
Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Fri 19 Sep, 2008 5:15 PM Quote
I have a couple of questions... I don't want to complain, really, because I don't think I should. I'm happy for the new album and for the new singles, but...
Why do we always have to order singles from UK or other european countries here in Italy? I mean, we don't have anything in here!
Anything at all. And last year was the same. No closer, no selfish jean, no my eyes. And ok, I can order from the website and buy the vynils too. It's good. But...
In here there's no promotion! I mean... I usually buy lots of music magazines, but none of them in here talks about Travis. About the new album. Not even an hint.

So we don't have the singles, we don't have interviews on journals or radios, we don't have videos on mtv or other music channels. We don't have anything. Ad as much as I like to go around and search for informations and everything... The most of people doesn't.

It's good that you're so great in Germany and UK and the other northern countries, but... I know this sounds pathetic but... What about us?
I don't know about France or Spain or Switzerland, I don't know. And really, I don't want this to sound all bitchy or stuff but... Seems like you're ignoring us...
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 19 Sep, 2008 5:27 PM Quote
Join the club, nothing in Finland, either.
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 105
Erial Posted Fri 19 Sep, 2008 5:29 PM Quote
I'm right there with Eledh on this.
If it wasn't for friends who like and know Travis because they've known them for years (the Sing days, more or less) I would've never even heard of them. I'm very grateful that I have, and that I can keep spreading the love slowly by making my schoolmates listen to J. Smith on my mp3 player, but it's still sad to hear "Who?" everytime I answer the 'Who is your favourite band' question.

I already mentioned Sing: that's pretty much the only single that stuck with italians, only if they're in their early or mid-twenties. Otherwise, no one knows them. I'm not asking for things to be like they're in England, Travis-wise. Actually I'm not asking for anything. But still, y'know, seeing more of Travis-related promotion, interviews & stuff around here would be really really awesome, and not seeing any, literally any, of kind of sad. And, yes, frustrating.
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Fri 19 Sep, 2008 5:40 PM Quote
mili wrote:
Join the club, nothing in Finland, either.

Yeah, thank you.
But see, I'm not complaining. Or at least, not just complaining. I'm trying to understand why.
If it has something to do with the fact that there's no one knowing them in here so they think it would be useless or something to do with promoters or what?
That's why I feel frustrated.
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 70
81 Posted Fri 19 Sep, 2008 5:42 PM Quote
Dear Eledh, I'm with you. You are right.
Adesso parlo in italiano, finalmente...almeno tu mi capisci.
Se parlassi meglio l'inglese direi anch'io le stesse cose. Trovo scandaloso che i Travis non pubblicizzino per niente il nuovo album in Italia. Poi, secondo me stanno facendo un pò di casino con i singoli: prima Som Any, poi Song to self; in alcune parti l'album esce il 29, in Italia, da quello che ho capito il 10 ottobre, in altre parti...altre date. Poi, il fatto che si sono "messi in proprio" credo che influenzi notevolmente (e di certo non in modo positivo) la distribuzione e la promozione del disco. Ripeto, hai fatto bene ad evidenziare che qualcosa non va.
Italiani, facciamoci sentire!!!
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Fri 19 Sep, 2008 5:49 PM Quote
81 wrote:
Dear Eledh, I'm with you. You are right.
Adesso parlo in italiano, finalmente...almeno tu mi capisci.
Se parlassi meglio l'inglese direi anch'io le stesse cose. Trovo scandaloso che i Travis non pubblicizzino per niente il nuovo album in Italia. Poi, secondo me stanno facendo un pò di casino con i singoli: prima Som Any, poi Song to self; in alcune parti l'album esce il 29, in Italia, da quello che ho capito il 10 ottobre, in altre parti...altre date. Poi, il fatto che si sono "messi in proprio" credo che influenzi notevolmente (e di certo non in modo positivo) la distribuzione e la promozione del disco. Ripeto, hai fatto bene ad evidenziare che qualcosa non va.
Italiani, facciamoci sentire!!!


Il fatto è che credo sia un problema di promoters. Vorrei solo saperlo con certezza per capire che cosa devo fare. Perché non dico che vorrei tutti i santi singoli in italia in tutti i negozi, ma almeno un cacchio di negozio italiano on-line che mi fa arrivare i singoli a casa in meno di 3 settimane. Tutto qui.
Boh, vedremo.
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 42
Stepiper Posted Fri 19 Sep, 2008 7:41 PM Quote
Last year Fran and Dougie were guests on MTV Italy. For Trl. Maybe they'll get over here once again, we just have to wait the official italian release.
But I really hope they'll come back to the time when they were so fmiliar to our country.

Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Fri 19 Sep, 2008 7:45 PM Quote
Stepiper wrote:
Last year Fran and Dougie were guests on MTV Italy. For Trl. Maybe they'll get over here once again, we just have to wait the official italian release.
But I really hope they'll come back to the time when they were so fmiliar to our country.

