's day out with my whole family on Sun:D It was a nice family weekend. What about urs?I hope it went great to:)I've watched 3 movies past few days so far;)I'll let u know about them in a pm soon Vane;)Awww Esteban Nahuel likes pears? How sweet amiga!besos y abrazotes=D cuidate mucho!
Rammsfer May-12-09 1.41am
Hola Vane :D Haha si si es :) Si! hehe hasta el 18 :P Pues ni idea eh, bajaré bootlegs :D! Besos Vane:)
singme0430 May-11-09 11.19am
Hi, Vane!!! :) Really?!! I actually didn't know you like Radiohead as it wasn't on your 'Music' section. A Radiohead fan for 15 years! Wow, that's really great, Vane! :D And yes, Reckoner is one of my favourite tracks too. :) Why don't you make a playlist too? By the way, I'm very looking forward to your new drawings! I'll check them out when you upload them surely. ;) I've just joined Flickr. I didn't even have an account there. :P *A Bear's Big Big Hug!* LEE.
frandougeil May-11-09 10.32am
Awww yeah man i miss loads here!But it's always nice to hear from u lovely boardies;D Ur rite it takes time to adapt to the 'old mundane routine of wrkg life'..haha=p at least i get to rent free movies.And tt's how I've been spending my free time if I'm not busy spending time here;D Lovely hearing from u Vane as always:)YES its a great vid..Me encanta=DI hope all is well!*besos*
cornflakes May-11-09 8.52am
freind request accepted with pleasure vanesa :-) oh ? what are the bands you don't know in my list ?
Rammsfer May-11-09 3.02am
Hehe si Vane, ntp :) Te entiendo, ojala estés bien y más relajada :D!
cornflakes May-10-09 7.52pm
damn i forgot to answer u..haha...btw my name is Sarah
cornflakes May-10-09 7.40pm
thank you, it's very nice... happy to make you laugh with my "blablabla" pics... i can't help it ! i'm a bit like that in fact :-p but i'm reassured that it annoys anyone about my way of talking or having fun with the photos our 4 boys :-) and u, how are u in argentina ? hope to see u soon :-p bye xoxo
Rammsfer May-10-09 6.46pm
Haha, yo no la amo, pero si es muy bonita :)! Bien y tuu? :D Ya no he chateado contigo ;( Besos :D
singme0430 May-10-09 4.17pm
Hi, Vane!!! :) Things are great here, thanks for asking. What about there? Hope everything's going great there!! Hahaha, thank you! :P River is such a beautiful song, right? ;) Do you like Radiohead too? :D By the way, I looked at your artworks on Flickr today and they are really amazing, as I tell you always. I've just added your Flickr link to my favourites. Please keep updating! :D *Lots of Love* *A Bear's Big Big Hug!* LEE.
frandougeil May-10-09 11.22am
De nada Vane!Bien gracias=DI've been busy with work too and even on my days off I'm out so I miss everythg and everyone here!!!Esp u querida amiga;) Me encanta estu video Vane! *loveloooooadssss*HUGS!*
frandougeil May-8-09 1.55pm
Todo bien Vane?I miss so much here;D
Rammsfer May-5-09 12.02am
De nada Vane :D! Si, porque está muy raro, ojala si puedas escuchar el de Brasil :D Besotes:P
Rammsfer May-4-09 8.09pm
Si! estuvo genial la verdad, y el link te lo paso en un PM :D! De hecho yo lo descargué hace rato ;) Tambien el del 7 de mayo en Brasil lo pasarán :D Aun no se la página, pero si quieres luego te la doy :P Cuidate mucho :)
frandougeil May-4-09 6.38pm
Gracias Vane!YES we'll be in touch one way or the other=D I'll talk to u very soon;D Take care loveloads!*abrazos y besos*
Rammsfer May-4-09 5.58pm
Holaa Vane! :D Siiii! Si lo escuché! Todiiito :D Estuvo genial la verdad! Los comentaristas hacian comentarios también al final de cada canción, pero sabes que? Te paso el link luego para que descargues el concierto, si quieres ;) Que lástima que no hayas podido escucharlo, estuvo muy bueno. Me trajo tantos recuerdos :') Besos!
