
Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Posts: 17
Libby2 Posted Fri 11 Apr, 2008 8:42 PM Quote
Hey all!

Hope all's good with everyone? I've not been around here for yonks...And this is my first post in here! Cool.

I've just been catching up with the Blogs and it's got me SOOO excited about the new ALBUM! Blimey, it sounds like it's going to be flippin' ACE! Rocky and singy, just how I like my Travis boys! I absolutely adore Andy, and this album sounds like 'classic' Andy! My air-guitar is all nice 'n' shiny and ready for a right good spankin'! Wahey!

Any idea when the Album will be outed?

Hey Franny, I love that you're into Grizzly Bear..I love them..When I was going through all my sadness last you know..I tried to listen to music, but I couldn't..nothing could osmosise through the sad..and then finally 'Closer' permeated I told you..and your beautiful song, aswell as 'Yellow House' became my saviours..breathtakingly beautiful all just sort of audially hugged me through what I had to go through.

We had Tilly's first Anniversary Sunday March 23rd..Which happened to be Easter Sunday too this year..We all gathered at her graveside and sat telling our favourite stories about her..crying and laughing as we did so..We hung bright painted easter eggs in the beautiful cherry-blossom tree that gracefully drapes it's blossom filled bows over if it's holding and protecting her in it's leafy embrace..It was really cool because a few of her school friends appeared there too..unexpectedly but wholly welcomed..We had balloons and we'd all written little notes to Tilly and attached them and set them off on their way into the sky and far far away. Tilly would've loved it.

I hope all is wondrous for you Mister Healey and that all the other beautiful members of the Healey Clan are wonderful too.

Huge congrats to Dougie and Kelly too on the safe arrival of Freddie..fantastic name! My Dad's called Fred and he's ace!

Love+Peace as always,

Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Free Soul
Posts: 25
Free Soul Posted Sat 12 Apr, 2008 8:13 PM Quote
Hey Lianne

Sounds like you have had a truly awful year. I can't begin to imagine what you have gone through and are still going through. It sounds though, by the poignant Easter Sunday you spent, that Tilly was a blessing however short your time with her was. I can't reach through your sadness with music and apt words like our brilliant Travis but, I would just like to send you and yours a big hug and love from a fellow lurker.

Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Posts: 215
Fran Posted Sun 13 Apr, 2008 6:35 AM Quote
Hey Lianne, good to see you on the board. That sounds great for Tilly. She would totally love it.
As for us, It's all stations go. More blogs on their way...
For 'Free Soul'
Posts: 17
Libby2 Posted Sun 13 Apr, 2008 11:23 AM Quote

Thank you so, so much for your lovely words. Do I know you at all?

Tilly was a beautiful little girl..She was such a bright light in our family and there aren't words to say how much we're all missing her. It's been dreadfully hard. All we can do is to be thankful that we had her in our lives for 8 years..and in those 8 years Tilly has left us with so many beautiful, smiley, laughingly-cute and heart-all-aglow memories to keep forever.

I was very touched that you left that message. THANK YOU.


Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Free Soul
Posts: 25
Free Soul Posted Sun 13 Apr, 2008 8:06 PM Quote
Hi Lianne

No you don't know me. As well as being a Travis fan and fellow lurker I am mother to two daughters and you are living through what would be my worst nightmare I was compelled to reply by your incredibly moving post about Tillys 1st anniversary. It sounded so gut wrenchingly perfect and yet so heartbreakingly sad.
Tilly (such a beautiful name by the way) sounds like an absolute delight. It sounds like she has brought you so much love and joy which you will carry with you forever.

Keep on letting the music and anything else that helps you in to break through your sadness.

Keep on Keeping on

Love, hugs and best wishes to you an yours

Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Mon 14 Apr, 2008 1:08 AM Quote
Hi Lianne!

I have good memories with your name, i really like it.

Welcome to the board, here you have a lot of friends to talk about Travis. Fran replied your post, nice!

