
"Confessions of a New Travis Fan"
Posts: 42
lost-angel Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 9:43 AM Quote
I remember when I was watching my favorite American talk show (at the comfort of my home) when I first came across with the band. The band’s name seemed familiar but as far as familiarity is concern, that as far as I can go. They sang “Selfish Jean” that day and I was blown away by their performance. I was hooked instantly and I even purchased my very first Travis CD (The Boy with No Name) the day after. As I explore their past materials, pre-The boy with no name era, my involvement grows bigger and bigger.

I came across with “Travis' Classics” when I saw their DVD at the palace (and that was the time I really felt committed to the band). My best-loved Travis song is “Driftwood”. Although “Closer” is my darling at the moment.

Fran is very talented musician and a genius songwriter; his entertaining energy in every performance is amazing. Though, I personally think that the band is at the top of their game when they perform their signature-emotional songs.

From what I gathered, the days of “The Man Who” was the height of their career. (So much tribute on that celebrated time). I regret I wasn’t there. (Better to be late than never right?). Don’t get me wrong, “The invisible band” is actually my dearest. And I have a good feeling that the band’s crowning moment is still yet to come… base on the ever expanding fan base. (Yes, that’s me… hehe).

I promise myself I will see the band live one day. It’s impossible at the moment because of my situation. And I look forward to that day for I know it would be more than concert for me.

I check on the messageboard regularly now. I think it’s wonderful that Fran is so involve with the fans. If in any way this ends up to him, I wish to say continue delivering us brilliant music and I can’t wait to get my hands on the new album…


Lost angel
Posts: 110
Elein Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 10:24 AM Quote
what a lovely post:) I'm so happy that new fans still discover the treasure of Travis-magic
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 11:23 AM Quote
Hi there, welcome to the board!

Thanks for posting, it's so nice to hear about new fans because your enthusiasm is very infectious :) I'm really glad that you investigated further, as so many people don't bother, which is why Travis aren't hugely popular at the moment. Keep exploring the past releases and for all the Travis songs ever, check out if you haven't already.

The Man Who was the height of popularity, but their songwriting, as you've found, is still as strong as ever :) If you do get a chance to see them live sometime, go for it! They're just amazing! Are you in the UK? If so, they'll probably be touring this autumn.

What's great is that you've done almost exactly the same as me with discovering them, and it reminds me of how awesome the albums sounded on first listen. My Eyes the first time through is magical :D
Posts: 144
Alisha Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 12:38 PM Quote
I wish you had written all of this a month ago or so, you'd have saved me the hard time I always have in finding words, as i could quote every single word you just said.

and on the other side... i'm not the only newbie around now, weeeeee :)
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 1:55 PM Quote
I think it's fantastic that they are still getting new fans. Glad that you found them and I do believe that their next album is going to be incredible so you have new things to look forward to.

I hope that you get to see them in concert when they tour. Where are you from?
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 2:07 PM Quote
It's great! I've been a fan since The Man Who days but the first album I got was The Invisible Band. Must be wonderful to have so many songs to discover. And its not long before the new album comes which is going to be brilliant. It will definitely find the band some new fans and hopefully some of the old fans will love Travis again. If its done right, it could be a successful album. Their most successful in 7 years.
Posts: 193
yuzuki Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 4:50 PM Quote
Welcome to the Travis world!! Is beautiful and addictive.
Posts: 79
neverAcquiesce Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 4:58 PM Quote
lost-angel wrote:
From what I gather, the days of “The Man Who” was the height of their career. (So much tribute on that celebrated time). I regret I wasn’t there. (Better to be late than never right?). Don’t get me wrong, “The invisible band” is actually my dearest. And I have a good feeling that the band’s crowning moment is still yet to come… base on the ever expanding fan base. (Yes, that’s me… hehe).

That's ironic, cos I'm going on one year of loving this band and TIB stands as my favorite too. I'd be interested to poll other newcomers to the group like us and see if it's the album that stands up the best over time, and/or is the best representation of what the band can do.
Posts: 25
Kirsten Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 5:00 PM Quote
Nice post lost angel.
You should really try to see them play live. When I discovered their music I thought they were great on record but they blew me away when I first saw them perform live.
Re: Re:
Posts: 539
minsidesoutside_lds Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 5:10 PM Quote
Elein wrote:
what a lovely post:) I'm so happy that new fans still discover the treasure of Travis-magic

yes!! Agree.
Lovely post :)
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 5:13 PM Quote
awwww this is lovely!! see with me..they were always a good band..but when i took the time to look into them..and listen to more of their music they became an AMAZING band..i hope they are still around for many years to you get to see them live along with all us lot (even though i've only seen them once) well maybe you might even get to speak to mr fran himself..he's been hanging around the board for a bit and answering questions..(like my one..eeeeee :D)..ahem well..

happy travissing :)
Re: Re:
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 5:24 PM Quote
neverAcquiesce wrote:

That's ironic, cos I'm going on one year of loving this band and TIB stands as my favorite too. I'd be interested to poll other newcomers to the group like us and see if it's the album that stands up the best over time, and/or is the best representation of what the band can do.

I don't have a set favourite, because my preferences change too much, but normally I prefer TMW to TIB. Actually at the moment the opposite is true, but that just shows how indecisive I am :)
Posts: 350
cornax Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 5:29 PM Quote
It's a great time to become a fan because they are still making great music, they are still performing, and you have lots of back catalog to enjoy while you wait for their next album!

On a somewhat related note, a must read book is 'The Wrong Boy' by Willy Russell. The main character is a boy who loves The Smiths but only discovers them after they've broken up...
Posts: 229
GMS1968 Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 6:00 PM Quote
What a beautiful post lost angel.
Having just discovered Travis, you have so much wonderful music to listen to for many years ahead.
The great thing about Travis songs for me , is that the more times you hear them, the better they get, as time goes by.
Posts: 712
FranFlower Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 10:07 PM Quote
I second what Elin said, a lovely post to start off with :-)
Welcome in!
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