
Love Talk Part 2
Posts: 41
Emmy Posted Wed 06 Aug, 2008 4:33 AM Quote
Okay. Sorry to dwell, but I think the more people I hear this from, the more it will enter my thick skull and I will actually act on the advice I've been getting from fellow friends, co-workers and from you, my fellow Travis friends.

In case you missed my last pathetic thread posted the other day, I'm interested in a guy who works at a museum. I work at a newspaper and occasionally go up to the museum to cover stories.

Basically I want to let the guy I'm interested in him even though we've barely met. So, trying to be subtle and indirect (though I know now should be obvious and direct), I sent him an email basically saying that the newspaper would like to donate something to the museum and would he be interested in looking at it first.

Now that message had no indication of love interest (due to hovering boss while I was typing the email), but I thought I would initially express my interest verbally rather than through written words, especially since our aquaintance was rather brief and writing saying,

"Hey, I think I'm in love with you. Do you want to get a G&T together and get it on after that. PS - hope you're the kind of museum boy who likes both arts and sports, not just the arts."

Anyway, my point is that he hasn't responded, so I need to make a new move. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Re: Love Talk Part 2
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Wed 06 Aug, 2008 12:34 PM Quote
If you just want a one night stand ... say that.

If you like him more , just keep being friendly, the world population didn't happen because people were shy.!
Re: Love Talk Part 2
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 06 Aug, 2008 1:22 PM Quote
[quote="Emmy"] PS - hope you're the kind of museum boy who likes both arts and sports, not just the arts."

haha, so true. that is required!

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