
Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 440
minnesotamary Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 6:29 PM Quote
Mine was quite productive. Found a daycare for my baby and purchased a leather sofa set. The interesting part was capturing over a minute worth of video of my baby doing somersaults in my looked very alien :) It was so cool though. Maybe I'll share but it might be too soon to exploit my kid like that. Some people might get grossed out by a 7 1/2 month pregnant belly too...hehe!!
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 6:59 PM Quote
I survived camping. It was generally OK. We went to Inks Lake only to find out that it was too crowded to camp. Didn't even occur to us to make a reservation. Thankfully there was another place about 20 minutes away so we went there.

We set up a spot that was right next to the lake so it had a nice view. Then we went canoing, hung around, had dinner, etc. All of that was fine.

The part that for me was a nightmare was trying to sleep in the tent. I had an air mattress but of course it started deflating and got progressively more uncomfortable. Then the kids were on the bed, off the bed, on me, rolling, kicking. etc. Also the wind was making the tent flap. And then the water was lapping against the shore. And I was cold.

Between all of this I think I woke up about every 17 minutes.

So that stunk but the kids had a great time so whatever. My son asked if we could go camping during his spring break next year. Barf. I could hang in a cabin for a week but I could not WILL NOT camp in a tent for a week.

Sunday on our way home we went to Longhorn Caverns. I really enjoyed it. You just strolled through the caves. It had some interesting history too- the CCC (a group formed during the Great Depression to give people jobs) cleared out a lot of the dirt and made paths and stairs so it could be a tourist spot. Before that it was a meeting place for Indians (there is a "Council Room" in there), gunpowder storage area during the Civil War, a hideout for a famous bank robber, a church, and a speakeasy.

The absolute best part was something my son said. Pretty much out of nowhere, which makes it even better. He said, "Momma, wouldn't it be funny if I peed all the way to the sun and made the sun burn out so it was all dark and everyone would be going, "where's the light? where's the light?"

Hubby and I could not look at each other and I just said, "that would be amazing and funny" and then walked away so I could crack up in private.

Edit: Oh yeah, Sunday night we saw "The Bank Job." It was good, not great but enjoyed watching it.
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:00 PM Quote
I never made a video of it, but I know exactly what you're talking about. It's weird and wonderful at the same time, especially when you can see a little foot sticking up.

We spent the weekend doing yard work and trying to get my daughter up and running on a two-wheeler. Didn't happen.
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:02 PM Quote
I went to see 'The Blue Planet Live' on saturday evening, was absolutely fantastic although I missed a fair amount of the footage because I was watching the Orchestra lol. I spent Sunday watching the Grand Prix and sleeping :-D
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:04 PM Quote
Anne, that is too funny! Peed all the way to the sun. Boys!

Man, those CCC guys were great! They must have worked like dogs to do all the stuff they did. My grandfather worked in a CCC camp. I have one of those really long panorama pictures of his group. Bunch of rough-looking farm boys, that's for sure. Looks like a picture you'd see on Ken Burns special.

We watched a movie called "Keeping Mum." It was kinda like a criminally insane Mary Poppins.
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:12 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
Anne, that is too funny! Peed all the way to the sun. Boys!

Man, those CCC guys were great! They must have worked like dogs to do all the stuff they did. My grandfather worked in a CCC camp. I have one of those really long panorama pictures of his group. Bunch of rough-looking farm boys, that's for sure. Looks like a picture you'd see on Ken Burns special.

We watched a movie called "Keeping Mum." It was kinda like a criminally insane Mary Poppins.

It was probably the most boy thing he's ever said. I WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD WITH MY PEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if I want to imagine what a criminally insane Mary Poppins would be like. Was it good?

Longhorn Caverns had a building with pictures and it had a few of the panoramic ones you said you have. They were neat (oh why not, neato) and yeah those guys definitely looked rough. But happy. There was even an African American team. That surprised me, in a good way.
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:29 PM Quote
"Keeping Mum" was quite fun. Maggie Smith played the sweet killer, Kristin Scott Thomas was the wife, Rowan Atkinson was her husband (but his part was relatively straight, rather than comedic). Oh, and Patrick Swayze is particularly ridiculous as a golf teacher who is trying to have an affair with KST and lure her away to Mexico.
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:34 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:

The absolute best part was something my son said. Pretty much out of nowhere, which makes it even better. He said, "Momma, wouldn't it be funny if I peed all the way to the sun and made the sun burn out so it was all dark and everyone would be going, "where's the light? where's the light?"

LOL, Aidan is awesome!
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:42 PM Quote
The most interesting thing that happened over the weekend?? Ooh, I went to a Thali restaurant on Saturday night and on Sunday I made a flying pig! About as exciting as my life gets! :/
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:48 PM Quote
But this is a really pretty flying pig!
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:50 PM Quote
thanks megg! Oh I'm just grumpy tonight. :(
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 8:07 PM Quote
It is a cute piggy. I am very impressed with your skillz. I love that you make such quirky things like flying pigs.
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 8:09 PM Quote
My weekend was way too interesting for my taste! First I got in a screaming match with my sister's roommate in the middle of a bar for him screaming that she was a f***ing whore. Normally I'm super level headed when being "sober Carla", but I had had enough.
Then Saturday morning while shopping at Sam's my son decides to throw a tantrum. I took him out of the cart, tried to "reason" with him without luck, so I LIGHTLY popped his butt. Some random dude took issue with that and decided to tell me I was wrong, WTF?! I was livid, what's right for me may not be right for you, DOUCHE! I was very good though and the worst thing I said to him was "who the hell do you think you are?". We did argue for a good 2ish minutes though.
Then Saturday night while hangin by the pool with some friends, a dog jumped on my son and pushed him in the pool. Luckily he landed on the first step on his feet, but he and I were both scared to death.
So, on a normal weekend nothing happens, this one was enough to last for the next 20 weekends!!!
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 8:37 PM Quote
Carla you are most definitely now a She-Devil.

That is a nutty weekend.

Later I'll have to share about me screaming at someone (a customer) at the bank. I was embarrassed about but one of the employees (I'm there all the time for work) later told me he was very impressed and proud because this guy is the biggest toolbag in Texas.
Re: Anything interesting happen over the weekend?
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 8:44 PM Quote
You will have to tell me in full later :) The Sam's incident was the 2nd time a stranger has told me I'm doing wrong with my child. 1st time was at Applebee's last year. Some woman decided to tell me my 2 yr old was very distracting. He really was quite good compared to others his age. I flew out of my seat and followed the woman outside and ripped her a new one. That time I was unable to keep my cool, I'd been moving all day, and cursed her out. So for all those out there that think they will get away with chastising me about my kid, watch out! ;)
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