
to Fran
Posts: 7
jmorgain Posted Sun 08 Jun, 2008 12:45 PM Quote
Hi Fran, one question. What about that black band around your shoe when you are on stage? Is this something to step the beat when you start a song (it sounds like if it's giving the beat at the beginning of this video or is it just a black tape to fix the shoe, haha (only kidding) or what's the use of it?

I was just wondering because I haven't seen it before on stage.

Re: to Fran
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Sun 08 Jun, 2008 6:09 PM Quote
I think it is so he can count himself in , without Neil being there.

Or else its so he knows left foot from right haha ( only kidding)
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