
Anyone else..
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 10:08 AM Quote
Anyone else got their cd and/or vinyl yet?

I got mine this morning and have fallen in love with Tail Of The Tiger!!

My Travis grin is on my face again lol :-D
Re: Anyone else..
Posts: 268
MariaMak Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 11:59 AM Quote
Nope. I'm holding out for it still
I felt a bit giddy when I was on the wee store bought chord books and everything.
So i'll have a nice package when it all arrives
Re: Anyone else..
Posts: 302
TheInvisibleBoy Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 2:08 PM Quote
I got mine too! Was watching out for the postman and I saw the similar package to J.Smith and I just went "YEEEESSSS!" lol.

I think all of the b-sides are great, Tail Of The Tiger and Used To Belong are brilliant, I just love Fran's singing on Used To Belong and the lyrics for both of them are so amazing. Their cover of Lola is awesome, they've made it their own and it is one of the best covers I've heard. And most of us should know Something Anything by now and all know how we feel about that! Two thumbs up!

Big smile on my face now for the rest of the day!
Re: Anyone else..
Posts: 815
gladsadmad Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 2:21 PM Quote
So you've got the vinyl and you can play it?

Have you Lola as an mp3 yet for those of us that have bought the vinyl but can't play it please?
Re: Anyone else..
Posts: 302
TheInvisibleBoy Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 2:49 PM Quote
gladsadmad wrote:
So you've got the vinyl and you can play it?

Have you Lola as an mp3 yet for those of us that have bought the vinyl but can't play it please?

Hey gladsadmad, sorry I don't have a converter and am not to great at technology stuff either, wish I did, I'd love to send it to you and to have it on my mp3 player but I'm hoping for someone to be able to convert it too.

The vinyl player is in the front room and I rarely get to use it because everyone is in there watching TV or something and it'd be great to have it on my mp3 player as I said, so I'd love to have an mp3 of it too please. If anyone can convert vinyls to mp3 please add me to that list too, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks =]
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