
(Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 356
silvella Posted Thu 14 Aug, 2008 8:17 PM Quote
Just sittin' here, listening to the live stream of radio FM4... I CAN HEAR THEM IN THE BACKGROUND BUT IT IS TOO LOW!!!
I only cought "Closer"... but they gave a little interview... they said that "The Man Who" is now named: "J. Smith". And because of this name this CD could be successful if everybody whose name is J. Smith would buy it... and they said that they made (or could do??) a cover from "I kissed a girl" into "I kissed a boy"... that was the spot where I had some problems with the Scottish... And then the DJ played "Side" - the normal version!!!


These are moments you wish Scottie would beam you up!!!
But don't worry, it was just 2 or 3 minutes plus Side. So, if anybody has recorded this, let us know!!

(sorry for my bad english...)
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 356
silvella Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 11:52 AM Quote
Oh.... ähm... I think I was a little bit emotional last evening... *sighs*

But here is a report (german) and some pics, just scroll down.

And here are a few more pics from the festival-site, that's all I can find:

It's a pity that Salzburg is too far away... But hey: Österreich, wo seid ihr???
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 231
sebnemy Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 1:47 PM Quote
First thanks for the images.

Hey Champers & Nikki: Black top but not the black t-shirt? Ran out of clean t-shirts, or is this a statement on the priority of the black top over the black t-shirt in the "image," a rougher, uncaring look for a rockier album? I vote for the former: wet black t-shirt, washed but not dried in time:)
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 1
maki Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 2:25 PM Quote
hey all,
i am austrian and so first please excuse my bad english, i didn't had much sleep yesterday.
I have been at the frequency festival and Travis was more than just great.
I have to say i knew just a very few travis tracks before this nearly perfect concert. And this had been a BIG mistake.
Travis played after flogging molly and before R.E.M. and the really did their job perfect. I was just a bit sad because the audience was very quite and didn't dance but then i just started to dance with friends and many followed us and started dance too.
I really really hope that travis is coming back to austria verys soon and i will buy cd's of travis on monday :)
looking forward to it...
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 4:30 PM Quote
maki wrote:
hey all,
i am austrian and so first please excuse my bad english, i didn't had much sleep yesterday.
I have been at the frequency festival and Travis was more than just great.
I have to say i knew just a very few travis tracks before this nearly perfect concert. And this had been a BIG mistake.
Travis played after flogging molly and before R.E.M. and the really did their job perfect. I was just a bit sad because the audience was very quite and didn't dance but then i just started to dance with friends and many followed us and started dance too.
I really really hope that travis is coming back to austria verys soon and i will buy cd's of travis on monday :)
looking forward to it...

Aah, another convert! Welcome, glad you enjoyed the concert!

(I haven't seen them live, yet)
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 4:46 PM Quote
silvella wrote:

It's a pity that Salzburg is too far away... But hey: Österreich, wo seid ihr???

Then are you saying that Österreich didnt rock??? =S

I will translate the text:

Travis - alles andere als ein Vorspülgang
Albert Farkas:
Travis haben auf dieser Bühne schon einmal gespielt, vor vier Jahren. Damals war George W. Bush Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, Michael Phelps war bei den olympischen Schwimmwettbewerben das Maß aller Dinge, und die Band hat beschaulich unverfängliche Lagerfeuermusik gespielt. Aber das war, wie gesagt, vor vier Jahren. Heute, andererseits... heute... worauf wollte ich eigentlich hinaus? Travis sind jedenfalls nach einem Filmcharakter benannt. Es ist aber nicht Travis Bickle aus "Taxidriver" sondern der Protagonist aus WIm Wenders' "Paris, Texas". Diesen Umstand muss man ihnen ja aber nicht ständig unter die Nase reiben. Zumal sie ja nun hier heute Abend als alles andere als ein Vorspülgang für ihre Jugendhelden R.E.M. auftreten. Die ersten paar Nummern, und wann immer sie Material aus ihrem neuen, im September erscheinenden Album "J. Smith" aufgreifen, kommt Fran Healy die Bratzgitarre gar nicht mehr aus der Hand.

