does anybody know an exact quote from Fran where he says his belief that there are somethings you can't "talk" out, that you must sing, because that's the only way you can express them fully, honestly, and that is acceptable?
Taken from Xfm 10th Anniversary podcast of The Man Who, ahem:
"I think you write songs because some things are impossible to say with words, and they're easy to sing. That's where songs come from. There's certain things you can say and there's certain things that you can't say. And when you can't say them, you can either paint them, sing them, do something you know, that expresses them. The things we out that album definitely was all these feelings. And when people sing them back, they're singing it back because it's a universal feeling, getting rejected. I think you can't have lived if you haven't been rejected. So I think that's what's quite appealing about it."