
Quickstart Spanish
1/3 of Suggestive Leg
Posts: 561
1/3 of Suggestive Leg Posted Tue 05 Jun, 2007 9:16 PM Quote
In preparation for next week's trip.

Hour 3: Finally work out how to get the CD out of the case. Grr.

Is it definitely true the Spanish don't say please very often but please is implied by the tone of voice? Don't want to appear rude.
Rouge Post
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Tue 05 Jun, 2007 9:46 PM Quote
beware! beware!
Rouge Post Part II
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Tue 05 Jun, 2007 9:47 PM Quote
beware beware

what's up with stuff not being added as new posts?

Re: Quickstart Spanish
1/3 of Suggestive Leg
Posts: 561
1/3 of Suggestive Leg Posted Tue 05 Jun, 2007 9:55 PM Quote
I'll go around telling them that.

So far my favourite word is 'neuve' which means nine. If I walk around repeatedly saying neuve I shall sound like an ethnic ending to the White Album.
Re: Quickstart Spanish
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Tue 05 Jun, 2007 10:03 PM Quote
we always say

Re: Quickstart Spanish
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Tue 05 Jun, 2007 10:30 PM Quote

tell them there's 60 quid on the floor of the job center.

Re: Quickstart Spanish
1/3 of Suggestive Leg
Posts: 561
1/3 of Suggestive Leg Posted Tue 05 Jun, 2007 11:02 PM Quote
sara spain wrote:
we always say

How's that pronounced? It doesn't actually mean 'willy' does it?
Re: Quickstart Spanish
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:31 PM Quote
joder is for everything!

jo ( is like Ho-lidays)
der (is kike THERE
Re: Quickstart Spanish
1/3 of Suggestive Leg
Posts: 561
1/3 of Suggestive Leg Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:40 PM Quote
So I shall walk around saying 'joder lo siento'?
Re: Quickstart Spanish
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 9:24 PM Quote

well try....
Re: Quickstart Spanish
1/3 of Suggestive Leg
Posts: 561
1/3 of Suggestive Leg Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 9:25 PM Quote
Are you going to be at the Barcelona gig? Befriend me! :D
Re: Quickstart Spanish
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Thu 07 Jun, 2007 4:42 PM Quote
check your your inbox!
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