
What the music means for you ??
Posts: 28
ozan Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 2:25 PM Quote
It's botherin' me for a long time.I can't stop thinking about it.Is the music reason or result?It isn't satisfying me just listening i feel like i have to do it.I'm not a good writer and my drawings are sucks but i feel like music can describe my feelings and the other men who felt like me before i feel this feelings are described them better that i felt.Sometimes a note can explains evertyhing.

so what do you feel??i'm really wonderin' it

PS:sorry for my grammer mistakes but i'm learnin' ha (there is so many i think :S i hope you'll understand.)
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 28
ozan Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 2:27 PM Quote
Maybe my feelings are result of their music :S:S
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 11
iremyrla Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 3:12 PM Quote
i think it's both the reason and the result. it's the reason of your inspiration and the result of your feelings. still, there's a conflict when you inspire from someone's music, you're inspired by his music, and he used to be inspired by another one's and so on.. no way to find how did it start. but, music is the reason. there's sth you can't brush aside and it's the inspiration. in another point of view, music is the result, as well. result of the reasons as love, need of some economic requirements, revival, or the result of your hidden feelings from deep down inside. the more reason from your heart, is the more you be rewarded, more you succeed in this thing.
see, music is the combination of your own feelings and inspirations from another's... :)
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 28
ozan Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 3:18 PM Quote
But WHY ! forget about the lyrics for a can a note makes u fell in love it's so weird.
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 28
ozan Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 3:20 PM Quote
it's not weird it's lunatic :S you have to accept music as a part of you than
Re: What the music means for you ??
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 3:30 PM Quote
As far as I know, every culture in the world has their own kind of music, so I think it's something which everyone feels. Also, you associate so many different things with music that it entwines itself into your life and can sort of control your emotions if you let it.
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 11
iremyrla Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 4:09 PM Quote
I think it also depends on your character, I mean the lyric people and the music people. of course culture is a fact, but not enough to explain it at all. it's the lyrics set all up. I don't mean the songs you listen in clubs or sth, i mean the songs with souls. that soul's not in the rhytm at all, it's in writer's heart, life or sth more.

i have this, and i should say this is very me.

You know I've got this theory, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are lyric people and music people. You know, the lyrics people tend to be analytical. You know, all about the meaning of the song. They're the ones you see with the CD insert out like 5 minutes after buying it, pouring over the lyrics, interpreting the hell out of everything. Um, then there’s the music people, like Brooke. Who could care less for the lyrics as long as its just got like a good beat and you could dance to it. I don’t know, sometimes it might be easier to be a music girl and not a lyric girl.
But since I’m not, let me just say this:

Sometimes things find you when you need them to find you, I believe that.

And for me it's usually song lyrics.

- P. Sawyer (One Tree Hill)
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 11
iremyrla Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 4:12 PM Quote
iremyrla wrote:
I think it also depends on your character, I mean the lyric people and the music people. of course culture is a fact, but not enough to explain it at all. it's the lyrics set all up. I don't mean the songs you listen in clubs or sth, i mean the songs with souls. that soul's not in the rhythm at all, it's in the writer's heart, life or sth more.

i have this, and i should say this is very me:

You know I've got this theory, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are lyric people and music people. You know, the lyrics people tend to be analytical. You know, all about the meaning of the song. They're the ones you see with the CD insert out like 5 minutes after buying it, pouring over the lyrics, interpreting the hell out of everything. Um, then there’s the music people, like Brooke. Who could care less for the lyrics as long as its just got like a good beat and you could dance to it. I don’t know, sometimes it might be easier to be a music girl and not a lyric girl.
But since I’m not, let me just say this:

Sometimes things find you when you need them to find you, I believe that.

And for me it's usually song lyrics.

- P. Sawyer (One Tree Hill)
Re: What the music means for you ??
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 4:32 PM Quote
That's a really good thought, but I think it's more of a spectrum. I love the music, but it gets boring without lyrics. I like the way that lyrics add things, not necessarily what they mean, but sometimes they're so right it's amazing.
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 11
iremyrla Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 4:53 PM Quote
yah i think you're right, but I don't know. I know that I'm a lyric girl and frankly, listening songs with simple lyrics is just not my type -unless the rhythm's so amazing or unless it sounds like the other songs with amazing lyrics.
rhythm's not the point cuz you can't find yourself in it, lyrics are different. you can find pieces of you and pages of your life in it. but still, i know that only lyrics won't help you; music will make you see that pieces&pages more clear.
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 28
ozan Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 6:02 PM Quote
we can think vocal as an enstrument,without lyrics. And lyrics're in the literature side of the song.Music with lyrics combining literature and music.Lyrics without meaning're unnecessary i think

PS:sorry for the grammer mistakes i'm learnin' ha ;)
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 28
ozan Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 6:14 PM Quote
If you can combine these two arts right, it'll be heavenly i think
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 11
iremyrla Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 6:31 PM Quote
we're all talking about the same thing i guess:)
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 28
ozan Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 6:34 PM Quote
my opinions are changin' all the time but it's the same thing you're right
Re: What the music means for you ??
Posts: 28
ozan Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 6:37 PM Quote
i asked the same question to Fran i know he doesn't have much time but i hope he'll answer it :)
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