Dann sind da noch so Stücke wie ihr Anti-Irakkriegs-Lied "The Beautiful Occupation", mit der Zeile "Half A Million civilians are gonna die today", was ich theoretisch für eine gute Floskel für eine Oscar-Annahmerede halten würde. Und dann noch "Flowers In The Window", was ich, neben z.B. "Something To Talk About" von Badly Drawn Boy, zum Eliteclub der Lieder zähle, die so diabolisch eingängig sind, dass die Schotten es mit weiß Gott was für einem abgründigen Text versehen hätten können, und die Menge würde immer noch mitsingen... "Oh my, look at us now, flowers in the window, I hate cyclists, let's go and kill them all..." ...seht Ihr, es funktioniert. Letztgenannte Preziose haben die fünf (mit ihrem Tour-Keyboarder Klaus) Arm in Arm akustisch gespielt. Das war dann wieder sehr nett.

Dann sind da noch Stücke, die ich auch nach fast zehn Jahren noch immer nicht verstehe, wie zum Beispiel "Slide Show". "There's no design for life, there's no devil's haircut in my mind". Ist es dann aber vielleicht auch so, dass es nicht immer auf mich regnen muss? Leider nein. Zum Set-Closer verlangt Healy das größte Massen-Pogoing aller Zeiten von den Zuschauern, schließlich sei das auch der traditionsreichste Tanz der Welt, von den Höhlenmenschen erfunden (und ich dachte immer, Sid Vicious hätte das gemacht). Dann gibt er das Signal zum Hüpfen, und alles löst sich in Wohlgefallen auf. Der Rest ist Tropfen.


Travis - anything but a Vorspülgang
Albert Farkas:
Travis at this stage have already played four years ago. It was George W. Bush President of the United States, Michael Phelps was at the Olympic Schwimmwettbewerben the measure of all things, and the band has introspective unverfängliche campfire music. But that was, as I said, four years ago. Today, on the other hand ... today ... what I really wanted out? Travis are any for a movie character named. It is not Travis Bickle from "Taxi Driver" but the protagonist from WIm Wenders' "Paris, Texas". This fact must be yes but they are not constantly under the nose rub. Especially as they are now here tonight as anything but a Vorspülgang for their youth heroes REM . The first few numbers, and whenever they material from her new album in September appears "J. Smith" up, Fran Healy the Bratzgitarre no longer out of hand.

Then there are such pieces as their anti-Iraq war song "The Beautiful Occupation", with the line "Half A Million civilians are gonna die today", I was theoretically a good phrase for an Oscar acceptance speech. And then "Flowers In The Window", which I, along example "Something To Talk About" by Badly Drawn Boy, the elite club of counting songs, the so-catchy diabolisch are that the Scots with God knows what a text message had dark, and the amount would still sing along ... "Oh my, look at us now, flowers in the window, I hate cyclists, let's go and kill them all .." ... you see, it works. Preziose, the latter five (with their tour keyboardist Klaus) arm in arm played acoustically. This was very nice.

Then there are pieces that I even after almost ten years still do not understand, such as "Slide Show". "There's no design for life, there's no devil's haircut in my mind". Is it then but perhaps also the case that it is not always rain on me? Unfortunately, no. Closer To Set Healy requires the largest mass Pogoing all times by the audience, and finally was also the traditional dance of the world, from the cave man invented (and I always thought, Sid Vicious would have done). Then he gives the signal to hop, and everything dissolves into pleasure. The rest is drops.

P.S. I am so sorry but my German is not perfect
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 6:15 PM Quote
Vorspülgang is the "pre-rinse programme" of a dishwasher.
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 6:49 PM Quote
lilly wrote:
Vorspülgang is the "pre-rinse programme" of a dishwasher.

Danke schön
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 6:51 PM Quote
RaZzZ wrote:
lilly wrote:
Vorspülgang is the "pre-rinse programme" of a dishwasher.