frandougeil May-4-09 3.37pm
Hola querida amiga=D I juz wanna send my love and hugs.I'll be starting work tmrw and might not be able to reply as often as I always do=(But I'll try to go online as often as possible still Vane;)Cuidate mucho*-*
frandougeil May-3-09 4.54pm
MUCHAS GRACIAS querida amiga=D Ur so kind and sweet.I'm so touched*-*thank u thank u thank u!*mucho love**GRANDE BESOS*
Rammsfer May-3-09 5.37am
Hehe si, son muy buenos! Y dijeron que uno de sus planes ahora para su nuevo disco, es que vendrian a varias ciudades en México! :D Espero poder ir...Si! No me lo puedo perder, ni tu tampoco eh :P De nada Vane :)! Besos ;)
Rammsfer May-3-09 3.05am
Hola Vane :D Hehe gracias :P Es de una banda llamada Mew, los conoces? Es algo asi cómo el logo. Si estoy bien y tu? Siiii! Ya mañana hehe, no me lo puedo perder :P Por cierto, sales muy bien en tu foto Vane :D
singme0430 May-3-09 1.41am
Wow, Vane! You Do Look Beautiful!! Super lovely!!! Now, I know how my dear friend looks like! Thanks for accepting my request. :) You look lovely, Vane! By the way... thank you so much for saying so! I'm really glad you like my cover, though it's not good at all. THANK YOU! :)
singme0430 May-2-09 2.36pm
Hi, Vane!!! Thank you very much for your birthday greeting! ^_^ By the way, wow, really? Is that you? Super Cute!!! Really lovely. ;) Oh, Vane, I actually have never seen a picture of you! Just wondering how you look. Why don't you put your picture on the profile? ;) Just a little request! Anyway all of your artworks are superb as alway. Love them!
Rammsfer Apr-29-09 5.12pm
Hola Vane:P Gracias :D Si, pues está algo mejor (creo) hehe, tu también cuidate mucho :) Besos
singme0430 Apr-29-09 4.16pm
<--------- Superb video!
singme0430 Apr-29-09 4.13pm
Hola, Vane!! As the results haven't been released yet, I'm not really sure, but I guess I will be able to graduate! Well, I mean I hope. ;) Haha, indeed!! Thanks for remembering my birthday!!! By the way, I've just checked out your new artworks and they are AMAZING as usual. Especially "shine"! Artistic. :) LOVE ALL OF YOUR ARTWORKS!
Rammsfer Apr-28-09 5.21pm
Hola Vane :) Si, asi es...hehe. Regreso hasta el 6 de mayo a clases. Ahhhh ya quiero que esto acabe =/ Y tu tambien cuidate mucho :P Besos:D
frandougeil Apr-28-09 6.22am
Awwwww..That's very sweet!My eyes can't be a more perfect choice=D He's so lucky,Only 4 months and sure to be pampered by so many people soon;D It's great to hear ur nephew's doin well and u and ur family's so crazy bout him! He must be such an adorable baby boy:)*Besos y abrazos*
Rammsfer Apr-27-09 7.06pm
Hola Vane. Pues si, estoy preocupado, pero esperemos que esto ya pronto acabe. Besos:) Cuidate mucho.
frandougeil Apr-27-09 8.14am
That's great to hear Vane!I'm so sorry this reply came a little late=( I didn't realize it was sorry dear friend! Anyways,that's so sweet of u dedicating a video to ur lovely nephew!And a Travis number at that=)U mention ur 2nd video being Walking In The O.O must be awesome!And so what was ur first video made for him??Its so cool to know that u keep in touch with his updates by web-camming!Technology surely helps when distance gets in the way i guess;)So sweet that he's recognizing ur voices and all=D Kids are such a joy aren't they.Love them!Hope ur well amiga.. *besos*
Rammsfer Apr-25-09 7.44pm
Hola Vane :D En serio? Ahh que bueno que te gustaron :P Besotes.
frandougeil Apr-25-09 6.32am
OH yesss!!That's nice;DMe too I love animations so if I bring my nieces along then ppl wouldn't look at me like im such a kiddish freak.. haha=pHow's ur nephew doin btw?How old is Esteban(that's his name isn't it?)..
