
Embarrasing night
Posts: 71
andyp Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:33 AM Quote
Right i was sitting in the pub with my mate this evening, and we've had a few [nice set up I recon]. Alls fine, seen some mates from school and what not we haven't seen in a while and all's good. So one of the barmen comes up to clear some of the glasses and we start having a wee chat with the guy. Good guy and everything, that is until I mention the bar girl who was also on... Apparently the landlord, Charlie, is her father, fair enough so out comes the well tried and tested 'ah so i'll be keeping my eyes up there then' joke, with all associated hand actions. Of course then he mentions [ill just point out at this time that the barman on tonight is about the same age as me and in about the same place in life] that she, Emily I think her name was, was his girlfriend too. Well you can imagine my reaction, 'eh..... *shocked/embarassed expression* right, definate eyes up there then'.

God that was embarrassing, sorry for the boring story and post, jst had to vent...

So how we all doing the night, anyone got an interesting story going?
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:36 AM Quote
Does that mean we have to find a new local?

Oh and for an interesting story guess who;s at the Garage 3rd night in a row....
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 1269
isma Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:37 AM Quote
Haha Sorry to hear that . Actually your story wasn't boring but very funny ! ;-)

Something interesting ?..Well i'm slightly drunk !
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 71
andyp Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:39 AM Quote
Andrew wrote:
Does that mean we have to find a new local?

Ill tell you whem im back down tomorrow night, if Charlie kills me then ye, if hot girls there and is still quite happy to chet to me then no :s
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 71
andyp Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:40 AM Quote
isma wrote:
Well i'm slightly drunk !

Meh, dont worry about it so am I :D
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 1269
isma Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:46 AM Quote
andyp wrote:
isma wrote:
Well i'm slightly drunk !

Meh, dont worry about it so am I :D

Haha awwww i'm not alone it's good to know ! :p

Me wasn't very reasonable tonight .
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 71
andyp Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:47 AM Quote
isma wrote:
Me wasn't very reasonable tonight .

No? What happened? Just one of those nights where its not happening?
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 71
andyp Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:56 AM Quote
Andrew wrote:
Oh and for an interesting story guess who;s at the Garage 3rd night in a row....

Calum? No i skoke to him on my way down the pub, got to be Karen ye?

and whats with not telling me Calum 'pulled' Lou?
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 1269
isma Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:56 AM Quote
Habitually i'm like 'Don't drink a lot tonight' but there i think i drank like a awful alcoholic..ewwww :p

My head is a big watermelon now ! Haha
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 1572
nats Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:56 AM Quote
isma wrote:
Haha Sorry to hear that . Actually your story wasn't boring but very funny ! ;-)

Something interesting ?..Well i'm slightly drunk !

hi there... its funny, but every time im here i find someone drunk. how are you isma?
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:58 AM Quote
andyp wrote:
Calum? No i skoke to him on my way down the pub, got to be Karen ye?

and whats with not telling me Calum 'pulled' Lou?

Nope he's gone to the Garage.

I think all would rather like to forget that episode. Bit like you and KW's dirty dancing ;)
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 1269
isma Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 1:59 AM Quote
nats wrote:
isma wrote:
Haha Sorry to hear that . Actually your story wasn't boring but very funny ! ;-)

Something interesting ?..Well i'm slightly drunk !

hi there... its funny, but every time im here i find someone drunk. how are you isma?


Fine expect i'm drunk . Thanks :p
You ?
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 1572
nats Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 2:02 AM Quote
im fine, and sober ;)
any news?
Hi andrew!
Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 2:02 AM Quote
I'm also fine and sober, which is a first I think when talking to you on here ;)

Re: Embarrasing night
Posts: 1572
nats Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 2:07 AM Quote
Andrew wrote:
I'm also fine and sober, which is a first I think when talking to you on here ;)

haha, its true.
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