I tried to translate it - sorry I'm crap at it. Anyway here it is
Allen Fans zur Beruhigung: Ja, es finden sich wieder mindestens einer dieser Ich-kiech-in-dein-Ohr-und-nie-mehr-raus-Popsongs, einer von der Sorte, die U2 und Coldplay und Keane vor Neid erblassen lässt. Ehrensache. Ich meine, wir reden hier von Travis, nicht von Amateuren. Also reden wir hier auch von Britpop der zeitlosen Sorte. Viel Beatles, ein bisschen Untertreibung, Harmonien die ans Herz gehen. Auf dem neuen Album ‚Ode to J. Smith’ werden die Herren von Travis zwischendurch aber sperrig und rücken damit in die Nähe der Rolling Stones. Da bratzen die Gitarren, Travis rocken und das ist gut so. Beim letzten Album war all der Schönklang auf die Dauer - wie sagt man so etwas nett? - doch eher überraschungsarm.
Unwieldy, bulky (??)
Fans stay calm: Yes, there is at least one of those earworm pop songs of the variety, that let U2 and Coldplay and Keane go white with envy. Honestly!. I mean we are talking about Travis, not amateurs. So let’s talk of Britpop of the timeless variety. A lot of Beatles harmonies, an understatement, that go to the heart. On the new album Messrs Travis get unwieldy and bulky and thus move into direction Rolling Stones. Brazing guitars, Travis rock that is good. On the last album the nicey nicey sound was getting - how do you say this nicely? rather predictable.
A strange review but being selected CD of the Week is quite something ! Cool !
Still I'm a wee bit frustrated that even though Travis gets played almost every day und now CD of the week, why is there no gig in Switzerland? and why is there no release date for the album? ... bad marketing lads !
Still I'm a wee bit frustrated that even though Travis gets played almost every day und now CD of the week, why is there no gig in Switzerland? and why is there no release date for the album? ... bad marketing lads !
I hear you. Despite the fact that they are quite famous and loved in Turkey they could only make it here after LONG LONG years. Dunno if it is bad marketing or something to do with local promoters, organizers but seriously there is something wrong. Not much of a radio follower myself but I happen to see a Travis video (from old times or recent shots) so often on telly.
Anyway, nice review! Good to see what they did on OTJS is being appreciated already. In your face NME! ;-)
Still I'm a wee bit frustrated that even though Travis gets played almost every day und now CD of the week, why is there no gig in Switzerland? and why is there no release date for the album? ... bad marketing lads !
I hear you. Despite the fact that they are quite famous and loved in Turkey they could only make it here after LONG LONG years. Dunno if it is bad marketing or something to do with local promoters, organizers but seriously there is something wrong. Not much of a radio follower myself but I happen to see a Travis video (from old times or recent shots) so often on telly.
Anyway, nice review! Good to see what they did on OTJS is being appreciated already. In your face NME! ;-)
och I know it's not the lads fault but it's frustrating I feel I want to shout from the roof tops lol I'm gonna go to the shops tonight to see if it's been released here.