Rammsfer Apr-24-09 8.09pm
Si ya :D Gracias;) Al rato que entre al msn te agrego :) Y si, eso de la lnfluenza empieza a preocupar...solo es en algunas ciudades del pais, y más que nada en la capital, pero si es alarmante :S! Ojala no aumente y todo quede en un simple susto. Cuidate, xo :)
frandougeil Apr-24-09 5.22pm
Don't worry Vane..U'll get to watch it soon;)*Un abrazo inmenso*
singme0430 Apr-24-09 2.24pm
Hi, Vane! Needless to say, I Did Miss You so much too! Well, actually I don't go to school. I'm a homeschooler! Anyway I had to take an exam to graduate from school. :) Oh, by the way, new member of your family? You mean your lovely nephew, right? :D Congrats to all of you!! My drawings... To be honest, I have no idea what to draw at the moment! x) Anyway thank you! Are there any new art works by you?
frandougeil Apr-24-09 4.44am
Yeah very very inspiring=)I have to watch it,I'm gonna hunt it down soon;)Have u watched it yet??
Rammsfer Apr-24-09 2.59am
Hehe ahh ya :D En serio? o.O Creo que por ahi lei algo asi, que mal eh, ojala todo mejore por alla. Y aca, empieza una epidemia de lnfluenza por varias ciudades del pais :S! Espero que no sea nada grave...Si! Gracias hehe, a mi también me encanta hehe :D Oye, podrias darme tu msn? :) Saludos! y besos:)
Rammsfer Apr-23-09 7.52pm
Hehe :D Pues que bien y que mal xD Ya se haha :D Ya mañana Viernes :P Qué cuentas?
frandougeil Apr-23-09 6.44am
Hola Vane..Gracias bien;)Y tu? Btw,thanx for the amazing link u posted on my FB page=)I love it!!*besos*
Rammsfer Apr-22-09 9.07pm
Hehe pues muy bien, gracias :D Y tu, que has hecho? Besos:D
Rammsfer Apr-21-09 8.23pm
Haha si lo se =/ Nimodo, hoy fue mi primer dia hehe :D Besos!
singme0430 Apr-21-09 1.30pm
Hola, Vane! :) Well.. SORRY for the late reply!!!! You know, I was a little busy preparing for an important exam! I know it can't be an excuse but... :( SORRY, Vane!!! My exam's over and I've been great, thank you for asking! What about you? How is everything there? Hope you and your family have been really great too! :) Hope to hear from you soon!
frandougeil Apr-20-09 8.33am
Hehe=)Still learning!Its such a lovely language..Buen Finde tambien=D Gracias amiga!*Besos*
frandougeil Apr-19-09 1.36pm
Glad to hear u like them too Vane;D TWT did a great job with the new photos from the Vancouver,Seattle tour!U have fun too!!Cuidate amiga=D
Rammsfer Apr-19-09 3.14am
Holaa:D Bnbn y tu? Hahaha, pues si :D Ahhhh ni me lo recuerdes xD! Besos:)
frandougeil Apr-18-09 5.06pm
Hola Vane=D How's ur week been? Anyways there are some really awesome new shots over on the best Travis photos thread.. Tot u might wanna check them out!They're posted by fellow boardie Akanksha and they're really amazing!Hope u like them;)and *hugggs*
frandougeil Apr-13-09 11.48am
Don't even mention it Vane=) Anytm u need my help I'll gladly do my best to!U've been so kind;D And i haven't told u how much i LOVE the pics u post!They're L O V E L Y!Thanx for sharing them*-*
Rammsfer Apr-12-09 5.45pm
Heyy :D Si! Una semana más hehe ;) Asi que, tengo que disfrutarla xD! Siiii :D Cuando quieras ;) xx! :)
Rammsfer Apr-12-09 3.29am
Haha si, porque mejor no hablamos en Español? xD! Haha :D Ohh que bueno que estés bien :) lgual yo hah! Estoy de vacaciones :) Aun me queda una semanota :D! Haha gracias :P Si, debo de aceptar que Boca es grande, casi tan grande como el América ;)
Rammsfer Apr-11-09 3.47pm
Hey :D Yeah me too lol! l love Sigur Rós :)! How are you?
