
The 'E' word
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 11:31 AM Quote
Yeah one of those things where you have to sit in a hall for three hours and write until your hand aches. I have one today at 2:00.

Anyone around who can distract me for an hour or two? Or better still, does anyone know the answers! :P
Re: The 'E' word
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 12:43 PM Quote


Ok ok, don't worry 'bout little ol' me. I cope. It's just an exam..... just an exam...


*Has panic attack*

*Collapses on floor*
Re: The 'E' word
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 12:56 PM Quote
What are you studying? I've got my maths GCSE in 6 days :-S Panicking!!!

Good luck!
Re: The 'E' word
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 12:57 PM Quote
Good luck! :)
Re: The 'E' word
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 1:00 PM Quote
best of luck!!! Urgh, I hate exams, esp when everyone else seems to ask for more paper except me!!
Re: The 'E' word
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 1:04 PM Quote
moo_the_evil_boffin wrote:
What are you studying? I've got my maths GCSE in 6 days :-S Panicking!!!

Good luck!

This one is a film studies exam. Yeah yeah I know, what can be difficult about studying film lol. But there's a lot of theories, and the history of film etc. Urgh.

Good luck with your Maths exam. Hmm they're never much fun. :s

BenFilbert wrote:
Good luck! :)

Cheers matey

moominbadger wrote:
best of luck!!! Urgh, I hate exams, esp when everyone else seems to ask for more paper except me!!

I'm rubbish at writing a lot. I'd like to think it's quality over quantity. ;) But probably not.
Re: The 'E' word
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 1:23 PM Quote
So, exactly how high up the career ladder will you get in McDonalds with your degree in media?
Re: The 'E' word
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 4:32 PM Quote
Good luck!
I've finished writing my paper today at 7am xD.
Re: The 'E' word
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 5:57 PM Quote
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) wrote:
So, exactly how high up the career ladder will you get in McDonalds with your degree in media?

Oh here we go :P

Well I major in a Media & Cultural Studies degree. It's very academic. We don't watch TV all day lol. It's got similar qualities to English or Sociology courses for instance. Apparently this makes my course creditable and the external course-rating people marked it highly. :P

But really the negative attitude towards media courses is, ironically, hyped by the media. It's 'cos they don't like thinking that what they're doing can be analysed. It makes them uncomfortable. So they dig at it whenever they can and make everyone else think it's a waste of space too.

To be honest though, my course might as well just be called Cultural Studies anyway, we hardly seem to study the media itself much of late. The 'Film Cultures' course I take (or I guess now, took :D) is just an extra module. It's just the way the uni works - you get to choose two modules from other courses that aren't what your majoring in.

Apparently some McDonalds manager positions can make quite a lot mind you, lol.
Re: The 'E' word
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 7:35 PM Quote
Good luck Luke et al, my exams start tomorrow so I'm feeling unusually sympathetic :)
Re: The 'E' word
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 7:54 PM Quote
the boy with a cryptic name wrote:
Good luck Luke et al, my exams start tomorrow so I'm feeling unusually sympathetic :)

Good luck buddy.

My next is on Thurday, but then I got about 2 weeks off before my third. :)
Re: The 'E' word
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 8:28 PM Quote
Likening it to sociology does not help your case. :P
Re: The 'E' word
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 9:23 PM Quote
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) wrote:
Likening it to sociology does not help your case. :P

Lol. Well I like sociology all the same.

So what subject would you do as a degree? Or do you have one already even?
Re: The 'E' word
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 10:12 PM Quote
A degree in Computer Science and an MBA.
Re: The 'E' word
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Tue 13 May, 2008 10:19 PM Quote
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) wrote:
A degree in Computer Science and an MBA.

Ooh awesome. I'd like to be good at computer stuff. My dream job would be a video games designer... :D
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