
Macca and Starbucks
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 6:25 PM Quote
yeah so macca has released an album on the new Starbucks record label (Hear Music). the album "memory almost full" is the first release on this label and yesterday throughout the country this disc was on continuous loop.

did anyone spare a thought for the poor register gerbils on this one? don't feel too sorry for these idiots though, they're a very conceited strain of register-gerbil the starbuckian ones.
Get Black, Get Black, Get Black with some half n'Half
Re: Macca and Starbucks
Posts: 527
emmahealy Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 6:33 PM Quote
Or what about...

He drinks a mocha drink
He drinks a latte drink
He drinks a latte grande drink
He drinks a mocha latte grande drink
He sings the songs that remind him of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him of the better times

*paces the floor.. twitching... and ranting*

Re: Macca and Starbucks
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 7:57 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:
yeah so macca has released an album on the new Starbucks record label (Hear Music). the album "memory almost full" is the first release on this label and yesterday throughout the country this disc was on continuous loop.

did anyone spare a thought for the poor register gerbils on this one? don't feel too sorry for these idiots though, they're a very conceited strain of register-gerbil the starbuckian ones.
Get Black, Get Black, Get Black with some half n'Half

Sorry Haz but did you really expct anything else from the most useless of Liverpudlians ???

Re: Macca and Starbucks
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:06 PM Quote
emmahealy wrote:
Or what about...

He drinks a mocha drink
He drinks a latte drink
He drinks a latte grande drink
He drinks a mocha latte grande drink
He sings the songs that remind him of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him of the better times

*paces the floor.. twitching... and ranting*


teehee nice one. yeah i just had a rare afternoon iced coffee from DD and dude am i twitching like a good'un. it's not good but it feels great!
Re: Macca and Starbucks
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:07 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

Sorry Haz but did you really expct anything else from the most useless of Liverpudlians ???

uberouch! wow poor sir paul :-/ to be honest dude i didn't rate paul much when i was a young'un but in the later years i've come to appreciate his contribution to road safety, especially after reading Barry Miles' AWESOME bio on the man himself, "many years from now". one of the best books i've ever read.

what is it about macca that you don't like?
Re: Macca and Starbucks
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:21 PM Quote
Hmmm where to start...

The fact that he married a one legged soft porn star so quickly after the death of his "beloved" Linda, then gets all upset when she turns out to be a uni-ped money hungry leech

The fact that he solely claimed to have invented techno music, I'm sorry but wasn't there another 3 members in that band, not counting George Martin who was the man who probably came up with the whole "tape loops", "sampling", and "experimenting" idea

The fact that he's waited until Lennon is dead twenty years before trying to change the credits on the songs to McCartney/Lennon from Lennon McCartney.

or ...
The fact hat Billy Bragg can stick a label on his records stating pay no more than 3.99, but someone who claims to be a man of the people charges €105 to go see a half hour set in Marley Park.

and let's not forget this is the man who's head is so far up his own arse he thought he could write an Opera.


Re: Macca and Starbucks
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:27 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

lmao that was an awesome spleen vent.

you know i didn't realize he did all those things. i hate him now, he sucks.
Re: Macca and Starbucks
Posts: 527
emmahealy Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:49 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Hmmm where to start...

The fact that he married a one legged soft porn star so quickly after the death of his "beloved" Linda, then gets all upset when she turns out to be a uni-ped money hungry leech

Saw that coming A MILE AWAY!

Scottish Dubliner wrote:

Didn't I mention I've a place in me heart for that song! dear oh dear!
Re: Macca and Starbucks
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:51 PM Quote
emmahealy wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Hmmm where to start...

The fact that he married a one legged soft porn star so quickly after the death of his "beloved" Linda, then gets all upset when she turns out to be a uni-ped money hungry leech

Saw that coming A MILE AWAY!

Scottish Dubliner wrote:

Didn't I mention I've a place in me heart for that song! dear oh dear!

Yeah... but you have a little one so it's ok you get a pass
Re: Macca and Starbucks
Travis Rocker
Posts: 412
Travis Rocker Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 9:21 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:
yeah so macca has released an album on the new Starbucks record label (Hear Music). the album "memory almost full" is the first release on this label and yesterday throughout the country this disc was on continuous loop.

did anyone spare a thought for the poor register gerbils on this one? don't feel too sorry for these idiots though, they're a very conceited strain of register-gerbil the starbuckian ones.
Get Black, Get Black, Get Black with some half n'Half

hes had his day
FAO: Harry Potter
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 9:38 PM Quote
this is totally off the subject, but did you mean to post about the Dunkin' Donuts coffee cooler thing in the Travis board under Turnforyou's thread? 3 times?
If you're wondering where your post went, it's there!

hehe! How are you, btw?
Re: Macca and Starbucks
1/3 of Suggestive Leg
Posts: 561
1/3 of Suggestive Leg Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 9:44 PM Quote
Macca so groovy.
Re: FAO: Harry Potter
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 10:04 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
this is totally off the subject, but did you mean to post about the Dunkin' Donuts coffee cooler thing in the Travis board under Turnforyou's thread? 3 times?
If you're wondering where your post went, it's there!

hehe! How are you, btw?

no. no i did not. i did not mean to do that. this site has gremlins that do that. bright light! bright light!
Re: FAO: Harry Potter
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 10:07 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:
no. no i did not. i did not mean to do that. this site has gremlins that do that. bright light! bright light!

well, that drink looked awfully good! especially with the heat we've been having lately! ;)
Re: FAO: Harry Potter
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 10:16 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:

well, that drink looked awfully good! especially with the heat we've been having lately! ;)

although i had my daily coffee a few hours later'n usual and i'm still wired and fidgety, not used to this in the afternoon/evening. i like it :-D
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