frandougeil Apr-6-09 3.15pm
frandougeil Apr-3-09 6.03am
VANEeeeee!!!How have u been??I haven't seen u here in quite long=( Hope everythg's been goin extremely well for u!Hope to hear from u soon as well Vane=D Take care!*huge hug*
frandougeil Feb-20-09 5.21pm
Glad to hear from u too=D Congrats on your brother's marriage!Wow u have been through so many happy moments recently;D Good to hear all tt!Btw,regarding the photos u wanted to post on my thread, I'll post it for u at the moment and i'll give u the credits;DBut i'll teach u how to post photos in a thread as well if u want=D
frandougeil Feb-20-09 10.08am
HELLO VANE!I've been well=)Hope ur doin great after spending good times with your very adorable nephew;)I missed seeing u here..Glad ur back! What's new now?
frandougeil Jan-20-09 5.32am
Hey Vane=DD Glad u like the tee.I bought it recently and i am so happy with the purchase.hehe.Was so surprised to find it at a local vintage store=DI knew i had to immediately get it! I've been fine!!Thanks=)Hope ur fine as well=DDD
frandougeil Jan-14-09 6.12am
U deserve all the compliments we gave u coz ur really so talented!!!I should get some coaching form u=)hehee.*HUGE hug*Take Care Vane=DLoveloads!!
frandougeil Jan-13-09 6.38am
AwwWWW!Adorable avatar=))) And i just saw your pics over on flickr!My,they're superb!!Ur so good at that!I especially like the one with the tree and the old Indian man=)Do u use photoshop? They're awesome Vane=)))Ur so talented!!
frandougeil Jan-12-09 4.49pm
Hey Vane=)Hope u've been very well!I can't help but to notice your convo with Lee regarding some photos/artwork that u made?Would love to see it if you don't mind=D
singme0430 Jan-11-09 3.39am
I do love your artworks anyway! And wow, then you can do artworks with your own photos taken by YOU, Vane! I'm sure your new ones will be even more fantastic. :) Can't wait to see them! Oh, Of Course, I love all of your artworks. ;) Ehh, I'm really terrible at using the tablet. I don't make sketches with it actually. I use it only when I colour the sketches I did with traditional things. =) I appreciate your lovely messages always. Have a fantastic weekend! *A Bear's Big Big Hug!*
singme0430 Jan-8-09 2.34am
...:O AMAZING. They are quite great, Vane. Just a random question about "Trying to look good limits my life" one. Did you take the photo by yourself? It looks wonderful! Well, it doesn't matter, though. Even if you didn't take the photo, the result is quite amazing. :) By the way, I have a tablet, Wacom one too! ...Exactly my elder sister's. :P And I'm so poor at painting with it! Anyway anyway I love all of them, Vane. Please keep updating your artworks!!! =D *A bear's hug!* LEE.
singme0430 Jan-8-09 2.27am
Hi Vane! Thanks a lot for your lovely message and I'm really sorry for the delayed reply. I got sick again. Well, a stomachache, but I've recovered! How have you been? By the way... Really?!!!!! Wait, I'll check them out!
frandougeil Jan-6-09 3.51pm
Thank U VANE=) for liking my vid=D
frandougeil Jan-5-09 4.01am
Yes it is.Very BRILLIANT=)I heard the tail of the tiger and used to belong from their something anything single as well!Both lovely and well written too=DD
frandougeil Jan-4-09 3.58pm
Hey Vane=)Hope u've been well=D Just checking.haha.Take Care always!
singme0430 Jan-1-09 2.56am
Thank you so much and you're very welcome, Vane! Happy New Year!!!! =D Thanks for the friendship always. Happy New Year, Vane! *A Bear's Big Big Hug!* LEE.
frandougeil Dec-31-08 4.13pm
*HAPPY NEW YEAR to u as well* May the new year bring you lots of joy,opportunities and good health=)Thanks for all the friendliness and your kindness this year=D*loveloads sue*
singme0430 Dec-31-08 5.05am
Hi, Vane! Yes, really long time no chat. I had been sick for a few days, actually. I've recovered, though. :) Thanks a lot for asking, Vane! How is everything there? Wow, what an adorable avatar! Anyway Happy New Year! Holiday happiness and best wishes for the new year. =) Lots of Love! Gyeong-ryeong. (...You can call me LEE, of course!)
frandougeil Dec-29-08 4.07pm
OOooh yes LOVELY=) glad u found a cool one!*TAKE CARE VANE*
frandougeil Dec-29-08 8.52am
Esteban Nahuel=)What a nice name!And he's adorable=))) So lovely..