Yes they were. I remember that "episode". And it was beautiful.
But then the album was released and no singles with it.
Nothing at all.
I'm not asking for gigs, you know, beause I can deal with the fact that I have to go somewhere else to see them live. It's ok. But I'm just... Trying to understand why there's this "thing" and we never get any single in here.
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 140
martina Posted Fri 19 Sep, 2008 8:14 PM Quote
I agree... though I must say many italian websites have mentioned the new album... I wonder if MTV will play Song to Self?
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 765
erikausagi Posted Sat 20 Sep, 2008 3:55 AM Quote
martina wrote:
I wonder if MTV will play Song to Self?

the video could be in MTV, I mean, its something like for merchandising, but, actually, MTV only gets hiphop, R&B, emo music or pop singers like rihanna or something like that... thats why I dont see MTV anymore... and just for them I met Travis a loong time ago and I felt in love with their music...

and Eledh, I think the same, its really frustating when you try to find something about Travis and there's not more than The man who or The invisible band on there. what about the new releases? I mean, ask for a single here in Mexico is impossible... really. not for Travis, for anyband. there's not culture about singles or vinyls like in UK - I admitted I love HMV and Virgin /Zaavi in Picadilly-, so is practically impossible to find about Travis in any music store...

about promotion, Travis are on the radio only and only if they're coming, 3 radio stations play their music but just one single, the single at these heard them by any chance its really hard, but you enjoyed it when you find them...

and about magazines, well... thats not so bad at all... I'm expecting to catch the new magazines for see if I can find something... maybe just a little space, but I've waiting for the reviews.. when Travis is coming there's a lot of info about them -and I just love it!- but, again, only if they're coming...-

would be good to try to promote them in each one of our countries... I mean... how many nationalities are here just in a MB loving Travis?? (sometimes Treivis too lol), but anyways, the guys knows that we love them come what may!! ;) the amazing is... afterthat, we are a lot of Travis fans here!!! even without all the merchandising!!
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 389
akanksha Posted Sat 20 Sep, 2008 5:58 AM Quote
Eledh wrote:

Why do we always have to order singles from UK or other european countries here in Italy? I mean, we don't have anything in here!
Anything at all. And last year was the same. No closer, no selfish jean, no my eyes. And ok, I can order from the website and buy the vynils too. It's good. But...
In here there's no promotion! I mean... I usually buy lots of music magazines, but none of them in here talks about Travis. About the new album. Not even an hint.

So we don't have the singles, we don't have interviews on journals or radios, we don't have videos on mtv or other music channels. We don't have anything. Ad as much as I like to go around and search for informations and everything... The most of people doesn't.

It's sort of the same in a lot of cities here in Asia.

I live in Singapore, in south-east Asia, and though we have the albums and some DVDs here we don't get singles(at least not that I know of...) or any promo stuff like magazine/newspaper articles.

If anything, the only Travis I've heard on the radio is Closer. Only. And very, very rarely, WDIAROM. I feel for you!
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 967
irenesfor Posted Sat 20 Sep, 2008 3:07 PM Quote
Eledh wrote:

I don't know about France or Spain or Switzerland, I don't know. And really, I don't want this to sound all bitchy or stuff but... Seems like you're ignoring us...

Yes, here, in Spain, happens the same thing... (at least as far as I know).
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 125
OHMEATPIES Posted Sat 20 Sep, 2008 3:19 PM Quote
I understand your frustration.
In Canada, I haven't seen one single in muscistores.
The only DVD I was able to find is Singles, and I have no idea when Ode to J. Smith will be out here. My only clue is that it's out November 4 in USA.
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 109
velvet Posted Sat 20 Sep, 2008 3:40 PM Quote
Eledh wrote:

In here there's no promotion! I mean... I usually buy lots of music magazines, but none of them in here talks about Travis. About the new album. Not even an hint.

So we don't have the singles, we don't have interviews on journals or radios, we don't have videos on mtv or other music channels. We don't have anything. Ad as much as I like to go around and search for informations and everything... The most of people doesn't.

It's good that you're so great in Germany and UK and the other northern countries, but... I know this sounds pathetic but... What about us?
I don't know about France or Spain or Switzerland, I don't know. And really, I don't want this to sound all bitchy or stuff but... Seems like you're ignoring us...

Agree! In my country happens the same thing! Ok, we are a very small country, and that's the reason. But i wish i could go to the music store and buy a new singls, and i want to read in magazines about Travis.
Sorry, but this is not enough! For me....
Re: Sorry, but I feel a little bit frustrated.
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Sat 20 Sep, 2008 4:13 PM Quote
I admit we probably do get more in the UK but I think some may over estimate the amount of coverage Travis get here. They're never on any music channels, or radio stations. They aren't on the play lists of radio stations. They've not been on TV promoting the single/album at all. They have done a bit of radio interviews recently but they've been uploaded here for download for everyone. It's the same here guys and girls. But we are lucky to not have to wait up to 10 years to see them in concert. We're very lucky when it comes to that. :)
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