
Another Travis Demo Found....I need your help!
Posts: 68
welshwill Posted Thu 19 Jun, 2008 1:08 AM Quote
Hey guys! Haven't posted on here for a while...too long in fact...I happened to be trapesing through my music the other day and found another demo/early Travis song....'Get It On' appeared on a cassette that was lying around some time ago...I'm sort of annoyed with myself for having left these gems lying about without my attention...I know of two more songs that have yet to be found that were lost in the process of getting the songs from it onto my computer etc etc but I'm pretty sure that they'll be found in due course....somewhere amongst my pile of other Travis related gear...The tape was;
1. Get It On
2. Green Behind The Ears
3. Safe (a different version to the album one)
I've got a feeling the tape was put together a long long time ago, sometime nearer the start of the 90's...anyways I'm pretty sure I've got the Green Behind The Ears one anyways but I have to look for it....also have a look for my previous posts on the messageboard for demos etc etc.

I was wondering how I might go about putting a link to the song so that you guys can listen to it?It's well worth a share.....It's been so long since I put up my last song that I have forgotten all this technical business....thanks in advance for your help, au revoir for now....
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