
New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Thu 29 May, 2008 7:28 PM Quote
I've just watched the new video from Sigur Ros and I am blushing very much indeed.

You're not allowed to watch it if you're under 18 cos it's too rude, but for everyone else, here it is!!
The song is called Gobbledigook and it's really good!!
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Thu 29 May, 2008 9:16 PM Quote
Man, they get more wonderful as time goes by.
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Thu 29 May, 2008 9:28 PM Quote
I thought it was fun and not rude at all. You see much worse things in soap operas. Is it the penis that's the rude part, all the other bodyparts can be seen almost anywhere?
I guess being a Finn with our sauna culture gives me a different kind of approach to nudity and those people on the video were just beautiful (unlike some you can see at our nearby swimming baths…). I liked the song, too.
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 1129
mozman68 Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 12:09 AM Quote
ewwww.....naked hippies jumping around.....too much penis....
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 12:30 AM Quote
Surely there should be nothing less rude than the human body. 'Tis the most real, pure thing we possess! I sound like a hippie? :s
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 3:26 AM Quote
never been able to get into sigur ros...i know everyone tells me how brilliant they are but i'm just not diggin' them.
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 4:09 AM Quote
mozman68 wrote:
.....too much penis....

Not enough. :D

I like Sigur Ros, but I'm not going to try and explain why. Some things should remain a mystery.
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 1129
mozman68 Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 6:04 AM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
never been able to get into sigur ros...i know everyone tells me how brilliant they are but i'm just not diggin' them.

Me neither...but then again, it might have something to do with all of the penis shown in the video....
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 7:47 AM Quote
mozman68 wrote:
ewwww.....naked hippies jumping around.....too much penis....

Give me naked hippies any day instead of those horrid sexist and/or violent R&B and rap videos on MTV. I'm sure they cause more damage to youngsters' brains than that Sigur Rós video would. Still, it's probably a good idea to give it a U18 rating, so that the kiddos don't get too embarrassed.
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 11:45 AM Quote
ermm can't see anything that would make me blush lol

looks like they had great fun

agree with you mili :)
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 12:54 PM Quote
er, maybe it's just us English, we can't cope with too much naked flesh!!
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 3:48 PM Quote
Maybe you're right Laura. When I watched the video I thought: what?? where's the "problem"? :p
A few years ago a Spanish singer made this video and nobody surprised.
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 4:26 PM Quote
i LOVE sigur Ros!!!!
even if they are a bit....strange..
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 4:26 PM Quote
i LOVE Sigur Ros!!!!
even if they are a bit....strange..
Re: New Sigur Ros video...not for U18s!!
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 6:07 PM Quote
Monica wrote:
Maybe you're right Laura. When I watched the video I thought: what?? where's the "problem"? :p
A few years ago a Spanish singer made this video and nobody surprised.

No wonder they beat him up. Don't understand the lyrics, though.
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