
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:47 AM Quote
They played this "mashup" on the radio the other day. It's not as good as the Oasis/Travis/Greenday song, but still though it was clever...check it out

Does anyone know of any other mashups? I'm sure there are tons of them out there.
Re: Mashups
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:51 AM Quote
Travis mashups? That's the only one I know of except a thing Mark Ronson did which has like 3 seconds of Fran singing Baby One More Time
Re: Mashups
Posts: 1681
champagnesupernova Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:51 AM Quote

It is a blog about some new mashups. You could be able to download the tunes if they aren't removed yet.
I didn't like them much though. That's a crime mashing Cold War Kids with Lily Allen. Eeeek
Re: Mashups
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:53 AM Quote
Haha it's not Lily Allen it's Lupe Fiasco :s
Re: Mashups
Posts: 1681
champagnesupernova Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:57 AM Quote
Andrew wrote:
Haha it's not Lily Allen it's Lupe Fiasco :s

No. It is CWK + LF and Lily Allen. Lily appears towards the ending. I could send you the tune but it is at my personal computer in Istanbul now.
Re: Mashups
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:57 AM Quote
Haha I've got it, don';t remember her in it at all :s
Re: Mashups
Posts: 1681
champagnesupernova Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:58 AM Quote
Andrew wrote:
Haha I've got it, don';t remember her in it at all :s

Listen to it again. You were probably a pisshead when you listend to it then. :-P

Edit: Check your inbox for info in detail. ;-)
Re: Mashups
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 1:25 AM Quote
LOL. Well I just searched Youtube and found a Mashup of Kanye West rapping "Goldigger" over Beethoven's that is a crime.

I agree, there are some really crappy ones out there, but others are kinda cool :)
Re: Mashups
Posts: 527
emmahealy Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 10:03 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:
They played this "mashup" on the radio the other day. It's not as good as the Oasis/Travis/Greenday song, but still though it was clever...check it out

Does anyone know of any other mashups? I'm sure there are tons of them out there.

ehh.. boyzown... I don't think so... I'm gonna check out the other mashups.. would love to hear the travis/oasis/greenday one though.. anyone know where it is

*everyone looks to andy*
Re: Mashups
Posts: 362
elfy Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 10:55 PM Quote
Here's the best ones I've got:

Kasabian vs The Stone Roses - Processed Waterfall

Blur vs Kasabian - There's No LSF

Beyonce vs Happy Mondays - Crazy In Love/Step On

Macy Gray vs Oasis - Stop Trying

EDIT: And here's the Greenday/Travis/Oasis/Aerosmith one:
Re: Mashups
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Mon 11 Jun, 2007 12:53 AM Quote
emmahealy wrote:
*everyone looks to andy*

Pah! Elfy stole my thunder ;)
Re: Mashups
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Mon 11 Jun, 2007 1:12 AM Quote
A select few other ones:

Phil Collins vs Bloc Party - She's Hearing In The Air Tonight

Muse vs Spinto Band - Supermassive Mandy

...and perhaps the greatest mash-up (although not strictly sure it counts) of all time, too many amazing drunken moments spent dancing/singing to this song

Justice vs Simian - We Are You Friends

I love this last song too much, it simply reminds me of good times

Re: Mashups
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Mon 11 Jun, 2007 2:18 PM Quote

I still have the email Jo Whiley sent me from the time I passed that PartyBen mashup onto her and got her to play it on Radio 1.
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