
Accoustic nights in Liverpool?
Posts: 190
jambut Posted Sat 09 Aug, 2008 10:22 PM Quote
anyone know of any? Really trying to play some more of them.

Trying to play accoustic music at indie gigs always seems to get a rather dull reaction dam kids and their need torave. Accoustic gigs are great though for what we play.
Re: Accoustic nights in Liverpool?
Posts: 292
thehitcher Posted Wed 13 Aug, 2008 11:18 PM Quote
There's a night on a Monday night at The Bar 3345, Parr Street. The Bar is right next door to the recording studios. The night is run by a guy called Ogo if you send him a message he might be able to sort you out with a slot or something. The Ogo's myspace is:

Add me aswell and if I hear of any other nights I'll message you and let you know :-D my address is:
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