
Fran Playing in the Crowd
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Sun 07 Sep, 2008 11:23 PM Quote

Does anyboy knows when or where Fran played that gig?

That tshirt remember me the 2004 travis tour.
Re: Fran Playing in the Crowd
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Mon 08 Sep, 2008 1:56 AM Quote
I don't think it's Fran playing in the crowd...more like fans rushing the stage maybe? I think I remember someone mentioning this on the board a while back. Pretty cool :) Were any of you there?
Re: Fran Playing in the Crowd
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Mon 08 Sep, 2008 3:48 AM Quote
Yep, The fans are over the stage, but the question is: WHERE???
Re: Fran Playing in the Crowd
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Mon 08 Sep, 2008 4:12 AM Quote
Perhaps it was San Diego...Jan 04? Melanie (californiagirl) talked about that a little while back...

californiagirl wrote:
Anyway, one of the best shows ever if not THE best show (well, maybe San Diego in January 04 was slightly better since we all got on stage for that one! :-P)

Here's that thread
Re: Fran Playing in the Crowd
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Mon 08 Sep, 2008 5:32 AM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
Perhaps it was San Diego...Jan 04? Melanie (californiagirl) talked about that a little while back...

californiagirl wrote:
Anyway, one of the best shows ever if not THE best show (well, maybe San Diego in January 04 was slightly better since we all got on stage for that one! :-P)

Here's that thread
I knew, FranĀ“s t shirt remember me travis tour 04
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