
2x Tickets for 10th June - Bedgebury Pinetum
Posts: 48
everyday_face Posted Sat 02 Jun, 2007 9:43 PM Quote
Howdy all,

I may *POSSIBLY* have TWO tickets available for the Travis forest show at Bedgebury Pinetum on Sunday 10th June.

It's about 1hr 1/2 outside of London.

There's been a bit of a hitch as to whether I can go - I'll know for sure in the next 24hrs. I'd rather sell them here than through eBay, so thought I'd let folk know in advance. The tikets were originally £24.50 each. I'm not looking to profiteer and I'm open to offers (sensible :D). If you're interested message me here or shoot me a line at

Oh, and because of the time involved, I'll only accept Paypal, but will send 'next day delivery'.

Cheers y'all
Re: 2x Tickets for 10th June - Bedgebury Pinetum
Posts: 91
PipeDreams Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 2:55 PM Quote
ma and my bro really want to go but i dont know how to get there.
Re: 2x Tickets for 10th June - Bedgebury Pinetum
Posts: 48
everyday_face Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 4:49 PM Quote
Ok, these are now officially available and I am looking for a sale.

When you say you don't know how to get there, what do you mean exactly? You don't know how to get there transport-wise, or direction-wise? To be honest, from what I know (and as it is on a Sunday), I think unless you have a car, it may be a no-go. But let me know, as if you can get there, they can be yours!


PS: I may have to put them on eBay or sell to someone else though. First come first served, sorry, but time is of the essence.
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