frandougeil Dec-28-08 3.49pm
check your inbox;)
frandougeil Dec-28-08 3.40pm
Ahhh i see...And is that ur nephew on ur avatar?He's adorable=DDD I spent mine shopping coz i don't actually celebrate christmas coz im muslim=)and rite now indulging in the many many post christmas sales.haha.I had a great time!Oh and Rammsfer taught me how to change my background.I'll send u a private msg containing the html code ok:)
frandougeil Dec-27-08 4.14pm
HeY Vane=) Hope ur christmas went great!!And how was it like celebrating it with the new baby?I expect u had a great time=DD
singme0430 Dec-24-08 10.56am
Thank you very much, Vane!!! You are really kind *as always*. ;) Have a fantastic Christmas with your nephew and all of your family!
singme0430 Dec-24-08 10.56am
Thank you very much, Vane!!! You are really kind *as always*. ;) Have a fantastic Christmas with your nephew and all of your family!!!
frandougeil Dec-24-08 5.39am
THANK YOU VANE!U too=)Have loads of fun with your baby nephew and your family this festive season=)*MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS*
singme0430 Dec-23-08 2.30pm
Have a wonderful time!!! ;)
singme0430 Dec-23-08 2.30pm
Hi, Vane!!! I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! ^.^
singme0430 Dec-23-08 2.30pm
Hi, Vane!!! I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! ^.^
frandougeil Dec-21-08 10.33am
HAHA=)i can imagine..It's always nice to have a bundle of joy at home..I'm sure your family's Christmas this year will be a SWEETER one with the new addition to your family=DI've been very well Vane!Thanx for asking=)Do take loads of *care**hugs*
singme0430 Dec-20-08 12.16pm
Hi Vane!! =) How have you been doing? Haha, not at all but thank you very much, Vane. ^.^ By the way how is your artwork going? Well, I'm not forcing you to share it with me quickly! xP But don't forget to let me know when you finish it. I would love to see it, you know! =D
frandougeil Dec-20-08 12.11pm
Hey Vane!How have u been?I hope ur Christmas preparations is going great=D MERRY early XMAS=DD
frandougeil Dec-16-08 3.48pm
We actually came back another day but it was raining on the day earlier as well but not when we were there and filming.. thank god=p haha..glad u liked it=D THANX VANE!
frandougeil Dec-16-08 5.17am
THANK U VANE.Ur so kind=) thanx for even wanting to watch it=D the location was our first choice..its a dilapidated train bridge from the 40's that is located at the utmost end of my neighbourhood=) it wasn't easy at 1st coz it rained on us on the first try and we couldn't find an we came back the 2nd tm round and made it=D Ur so kind=D*loveloads* *take loads of care*
frandougeil Dec-13-08 6.09am
THAT'S SO AWESOME!!!Getting a bundle of joy after your birthday=) that's great!!So happy for u!
frandougeil Dec-12-08 12.59pm
no worries=) did u have a GOOD one?hope u did....*take care*
frandougeil Dec-11-08 2.33pm
frandougeil Dec-11-08 2.19pm
HELLO!I sent it to u coz i thk the guy managed to capture singapore at its best..and i tot u might be interested in knowing how my country looks like=)glad u liked it=D take care VANE!
frandougeil Dec-10-08 12.41pm
hey THANX SO MUCH for the new one=DWOW!they're gorgeous!! love the B&W portrait phohos=DDD here's one i found for u.It's by a photographer from my country singapore: he's really good coz it is really a big challenge to take good photos in my country as Singapore where im from doesn't have nice landscapes and beautiful seasides to start with..hope u like it!!!*TAKE CARE VANE*
frandougeil Dec-9-08 4.34pm
I'll try to find u a really good photography link as a thank u to the one u gave me alrite=D really appreciate tt one=DD in the meantm *TAKE CARE VANE*
frandougeil Dec-6-08 10.00am
THANX VANE!I love the pics=DDDDThey're AWESOME=D tt's very nice of u!!I love the pics of the sheeps=D I usually only go to the national geographic websites and i idolise Steve Mccurry the photographer who took pic of the famous Afghan girl=D btw Vane do u have a myspace or facebook account? i'll add u there dear friend =D
frandougeil Dec-2-08 4.44am
COOL!but im not what u would call a super super super amateur photographer with insufficient tools.haha=)But it'd be great to help out in whatever way that i can!I would be glad to...Hope i'll see it soon then=D Take care Vane!
