
online journals
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Mon 16 Jun, 2008 2:31 AM Quote
why on earth do people publish ridiculously personal and not successfully anonymous online journals?
the mind boggles.

TMI people. too much information!
Re: online journals
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 16 Jun, 2008 3:14 AM Quote
They want attention? They are exhibitionist?

I don't get it either. I know people who blog about the most boring stuff and then they are always asking me if I read their blog.

Uh, no!
Re: online journals
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Tue 17 Jun, 2008 9:14 PM Quote
Where do you find these blogs??? lol
Re: online journals
Posts: 501
iraida Posted Tue 17 Jun, 2008 9:17 PM Quote
Show us at least one :P
Re: online journals
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Tue 17 Jun, 2008 10:36 PM Quote
Yeah, I have a blog. I don't write anything personal on it. I post lists, occasional pictures, sometimes artwork and knitting. I was coerced into posting Doctor Who recaps with loads of screen caps for my friend's amusements (and mine).

I originally started doing it so I could join those silly fanlists, which is pointless, but then I learned how to design a webpage which was fun. I just have fun with it, that's all. And the web space comes in handy for other creative pursuits too. So does the blog software.

Personal rants about construction workers in front of my garage go in my LJ. I have a myspace, but myspace can suck it. I would never goad someone, or expect them to read my blog.

Re: online journals
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Wed 18 Jun, 2008 12:01 AM Quote
as much as i'd love to post directly from the blog that prompted my little rant i can't bring myself to do so.
but i will say that it includes whole msn conversations that took place between a couple including notes on arguments , waxing many other things...TMI all over the shop.

i did read today too about a guy fired from waterstones after referring to it in his blog as bastardstones and that "queen of the skies" girl.dangerous territory.
Re: online journals
Posts: 302
TheInvisibleBoy Posted Wed 18 Jun, 2008 1:26 AM Quote
dee wrote:
as much as i'd love to post directly from the blog that prompted my little rant i can't bring myself to do so.
but i will say that it includes whole msn conversations that took place between a couple including notes on arguments , waxing many other things...TMI all over the shop.

i did read today too about a guy fired from waterstones after referring to it in his blog as bastardstones and that "queen of the skies" girl.dangerous territory.

Posting MSN conversations, that really is too much information lol. I usually do this thing called a cryptic blog (I actually stole the idea off Matt Hardy, the WWE wrestler, he has MySpace) but yeah it's really fun, I write stuff but don't make it clear what I'm talking about, I leave people guessing, it's actually quite fun and the fact that no one knows what I'm on about is good too lol. I doubt people read it anyways though, I just enjoy writing them when I've nothing to do lol.

But straight out telling everyone all the details on blogs like that is stupid.
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