
Getting a little political
Posts: 173
Peculiar Posted Sun 15 Jun, 2008 12:20 PM Quote
I live on a small island off the West coast of Scotland. Fuel prices here and in other rural areas are among the highest in the world. In the local filling station here it's 127.9p a litre and in the mainland it's usually more like. 115p
Some local people and politicians are trying to convince the government to lower the fuel price by cutting some tax so it's more in line with the rest of the UK. Theres a petition which I'd be very greatfull if you'd sign.
Re: Getting a little political
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 15 Jun, 2008 5:07 PM Quote
Isn't the price of oil rising as a general rule in the UK anyway? It's all to do with the so-called 'Credit Crunch'.

To get a little more political, this is one of the reasons
why Scotland should push for independence, because it would mean they could control their own oil resources in the North Sea and thus charge for exports. It might make Scotland a very rich country- but that's of course if you look at it through rose-tinted glasses..
Re: Getting a little political
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 15 Jun, 2008 5:13 PM Quote
It pains me to say it but it's not our oil. Also Shell/BP/Exxon etc all spent millions finding this stuff and getting it out of the ground, what do we tell them ?

Thanks for finding it, now get your rigs etc and get tae fuck ??

Re: Getting a little political
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 15 Jun, 2008 5:45 PM Quote
I feel horrible for you!
Gas here (Ontario, Canada) is around $1.30/l and that is in dollars not pounds!! I thought that was bad considering it has gone up more than 25 cents in the last few months, but that is nothing compared to you.
Best of luck with the petition!
Re: Getting a little political
Posts: 183
michele Posted Sun 15 Jun, 2008 7:46 PM Quote
As far as I know this is happening almost everywhere. here in Italy both gasoline and diesel are about 1.54€/liter, and this is why last year I pressed my father to buy a car working with natural gas. here our governement would like to overtax oil companies and distribute the incomings to the poor families. but i think it is could be a temporary solution because the main problem is that oil is running out and more we go on more it will be worst because the oil production has reached Hubbert's peak or is very near to do it. so i think that our governements should invest their money for supporting some reserch project for finding some different fuel and going beyond oil
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