
One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Thu 14 Aug, 2008 10:49 PM Quote
It was a year ago.
A year and one day.
A year ago I was a pissed-off-not-teenager-anymore 20 year old. I was messed-up.
A year ago I didn't have any friends. Not real friends, anyway. You know, just the kind of people you go out with. But calling them friends it's a little too much.
And really, I've never been a person who needs other people to feel ok with herself. So it wasn't a big deal. I still had the Music.
A year ago I came back from a trip and I decided to try and find something else about the music I like. About the bands I love.
Because you never know until you try.
A year ago I decided that I had to shake myself. That I had to find something more. To prove myself that I was alive. Once again.
So, a year ago, I came here. I clicked on the "Register" button and I found a new shiny world.
I found new friends. The kind of friends that maybe you don't see that often. The kind of friends that you can talk to and say how you feel to, without thinking they could take it the wrong way.
The kind of friends that are always with you. That worry about you.
That make you feel like you're important to them.
I found my inner-crazy-15-year-old again. I found myself getting out of work at 6 in the morning, after 10 hours running around trying to avoid the end of the world, and rushing to the airport to catch a plane. To go to Barcelona. Without speaking a word of spanish. All alone.
I was supposed to meet this person. You know, a girl... But I wasn't that sure. Because my pissed-off-not-teenager-anymore self kept telling me something like "Oh, yeah, great idea. You came here. And everybody is speaking a language you can barely understand and you don't talk spanish! You can't even talk english properly! And you have to meet this girl that you've never saw before and yeah, sure, she's going to come in here an pick you up and you're going to see a concert. And then you're going to stay awake until tomorrow and you're going to go back home. Sure. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU GOT THIS IDEA?!?!?" And then she called me.
And we were really going to meet in less than an hour.
And she was cute and nice and kind and she spoke spanish for me when I couldn't explain what I was thinking. And I bought my first digital camera with her because I wanted to take a lot of pictures of that day.
And we walked around Barcelona all morning long. And then we wrote a message on this message board together. Saying that everything was ok. That we were fine and happy.
And then I did see the gig. And it was amazing. And I was so tired and so happy. And then I walked her to her hostel and we waited outside, sitting on the ground, talking, laughing, singing.
I felt home for the first time in years.

The next day I went home. I always hate to come back home after days like that one. Because I know that when I come home it's not going to be like those days. I know that when I come home I can't dream anymore. Not there.
But fuck it, I had a new friend. The kind of friend that stays up with you all night long even if she's got an hostel room where she can sleep. Just because you don't have one.
We started to talk. We started to call each other on the phone once in a while. Not too often because Italy-Spain calls are not so cheap. We started to see each other with a webcam and it was like a party. Every evening.
Celebrate good times, come on!
And then there was this gig. In Glasgow.
When I was a three-year-old-wee-girl I had this map of the world. Once my mother asked me where would I want to go if only I could.
I don't know why, but I pointed my finger on Glasgow.
And it was almost New Year's Eve!
We decided that we had to go.
I've met other friends thanks to her.
Thanks to Travis.
We spent the first day of the 2008 in a Mc Donald's - because we did lost one of the only two coaches of the day - soaking wet.
Playing a game that, in here, it's called "Names, cities, animals". Basically you pick a letter and, in a couple of minutes, you have to write under every category, a word that starts with that letter.
We added the "Travis' songs" category.
And it was a real party.
Four people. Tired. Soaking wet. In a Mc Donald's. Playing name, cities, animals. And it was the best first day of the year ever to me.

And here I am. A year later. This year changed my life. Made it better.
After eleven gigs. After all the pictures and the moments we spent together...
The only thing I can say to you is thank you.
With all my heart.
With all the love in the world.
Thank you.
Because right now I have friends.
Because right now I could go on the other side of the planet and still feel like I'm home.
Really home.

So yeah, it's not a joke when I say that you all changed my life.
I'm not kidding when I say that you saved me.
You did.

Thank you, Friends.
And yes, it needs a capital F.
Thank you, Fran, Dougie, Andy and Neil.


(And I'm sorry if this is not too much Travis-Related, but for me it is.)
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 292
thehitcher Posted Thu 14 Aug, 2008 11:12 PM Quote
what a really nice post :-D I feel all warm inside now :-D Thank you
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Thu 14 Aug, 2008 11:25 PM Quote
Aww *Big Hugs* , you are a lovely person Eledh - so glad your happy now :)
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 12:35 AM Quote
Happy Travis Anniversary! Or should it be Happy Travisversary?!
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 153
sonja Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 12:46 AM Quote
This is SO nice! :`0)
thanks for sharing your feelings with us..
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 157
Bryn Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 1:16 AM Quote
I've only been on the board a couple of weeks, but every time I come on here I think to myself, "Travis must have the nicest fans on earth." Thanks for the post, Eledh, I was glad to read it!:)
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 3965
bogusblue Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 3:22 AM Quote
Lovely post Eledh! I agree Travis bring only good and beautiful things (and of course people!!) to our lives :oD.
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 231
sebnemy Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 7:21 AM Quote
very sweet! happy anniversary!
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 243
milos Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 11:15 AM Quote
Great post! Thanks for sharing. I'm really glad that you are happy now! :)
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 11:24 AM Quote
Awwwww Eledh

*big hugs* what a lovely post ! Happy 1 year Anniversary in Travisland. It's a good place to be :)

See you again at the next Cheeseland gig!

Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 347
flower_in_the_window Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 12:36 PM Quote
Happy Travisversary!!!

Shame I won't be seeing you in Edinburgh. . . . . xx
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 6:51 PM Quote
Thanks people!
*hugs all*
My first year in here! YAY! *_*
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 8:25 PM Quote
Awww, that's so lovely Eledh, I hope that you make more friends during the new tour!
Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
Posts: 109
velvet Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 8:38 PM Quote
Very lovely post Eledh! Time after time it's seems that we all are happy being Travis fans.

Re: One Night. A Year Ago.
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 11:43 PM Quote
lovely El.
I´m crying now..
See you on fridaY!!!!
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