
Ouch. *sigh*
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 9:13 AM Quote
I am pretty damn sure I have an ear infection. It hurts like fuck. But I can't ring the docs to make an appointment coz I've lost my voice as well!!

Although I am in a lot of aural pain, I find this situation quite amusing! HAhaha and since writing that sentence I coughed a big cough and now have COMPLETELY lost my voice.

Yeah. I have nothing better to do this morning than to write this up here.
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 9:16 AM Quote
a tip to lessen the earache: take little spoon with olive oil and heat it a little bit. drop it in our ear and put a bit of cotton in our ear. It'll lessen the pressure on you eardrum which is causing the pain.
hope it helps.
Wish you loads of good cartoons and daytime tv:)

Btw Loads of alcohol help too, but that's probably not the most healthy way to get better:)
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 9:21 AM Quote
Oh my god, hot oil in my ear?! Hahaha I would try that if I had parental guidance, but knowing me it'd go all over my face and I'd burn myself. But thankyou anyway! :)

And daytime tv?! I have no time for it, I gotta get myself to college :( Booooo.
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 9:23 AM Quote
This might come as a shock, but the oil doesn't need to be hot, but luke warm:) ok i'll blame it on the ear-ache, lol
Well anyhow, take it easy and good luck dragging yourself of to college oouch!
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Posts: 906
spid Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 10:49 AM Quote
Go to the doctors grinner - if it is infected and you leave it - your eardrum could perforate (very messy - yellow gunk and lots of blood) and will leave you deaf in that ear. nOt fun.

Do as Aunty Spid tells you and get gone!
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Posts: 303
Delia24Oct07 Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 11:54 AM Quote
Ouch, that seems really to be very painful!!!
Hope it'll be bette soon, if not, I'd go to the doctor and write your problem on a piece of paper to tell him what's wrong if you lost your voice!
Or you can write him an E-Mail (no, probably just write it on a piece of paper, most of the doctors don't know how to handle a computer! ) ;)

Good luck anyway!
Posts: 568
Aída Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 12:11 PM Quote
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Posts: 236
wendongotta Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 12:48 PM Quote
geesh you are just having a bad luck spell now aren't ya! hope you get better soon!!!
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 1:36 PM Quote
spid wrote:
Go to the doctors grinner - if it is infected and you leave it - your eardrum could perforate (very messy - yellow gunk and lots of blood) and will leave you deaf in that ear. nOt fun.

Do as Aunty Spid tells you and get gone!

They rang me, said they don't prescribe meds for it, just to take painkillers and it should clear up itself... I don't want no burst eardrum! :( I am supposed to be seeing REM next week! :'(
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Posts: 906
spid Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:05 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:
spid wrote:
Go to the doctors grinner - if it is infected and you leave it - your eardrum could perforate (very messy - yellow gunk and lots of blood) and will leave you deaf in that ear. nOt fun.

Do as Aunty Spid tells you and get gone!

They rang me, said they don't prescribe meds for it, just to take painkillers and it should clear up itself... I don't want no burst eardrum! :( I am supposed to be seeing REM next week! :'(

Hmmm, that's not my idea of a good doctors! They could have at least looked at it. How do they know how bad it is? My mum had a burst eardrum and was almost totally deaf in that ear, and an ex boyfriend had one as well (what a mess that was) and his hearing suffered too. Another friends little girl had earache and had to wait 4 days to get an appointment at the local docs, on the 3rd day the eardrum burst and she had to go to hospital! That wouldn't have happened if she'd had anti-biotics to begin with.

If it gets any worse insist on being seen, they might not give you anything but at least they will have looked! I do understand they don't want to give out anti-biotics willy-nilly but sometimes they are needed. Alternatively if you are bored go and spend a few hours in A&E. Chin up, pills in!
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:13 PM Quote
Yeah coz I think it's a viral thingy, and I have no ear leakage, so there isn't any need for anti-biotics coz it won't work against the virus. I been doing some internet investigating.
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:16 PM Quote
I had a middle ear infection hurt like HELL..but like i couldn't see what was happening cos it was my middle ear lol...the doctor gave me antibiotics and ibuprofen i think..but i'd inore them and go anyway..cos they prescribed me stuff when i had one..or atleast go to a walk in centre..if you have one where you live..but it does take aggees if there are many people in there..
hope you get better
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:19 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:
Yeah coz I think it's a viral thingy, and I have no ear leakage, so there isn't any need for anti-biotics coz it won't work against the virus. I been doing some internet investigating.

Ah the ever popular Intraweb diagnosis! So trustworthy.

Make them see you if you start feeling worse. They need to look into your ears to determine what is going on.
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:23 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
Lemon Grinner wrote:
Yeah coz I think it's a viral thingy, and I have no ear leakage, so there isn't any need for anti-biotics coz it won't work against the virus. I been doing some internet investigating.

Ah the ever popular Intraweb diagnosis! So trustworthy.

Make them see you if you start feeling worse. They need to look into your ears to determine what is going on.

Boooooooooooooooooo at my doccy's fobbing me off like that. I'm keeping an eye on me other ear which is startin to feel the tiniest bit iffy after my nap... hmmm.
Re: Ouch. *sigh*
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:26 PM Quote
By the way, my son has had TONS of ear infections and never had any drainage.

He had 7 in 6 months when he was 2. We got tubes put in his ears and he didn't have any. Then they fell out (when he was 4)and he immediately got 2 severe ones back to back. So another longer lasting set. The hope is when they fall out (next year) this won't be an issue anymore.

But all his infections were affecting his speech so ear infections can be a big deal.

I think your Dr.'s office is too busy celebrating St. Paddy's Day to bother with you.
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