frandougeil Dec-1-08 5.59am
aWWW..awesome!can't wait to see not a photographer thou im having growing interest to learn to become one, im kinda finding out more about shutter speed,lightings and all tt too!great we can share our views then!i actually kinda got my first digi cam not long ago too.A semi professional Sony cam DSCH10=) its got pretty cool functions as well=D but im not satisfied sop rite now im saving up to get myself a decent SLR=DD
frandougeil Nov-30-08 12.08pm didgital cam??tell me about it=)im starting to have a huge infatuations for cams..all sorts!!haha...
frandougeil Nov-29-08 3.03pm
singme0430 Nov-24-08 12.21pm
Haha, I was right! What's the prize, Vana? ;)... Just kidding, of course!! xD I'm really glad you liked it. And what a cool idea!... I'll try it later but do hope I won't mess it up. :P Lots of love, LEE.
frandougeil Nov-22-08 4.59pm
hello Vane=) searching for a job takes a lot of patience.. but its been goin on pretty well i guess=) its not pretty much a career im looking for(just a temp job to keep me occupied till i get to go back to skool=D) so im doin alrite i guess. thanx for asking!hope u've been GOOD!!
singme0430 Nov-21-08 9.05am
Hi Vane!! =) My week's going well, thanks a lot for asking! Though I'm a little bit busy studying. :P How about you? Hope all the things are going well there too! By the way, you should tell me what your favourite drawings are!! (I mean your comment on the thread of my collection of the drawings!) Hehe. xP Thank you for your lovely comment anyway. ^_^ LOVE! LEE.
frandougeil Nov-19-08 4.12pm
hey Vane=) my weeks been fine..busy looking for a bout u?hope urs is goin great too!!
frandougeil Nov-13-08 5.40pm
HAHA..have a great time relaxing then=D Since the weekends are nearing,hope u have a lovely one=) *TAKE CARE*
frandougeil Nov-12-08 4.24pm
HAHA..i've been good..thanx for asking=)how have u been?I hope urhaving fun looking at the photos=D And thanx i know ur name too!Take CAre!
singme0430 Nov-12-08 10.33am
Hi Vane! ;) I'm doing good too, thank you. Oh, you can complain! Sometimes complaining helps people get rid of stress, you know! =D Take enough rest. ;) Hope you have a wonderful day as well! Lots of Love, LEE.
singme0430 Nov-11-08 12.40pm
Hi, Vane!! =) Thank you very much again! I really appreciated your lovely comment. How are you doing today? ;)
singme0430 Nov-10-08 1.01pm
Hello, wdiarom (can I know what your name is? :D) ! You're very welcome and thank you so much!! ^.^ *blushes* Hope you're having a wonderful day! With Love! LEE.
frandougeil Oct-8-08 5.33pm
thanK YOU so much!!!!
frandougeil Oct-3-08 10.15am
hey there thanx for askin=)i hvn't come online for quite a while now coz im celebrating my festive period now and am busy with the celebrations=) but yeah my travis archives has grown so muchHHH thanx to u guys whho have posted awesome photos and kept the thread alive!hope ur still enjoying looking at the photos like i do=D have a great weekend*
luvro Oct-1-08 3.25pm
Hola!!! Soy Rocío... gracias por el mensajito; soy de Argentina, buenos aires pero estoy viviendo en España ahora... Saluditos!!!
frandougeil Sep-18-08 7.14am
Hey=) Glad u liked the idea.Im having a blast too checking out all the Travis photos new and old and getting to widen my own Travis photo archive=D haha loved ur avatar i loved that pic too!was my first tm seeing it when it got posted on the thread.suits ur nick too*
nickynooboo Sep-10-08 6.08pm
Hey!!!!! I'm pretty new on here too so no problem for the welcome. I have added you as a friend. Hope to get to know you better soon. xxx
frandougeil Sep-10-08 12.01pm
haha.ur so swEEt!yaY im ur first friend=))Thanx for adding me!!U'll have fun here don't worry=DD
frandougeil Sep-9-08 3.31pm
aWWW...thanx for ur comment on ur thread=) i believe all TRavis fans are huge fans of their music esp their songs.Its wat tt brings us together here=DD in time u will noe a lot about their songs too!Once again welcome=) P/S:Can i be ur 1st friend here? rather new too!