Have a nice week!
Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Posts: 17
Libby2 Posted Mon 14 Apr, 2008 8:18 AM Quote
Thank you all for your lovely replies It's really good to see the message board is still a really cool place, full of cool people :)

I'm an oldie..Wow, been coming around since the days of the old message board and the fantastic old chatroom..but I haven't posted in yonks.

Keep on keeping on..that's what you must do.

Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Mon 14 Apr, 2008 8:40 AM Quote
Awww Lianne I never knew about Tillie, I'm so sorry to hear. Good that you had a lovely anniversary.

How are you my friend ? It's soo long since we last were in touch.

luv & peace aa
Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Posts: 21
wee Posted Tue 15 Apr, 2008 3:05 PM Quote
Lianne!!!! Wow, it's so nice to see your name pop up on here - I don't post often but I do lurk around and of course my lifelong love affair with Travis just doesn't seem to go away, no matter how much time passes. I saw a couple of their shows on their last U.S. tour (see my avatar pic with Franny!!!)

Don't know the full details on what you've been going through this year but it definitely sounds like a rough time of it. I send you good vibes and wish that you come through it all with some new sense of hope and love.

Take Care.
Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Posts: 17
Libby2 Posted Tue 15 Apr, 2008 6:56 PM Quote
KELLY! Wow! it was so lovely to see your message! How are you darl? What's happening with you? I need an update doll!

It's been awful..but we're just taking every day as it comes..some are OK..some not so..But you have to keep on keeping on right!

You have made me smile the biggest smile!

Sending you lovely vibes too.

Love+Peace as always,

Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Posts: 2
cazmac Posted Tue 15 Apr, 2008 8:17 PM Quote
Hi Lianne

I'm new to the Travis boards. I felt I had to respond to your touching posts. Our family recently had the first anniversary of my nephew passing. Declan was 12 and had fought the bravest fight against brain cancer for just over 3 years. The best thing he taught us all was how to love. Seeing how he cherished every moment and was never scared to tell us all how much he loved us has left us all with the warmest glow. He never complained about the pain he was in. I could write pages about it to be honest.

But I wanted to say well done to you for finding solace. Losing a child is the hardest thing in the world. I'm a mum of 4 and count my blessings every day.

I'm sure Tilly is looking down and smiling on you all.

'Love and Peace or nothing at all'

Re: Yo Franny and my other Travis luvlies!
Posts: 17
Libby2 Posted Tue 15 Apr, 2008 8:52 PM Quote
Dearest Carol

My heart goes out to you and your family. Declan was an amazing boy and a credit to you all.

Tilly was my niece..we were incredibly close..She was like the little girl I never had. We shared a very special she did with everyone who knew Tilly..She always made you feel so special and loved..I have so many wee notes of love from her..and we never said goodbye without saying 'I love you more than all the stars'. I'm so glad of that.

Tilly also died from a Brain Tumor..Well, actually from complications of treatment that she recieved for it. It was an inoperable, terminal brain tumor..She had 6 months at best, but my sister an brother-i-law were given the option of treatment to hopefully give us a few more months with her..and there was the faintest, faintest glimmer that maybe, just maybe, the tumor may've infact just be benign and disappear with the treatment - The tumor was on her brain stem and the couln even biopsyi to check. So, she had the treatment, but unfortunately it killed her bone marrow..So she had no immune system. She fought a 3 month battle in hospital until she died in March. Tilly, like Declan, was so incredibly brave and stoic throughout. Three days before she died she sat up and demanded her Daddy take her into town to buy her new shoes..Unfortunately she was too weak to be able to go. And throughout her hospital stay she sat making all the nurses and girls on her ward, bead friendship bracelets. She was just such a giving and loving little girl.

I can't communicate how much we miss her. We can just cherish that we had Tilly and Declan in our lives for those precious years and remember them in our hearts and minds forever more.

Thank you so much for your lovely message.

Keep on keeping on.

Love+Peace always,

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