Danke schön

ah, maybe it should be "pre-rinsing"... aber egal ;)
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 18
Pipe_Dream Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 8:35 PM Quote
Wow, I just came back from Salzburg (i`m from germany;)) and oh my god, Travis were amazing!! i mean, i allready had been a fan before (never got to see them live nevertheless) but they were better than i had ever expected them to be;
fran was really cute, always involving the audience (that was one of the things i missed a lot at some other band`s gigs yesterday)
there were some problems with the sound, like fran`s mic wasn`t working anymore and he had to use andy`s and things like that... but they finally got over it (and i think pipe dreams without fran`s guitar sounded beautiful)
we were standing really close to the stage, where the audience was quite good i think, highlights were of course "Sing" and "Why does it...", where everybody was singing along; i also liked the atmosphere, you can`t compare it to any of the other concerts, people were just enjoying the concert (talking of the people around me, can`t tell anything about all the others of course)

i really was surprised (in a good way!) they played "the beautiful occupation" and "slide show" (fran dedicated it to the bungee-jumper by reason that it could be his/her last song XD)

i could tell you so much else about the concert, but i guess right now i`m still too euphoric and excited, so i wouldn`t find the right words anyway ;)

Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 8:53 PM Quote
Hi Maki, welcome to the world of Travis! If you liked the louder, rockier songs, you should definitely get the next album which is released at the end of September, but of course all the previous albums are great too. The Man Who or The Invisible Band are probably good ones to start with :)

Hi Pipe_Dream too, glad you enjoyed their live performance, they're always really good at interacting with the crowd. Hope that they come to Austria again soon!
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 356
silvella Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 9:27 PM Quote
RaZzZ wrote:
silvella wrote:

It's a pity that Salzburg is too far away... But hey: Österreich, wo seid ihr???

Then are you saying that Österreich didnt rock??? =S

WHAT did I say????? Which part of my words do you mean???
I haven't been there, Razzz, I've only heard it on the radio!!! Aber: Österreich rockt absolut, tolle Leute, tolle Musik!

And thank you for translating the text!!!
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 356
silvella Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 9:32 PM Quote
To maki and pipe_dream:

Willkommen im "Club"! Wir ALLE hier sind infiziert, alle auf die gleiche Art und Weise, uns alle hat es vom Hocker gehauen, weil die Musik von Travis etwas Besonderes ist. Und live, das habt ihr ja jetzt auch erlebt, einfach unglaublich... geil! Und die Jungs selbst... ach, tobt euch hier einfach aus! Ihr stoßt hier auf viiiiel Verständnis!

(in english: Hi, welcome to the Travis world!)
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Fri 15 Aug, 2008 10:19 PM Quote
silvella wrote:
RaZzZ wrote:
silvella wrote:

It's a pity that Salzburg is too far away... But hey: Österreich, wo seid ihr???

Then are you saying that Österreich didnt rock??? =S

WHAT did I say????? Which part of my words do you mean???
I haven't been there, Razzz, I've only heard it on the radio!!! Aber: Österreich rockt absolut, tolle Leute, tolle Musik!

And thank you for translating the text!!!

Ich liebe Travis, so Ich habe was ich konnte, aber vielen dank Silvella

silvella wrote:
To maki and pipe_dream:

Willkommen im "Club"! Wir ALLE hier sind infiziert, alle auf die gleiche Art und Weise, uns alle hat es vom Hocker gehauen, weil die Musik von Travis etwas Besonderes ist. Und live, das habt ihr ja jetzt auch erlebt, einfach unglaublich... geil! Und die Jungs selbst... ach, tobt euch hier einfach aus! Ihr stoßt hier auf viiiiel Verständnis!

(in english: Hi, welcome to the Travis world!)

Lol xD

Ja, willkommen in "Travis Board". Wir sind alle gute Menschen, und hoffentlich Sie schreiben sehr oft hier.

Und achten Sie auf einige mexikanische Fans, nur du wüten, hahaha!
Re: (Almost...) live from Frequency Festival
Posts: 14
cyberrie Posted Sat 16 Aug, 2008 6:41 PM Quote
To all Frequency-Visitors (and the rest of you)
Some songs to remind:

Live Tracks:
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